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Deprecated custombot submodule

Davte před 4 roky

+ 2 - 7

@@ -5,21 +5,16 @@ See `bot.py` for information about Bot class.
     from davtelepot.bot import Bot
-Legacy `custombot.py` is kept for backward compatibility but will finally
-    be deprecated.
 __author__ = "Davide Testa"
 __email__ = "davide@davte.it"
 __credits__ = ["Marco Origlia", "Nick Lee @Nickoala"]
 __license__ = "GNU General Public License v3.0"
-__version__ = "2.5.1"
+__version__ = "2.5.2"
 __maintainer__ = "Davide Testa"
 __contact__ = "t.me/davte"
-# Legacy module; please use `from davtelepot.bot import Bot` from now on
-from .custombot import Bot
 from . import administration_tools, authorization, bot, helper, languages, suggestions, utilities
-__all__ = [administration_tools, authorization, Bot, bot, helper, languages, suggestions, utilities]
+__all__ = [administration_tools, authorization, bot, helper, languages, suggestions, utilities]

+ 1 - 1

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import logging
 from sqlalchemy.exc import ResourceClosedError
 # Project modules
-from . import bot as davtelepot_bot, messages, __version__
+from . import bot as davtelepot_bot, messages
 from .utilities import (
     async_wrapper, CachedPage, Confirmator, extract, get_cleaned_text,
     get_user, escape_html_chars, line_drawing_unordered_list, make_button,

+ 0 - 743

@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-"""WARNING: this is only a legacy module, written for backward compatibility.
-For newer versions use `bot.py`.
-This module used to rely on third party `telepot` library by Nick Lee
-    (@Nickoala).
-The `telepot` repository was archived in may 2019 and will no longer be listed
-    in requirements. To run legacy code, install telepot manually.
-    `pip install telepot`
-Subclass of third party telepot.aio.Bot, providing the following features.
-- It prevents hitting Telegram flood limits by waiting
-    between text and photo messages.
-- It provides command, parser, button and other decorators to associate
-    common Telegram actions with custom handlers.
-- It supports multiple bots running in the same script
-    and allows communications between them
-    as well as complete independency from each other.
-- Each bot is associated with a sqlite database
-    using dataset, a third party library.
-Please note that you need Python3.5+ to run async code
-Check requirements.txt for third party dependencies.
-# Standard library modules
-import asyncio
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import datetime
-import inspect
-import logging
-import os
-# Third party modules
-import davtelepot.bot
-# Project modules
-from .utilities import (
-    get_secure_key, extract, sleep_until
-class Bot(davtelepot.bot.Bot):
-    """Legacy adapter for backward compatibility.
-    Old description:
-    telepot.aio.Bot (async Telegram bot framework) convenient subclass.
-    === General functioning ===
-    - While Bot.run() coroutine is executed, HTTP get requests are made
-        to Telegram servers asking for new messages for each Bot instance.
-    - Each message causes the proper Bot instance method coroutine
-        to be awaited, according to its flavour (see routing_table)
-        -- For example, chat messages cause `Bot().on_chat_message(message)`
-            to be awaited.
-    - This even-processing coroutine ensures the proper handling function
-        a future and returns.
-        -- That means that simpler tasks are completed before slower ones,
-            since handling functions are not awaited but scheduled
-            by `asyncio.ensure_future(handling_function(...))`
-        -- For example, chat text messages are handled by
-            `handle_text_message`, which looks for the proper function
-            to elaborate the request (in bot's commands and parsers)
-    - The handling function evaluates an answer, depending on the message
-        content, and eventually provides a reply
-        -- For example, `handle_text_message` sends its
-            answer via `send_message`
-    - All Bot.instances run simultaneously and faster requests
-        are completed earlier.
-    - All uncaught events are ignored.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, token, db_name=None, **kwargs):
-        """Instantiate Bot instance, given a token and a db name."""
-        davtelepot.bot.Bot.__init__(
-            self,
-            token=token,
-            database_url=db_name,
-            **kwargs
-        )
-        self.message_handlers['pinned_message'] = self.handle_pinned_message
-        self.message_handlers['photo'] = self.handle_photo_message
-        self.message_handlers['location'] = self.handle_location
-        self.custom_photo_parsers = dict()
-        self.custom_location_parsers = dict()
-        self.to_be_obscured = []
-        self.to_be_destroyed = []
-        self.chat_actions = dict(
-            pinned=OrderedDict()
-        )
-    @property
-    def unauthorized_message(self):
-        """Return this if user is unauthorized to make a request.
