import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.max_columns = 99
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
Compute each column's missing value counts
mv_list = []
for chunk in chunk_iter:
combined_mv_vc = pd.concat(mv_list)
unique_combined_mv_vc = combined_mv_vc.groupby(combined_mv_vc.index).sum()
company_country_code 1 company_name 1 company_permalink 1 company_region 1 investor_region 2 investor_permalink 2 investor_name 2 funded_quarter 3 funded_at 3 funded_month 3 funded_year 3 funding_round_type 3 company_state_code 492 company_city 533 company_category_code 643 raised_amount_usd 3599 investor_country_code 12001 investor_city 12480 investor_state_code 16809 investor_category_code 50427 dtype: int64
Total memory footprint for each column
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
counter = 0
series_memory_fp = pd.Series()
for chunk in chunk_iter:
if counter == 0:
series_memory_fp = chunk.memory_usage(deep=True)
series_memory_fp += chunk.memory_usage(deep=True)
counter += 1
# Drop memory footprint calculation for the index.
series_memory_fp = series_memory_fp.drop('Index')
company_permalink 4057788 company_name 3591326 company_category_code 3421104 company_country_code 3172176 company_state_code 3106051 company_region 3411585 company_city 3505926 investor_permalink 4980548 investor_name 3915666 investor_category_code 622424 investor_country_code 2647292 investor_state_code 2476607 investor_region 3396281 investor_city 2885083 funding_round_type 3410707 funded_at 3542185 funded_month 3383584 funded_quarter 3383584 funded_year 422960 raised_amount_usd 422960 dtype: int64
Total memory footprint of the data (in megabytes)
series_memory_fp.sum() / (1024 * 1024)
company_country_code 1 company_name 1 company_permalink 1 company_region 1 investor_region 2 investor_permalink 2 investor_name 2 funded_quarter 3 funded_at 3 funded_month 3 funded_year 3 funding_round_type 3 company_state_code 492 company_city 533 company_category_code 643 raised_amount_usd 3599 investor_country_code 12001 investor_city 12480 investor_state_code 16809 investor_category_code 50427 dtype: int64
# Drop columns representing URL's or containing way too many missing values (>90% missing)
drop_cols = ['investor_permalink', 'company_permalink', 'investor_category_code']
keep_cols = chunk.columns.drop(drop_cols)
Index(['company_name', 'company_category_code', 'company_country_code', 'company_state_code', 'company_region', 'company_city', 'investor_name', 'investor_country_code', 'investor_state_code', 'investor_region', 'investor_city', 'funding_round_type', 'funded_at', 'funded_month', 'funded_quarter', 'funded_year', 'raised_amount_usd'], dtype='object')
Let's first determine which columns shift types across chunks. Note that we only lay the groundwork for this step.
# Key: Column name, Value: List of types
col_types = {}
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1', usecols=keep_cols)
for chunk in chunk_iter:
for col in chunk.columns:
if col not in col_types:
col_types[col] = [str(chunk.dtypes[col])]
uniq_col_types = {}
for k,v in col_types.items():
uniq_col_types[k] = set(col_types[k])
{'company_category_code': {'object'}, 'company_city': {'object'}, 'company_country_code': {'object'}, 'company_name': {'object'}, 'company_region': {'object'}, 'company_state_code': {'object'}, 'funded_at': {'object'}, 'funded_month': {'object'}, 'funded_quarter': {'object'}, 'funded_year': {'float64', 'int64'}, 'funding_round_type': {'object'}, 'investor_city': {'float64', 'object'}, 'investor_country_code': {'float64', 'object'}, 'investor_name': {'object'}, 'investor_region': {'object'}, 'investor_state_code': {'float64', 'object'}, 'raised_amount_usd': {'float64'}}
company_name | company_category_code | company_country_code | company_state_code | company_region | company_city | investor_name | investor_country_code | investor_state_code | investor_region | investor_city | funding_round_type | funded_at | funded_month | funded_quarter | funded_year | raised_amount_usd | |
50000 | NuORDER | fashion | USA | CA | Los Angeles | West Hollywood | Mortimer Singer | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2012-10-01 | 2012-10 | 2012-Q4 | 2012 | 3060000.0 |
50001 | ChaCha | advertising | USA | IN | Indianapolis | Carmel | Morton Meyerson | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-b | 2007-10-01 | 2007-10 | 2007-Q4 | 2007 | 12000000.0 |
50002 | Binfire | software | USA | FL | Bocat Raton | Bocat Raton | Moshe Ariel | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2008-04-18 | 2008-04 | 2008-Q2 | 2008 | 500000.0 |
50003 | Binfire | software | USA | FL | Bocat Raton | Bocat Raton | Moshe Ariel | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2010-01-01 | 2010-01 | 2010-Q1 | 2010 | 750000.0 |
50004 | Unified Color | software | USA | CA | SF Bay | South San Frnacisco | Mr. Andrew Oung | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2010-01-01 | 2010-01 | 2010-Q1 | 2010 | NaN |
50005 | HItviews | advertising | USA | NY | New York | New York City | multiple parties | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2007-11-29 | 2007-11 | 2007-Q4 | 2007 | 485000.0 |
50006 | LockerDome | social | USA | MO | Saint Louis | St. Louis | multiple parties | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-04-17 | 2012-04 | 2012-Q2 | 2012 | 300000.0 |
50007 | ThirdLove | ecommerce | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Munjal Shah | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2012-12-01 | 2012-12 | 2012-Q4 | 2012 | 5600000.0 |
50008 | Hakia | search | USA | NaN | TBD | NaN