-        This property is deprecated: use `authorization_denied_message`
-            instead.
-        """
-        return self.authorization_denied_message
-    @property
-    def maintenance(self):
-        """Check whether bot is under maintenance.
-        This property is deprecated: use `under_maintenance` instead.
-        """
-        return self.under_maintenance
-    @classmethod
-    def set_class_unauthorized_message(csl, unauthorized_message):
-        """Set class unauthorized message.
-        This method is deprecated: use `set_class_authorization_denied_message`
-            instead.
-        """
-        return csl.set_class_authorization_denied_message(unauthorized_message)
-    def set_unauthorized_message(self, unauthorized_message):
-        """Set instance unauthorized message.
-        This method is deprecated: use `set_authorization_denied_message`
-            instead.
-        """
-        return self.set_authorization_denied_message(unauthorized_message)
-    def set_authorization_function(self, authorization_function):
-        """Set a custom authorization_function.
-        It should evaluate True if user is authorized to perform a specific
-            action and False otherwise.
-        It should take update and role and return a Boolean.
-        Default authorization_function always evaluates True.
-        """
-        def _authorization_function(update, authorization_level,
-                                    user_record=None):
-            privileges = authorization_level  # noqa: W0612, this variable
-            #                                   is used by locals()
-            return authorization_function(
-                **{
-                    name: argument
-                    for name, argument in locals().items()
-                    if name in inspect.signature(
-                        authorization_function
-                    ).parameters
-                }
-            )
-        self.authorization_function = _authorization_function
-    def set_maintenance(self, maintenance_message):
-        """Put the bot under maintenance or end it.
-        This method is deprecated: use `change_maintenance_status` instead.
-        """
-        bot_in_maintenance = self.change_maintenance_status(
-            maintenance_message=maintenance_message
-        )
-        if bot_in_maintenance:
-            return (
-                "<i>Bot has just been put under maintenance!</i>\n\n"
-                "Until further notice, it will reply to users "
-                "with the following message:\n\n{}"
-            ).format(
-                self.maintenance_message
-            )
-        return "<i>Maintenance ended!</i>"
-    def set_get_chat_id_function(self, get_chat_id_function):
-        """Set a custom get_chat_id function.
-        This method is deprecated: use `set_chat_id_getter` instead.
-        """
-        return self.set_chat_id_getter(get_chat_id_function)
-    async def on_chat_message(self, update, user_record=None):
-        """Handle text message.
-        This method is deprecated: use `text_message_handler` instead.
-        """
-        return await self.text_message_handler(
-            update=update,
-            user_record=user_record
-        )
-    def set_inline_result_handler(self, user_id, result_id, func):
-        """Associate a `func` with a `result_id` for `user_id`.
-        This method is deprecated: use `set_chosen_inline_result_handler`
-            instead.
-        """
-        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
-            async def _func(update):
-                return func(update)
-        else:
-            _func = func
-        return self.set_chosen_inline_result_handler(
-            user_id=user_id,
-            result_id=result_id,
-            handler=_func
-        )
-    async def handle_pinned_message(self, update, user_record=None):
-        """Handle pinned message chat action."""
-        if self.maintenance:
-            return
-        answerer = None
-        for criteria, handler in self.chat_actions['pinned'].items():
-            if criteria(update):
-                answerer = handler['function']
-                break
-        if answerer is None:
-            return
-        elif asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(answerer):
-            answer = await answerer(update)
-        else:
-            answer = answerer(update)
-        if answer:
-            try:
-                return await self.send_message(
-                    answer=answer,
-                    chat_id=update['chat']['id']
-                )
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.error(
-                    "Failed to process answer:\n{}".format(
-                        e
-                    ),
-                    exc_info=True
-                )
-        return
-    async def handle_photo_message(self, update, user_record=None):
-        """Handle photo chat message."""
-        user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None
-        answerer, answer = None, None
-        if self.maintenance:
-            if update['chat']['id'] > 0:
-                answer = self.maintenance_message
-        elif user_id in self.custom_photo_parsers:
-            answerer = self.custom_photo_parsers[user_id]
-            del self.custom_photo_parsers[user_id]
-        if answerer:
-            if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(answerer):
-                answer = await answerer(update)
-            else:
-                answer = answerer(update)
-        if answer:
-            try:
-                return await self.send_message(answer=answer, chat_id=update)
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.error(
-                    "Failed to process answer:\n{}".format(
-                        e
-                    ),
-                    exc_info=True
-                )
-        return
-    async def handle_location(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Handle location sent by user.
-        This method is deprecated: use `location_message_handler` instead.
-        """
-        return await super().location_message_handler(*args, **kwargs)
-    def set_custom_parser(self, parser, update=None, user=None):
-        """Set a custom parser for the user.
-        This method is deprecated: use `set_individual_text_message_handler`
-            instead.
-        """
-        return self.set_individual_text_message_handler(
-            handler=parser,
-            update=update,
-            user_id=user
-        )
-    def set_custom_photo_parser(self, parser, update=None, user=None):
-        """Set a custom photo parser for the user.
-        Any photo chat update coming from the user will be handled by
-        this custom parser instead of default parsers.
-        Custom photo parsers last one single use, but their handler can
-        call this function to provide multiple tries.
-        """
-        if user and type(user) is int:
-            pass
-        elif type(update) is int:
-            user = update
-        elif type(user) is dict:
-            user = (
-                user['from']['id']
-                if 'from' in user
-                and 'id' in user['from']
-                else None
-            )
-        elif not user and type(update) is dict:
-            user = (
-                update['from']['id']
-                if 'from' in update
-                and 'id' in update['from']
-                else None
-            )
-        else:
-            raise TypeError(
-                'Invalid user.\nuser: {}\nupdate: {}'.format(
-                    user,
-                    update
-                )
-            )
-        if not type(user) is int:
-            raise TypeError(
-                'User {} is not an int id'.format(
-                    user
-                )
-            )
-        if not callable(parser):
-            raise TypeError(
-                'Parser {} is not a callable'.format(
-                    parser.__name__
-                )
-            )
-        self.custom_photo_parsers[user] = parser
-        return
-    def set_custom_location_parser(self, parser, update=None, user=None):
-        """Set a custom location parser for the user.
-        Any location chat update coming from the user will be handled by
-        this custom parser instead of default parsers.
-        Custom location parsers last one single use, but their handler can
-        call this function to provide multiple tries.
-        """
-        if user and type(user) is int:
-            pass
-        elif type(update) is int:
-            user = update
-        elif type(user) is dict:
-            user = (
-                user['from']['id']
-                if 'from' in user
-                and 'id' in user['from']
-                else None
-            )
-        elif not user and type(update) is dict:
-            user = (
-                update['from']['id']
-                if 'from' in update
-                and 'id' in update['from']
-                else None
-            )
-        else:
-            raise TypeError(
-                'Invalid user.\nuser: {}\nupdate: {}'.format(
-                    user,
-                    update
-                )
-            )
-        if not type(user) is int:
-            raise TypeError(
-                'User {} is not an int id'.format(
-                    user
-                )
-            )
-        if not callable(parser):
-            raise TypeError(
-                'Parser {} is not a callable'.format(
-                    parser.__name__
-                )
-            )
-        self.custom_location_parsers[user] = parser
-        return
-    def command(self, command, aliases=None, show_in_keyboard=False,
-                reply_keyboard_button=None, descr="", auth='admin',
-                description=None,
-                help_section=None,
-                authorization_level=None):
-        """Define a bot command.
-        `descr` and `auth` parameters are deprecated: use `description` and
-            `authorization_level` instead.
-        """
-        authorization_level = authorization_level or auth
-        description = description or descr
-        return super().command(
-            command=command,
-            aliases=aliases,
-            reply_keyboard_button=reply_keyboard_button,
-            show_in_keyboard=show_in_keyboard,
-            description=description,
-            help_section=help_section,
-            authorization_level=authorization_level
-        )
-    def parser(self, condition, descr='', auth='admin', argument='text',
-               description=None,
-               authorization_level=None):
-        """Define a message parser.
-        `descr` and `auth` parameters are deprecated: use `description` and
-            `authorization_level` instead.
-        """
-        authorization_level = authorization_level or auth
-        description = description or descr
-        return super().parser(
-            condition=condition,
-            description=description,
-            authorization_level=authorization_level,
-            argument=argument
-        )
-    def pinned(self, condition, descr='', auth='admin'):
-        """Handle pinned messages.
-        Decorator: `@bot.pinned(condition)`
-        If condition evaluates True when run on a pinned_message update,
-            such decorated function gets called on update.
-        Conditions are evaluated in order; when one is True,
-            others will be skipped.
-        `descr` is a description
-        `auth` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command
-        """
-        if not callable(condition):
-            raise TypeError(
-                'Condition {c} is not a callable'.format(
-                    c=condition.__name__
-                )
-            )
-        def decorator(func):
-            if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
-                async def decorated(message):
-                    logging.info(
-                        "PINNED MESSAGE MATCHING({c}) @{n} FROM({f})".format(
-                            c=condition.__name__,
-                            n=self.name,
-                            f=(
-                                message['from']
-                                if 'from' in message
-                                else message['chat']
-                            )
-                        )
-                    )
-                    if self.authorization_function(message, auth):
-                        return await func(message)
-                    return
-            else:
-                def decorated(message):
-                    logging.info(
-                        "PINNED MESSAGE MATCHING({c}) @{n} FROM({f})".format(
-                            c=condition.__name__,
-                            n=self.name,
-                            f=(
-                                message['from']
-                                if 'from' in message
-                                else message['chat']
-                            )
-                        )
-                    )
-                    if self.authorization_function(message, auth):
-                        return func(message)
-                    return
-            self.chat_actions['pinned'][condition] = dict(
-                function=decorated,
-                descr=descr,
-                auth=auth
-            )
-        return decorator
-    def button(self, data=None, descr='', auth='admin',
-               authorization_level=None, prefix=None, description=None,
-               separator=None):
-        """Define a bot button.
-        `descr` and `auth` parameters are deprecated: use `description` and
-            `authorization_level` instead.
-        `data` parameter renamed `prefix`.
-        """
-        authorization_level = authorization_level or auth
-        description = description or descr
-        prefix = prefix or data
-        return super().button(
-            prefix=prefix,
-            separator=separator,
-            description=description,
-            authorization_level=authorization_level,
-        )
-    def query(self, condition, descr='', auth='admin', description=None,
-              authorization_level=None):
-        """Define an inline query.
-        `descr` and `auth` parameters are deprecated: use `description` and
-            `authorization_level` instead.
-        """
-        authorization_level = authorization_level or auth
-        description = description or descr
-        return super().query(
-            condition=condition,
-            description=description,
-            authorization_level=authorization_level,
-        )
-    async def edit_message(self, update, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Edit given update with given *args and **kwargs.
-        This method is deprecated: use `edit_message_text` instead.
-        """
-        return await self.edit_message_text(
-            *args,
-            update=update,
-            **kwargs
-        )
-    async def send_message(self, answer=dict(), chat_id=None, text='',
-                           parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=None,
-                           disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None,
-                           reply_markup=None, update=dict(),
-                           reply_to_update=False, send_default_keyboard=True):
-        """Send a message.
-        This method is deprecated: use `super().send_message` instead.
-        """
-        if update is None:
-            update = dict()
-        parameters = dict()
-        for parameter, value in locals().items():
-            if parameter in ['self', 'answer', 'parameters', '__class__']:
-                continue
-            if parameter in answer:
-                parameters[parameter] = answer[parameter]
-            else:
-                parameters[parameter] = value
-        if type(parameters['chat_id']) is dict:
-            parameters['update'] = parameters['chat_id']
-            del parameters['chat_id']
-        return await super().send_message(**parameters)
-    async def send_photo(self, chat_id=None, answer=dict(),
-                         photo=None, caption='', parse_mode='HTML',
-                         disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None,
-                         reply_markup=None, use_stored=True,
-                         second_chance=False, use_stored_file_id=None,
-                         update=dict(), reply_to_update=False,
-                         send_default_keyboard=True):
-        """Send a photo.
-        This method is deprecated: use `super().send_photo` instead.
-        """
-        if update is None:
-            update = dict()
-        if use_stored is not None:
-            use_stored_file_id = use_stored
-        parameters = dict()
-        for parameter, value in locals().items():
-            if parameter in ['self', 'answer', 'parameters', '__class__',
-                             'second_chance', 'use_stored']:
-                continue
-            if parameter in answer:
-                parameters[parameter] = answer[parameter]
-            else:
-                parameters[parameter] = value
-        if type(parameters['chat_id']) is dict:
-            parameters['update'] = parameters['chat_id']
-            del parameters['chat_id']
-        return await super().send_photo(**parameters)
-    async def send_and_destroy(self, chat_id, answer,
-                               timer=60, mode='text', **kwargs):
-        """Send a message or photo and delete it after `timer` seconds."""
-        if mode == 'text':
-            sent_message = await self.send_message(
-                chat_id=chat_id,
-                answer=answer,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-        elif mode == 'pic':
-            sent_message = await self.send_photo(
-                chat_id=chat_id,
-                answer=answer,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-        if sent_message is None:
-            return
-        self.to_be_destroyed.append(sent_message)
-        await asyncio.sleep(timer)
-        if await self.delete_message(sent_message):
-            self.to_be_destroyed.remove(sent_message)
-        return
-    async def wait_and_obscure(self, update, when, inline_message_id):
-        """Obscure messages which can't be deleted.
-        Obscure an inline_message `timer` seconds after sending it,
-        by editing its text or caption.
-        At the moment Telegram won't let bots delete sent inline query results.
-        """
-        if type(when) is int:
-            when = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=when)
-        assert type(when) is datetime.datetime, (
-            "when must be a datetime instance or a number of seconds (int) "
-            "to be awaited"
-        )
-        if 'inline_message_id' not in update:
-            logging.info(
-                "This inline query result owns no inline_keyboard, so it "
-                "can't be modified"
-            )
-            return
-        inline_message_id = update['inline_message_id']
-        self.to_be_obscured.append(inline_message_id)
-        await sleep_until(when)
-        try:
-            await self.editMessageCaption(
-                inline_message_id=inline_message_id,
-                text="Time over"
-            )
-        except Exception:
-            try:
-                await self.editMessageText(
-                    inline_message_id=inline_message_id,
-                    text="Time over"
-                )
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.error(
-                    "Couldn't obscure message\n{}\n\n{}".format(
-                        inline_message_id,
-                        e
-                    )
-                )
-        self.to_be_obscured.remove(inline_message_id)
-        return
-    async def save_picture(self, update, file_name=None, path='img/',
-                           extension='jpg'):
-        """Store `update` picture as `path`/`file_name`.`extension`."""
-        if not path.endswith('/'):
-            path = '{p}/'.format(
-                p=path
-            )
-        if not os.path.isdir(path):
-            path = '{path}/img/'.format(
-                path=self.path
-            )
-        if file_name is None:
-            file_name = get_secure_key(length=6)
-        if file_name.endswith('.'):
-            file_name = file_name[:-1]
-        complete_file_name = '{path}{name}.{ext}'.format(
-            path=self.path,
-            name=file_name,
-            ext=extension
-        )
-        while os.path.isfile(complete_file_name):
-            file_name += get_secure_key(length=1)
-            complete_file_name = '{path}{name}.{ext}'.format(
-                path=self.path,
-                name=file_name,
-                ext=extension
-            )
-        try:
-            await self.download_file(
-                update['photo'][-1]['file_id'],
-                complete_file_name
-            )
-        except Exception as e:
-            return dict(
-                result=1,  # Error
-                file_name=None,
-                error=e
-            )
-        return dict(
-            result=0,  # Success
-            file_name=complete_file_name,
-            error=None
-        )
-    def stop_bots(self):
-        """Exit script with code 0.
-        This method is deprecated: use `Bot.stop` instead.
-        """
-        self.__class__.stop(
-            message=f"Stopping bots via bot `@{self.name}` method.",
-            final_state=0
-        )
-    def restart_bots(self):
-        """Restart the script exiting with code 65.
-        This method is deprecated: use `Bot.stop` instead.
-        """
-        self.__class__.stop(
-            message=f"Restarting bots via bot `@{self.name}` method.",
-            final_state=65
-        )
-    async def delete_and_obscure_messages(self):
-        """Run after stop, before the script exits.
-        Await final tasks, obscure and delete pending messages,
-            log current operation (stop/restart).
-        """
-        for message in self.to_be_destroyed:
-            try:
-                await self.delete_message(message)
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.error(
-                    "Couldn't delete message\n{}\n\n{}".format(
-                        message,
-                        e
-                    )
-                )
-        for inline_message_id in self.to_be_obscured:
-            try:
-                await self.editMessageCaption(
-                    inline_message_id,
-                    text="Time over"
-                )
-            except Exception:
-                try:
-                    await self.editMessageText(
-                        inline_message_id=inline_message_id,
-                        text="Time over"
-                    )
-                except Exception as e:
-                    logging.error(
-                        "Couldn't obscure message\n{}\n\n{}".format(
-                            inline_message_id,
-                            e
-                        )
-                    )
-    @classmethod
-    def run(cls, loop=None, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Call this method to run the async bots.
-        This method is deprecated: use `super(Bot, cls).run` instead.
-        `loop` must not be determined outside that method.
-        """
-        for bot in cls.bots:
-            bot.additional_task('AFTER')(bot.delete_and_obscure_messages)
-        return super(Bot, cls).run(*args, **kwargs)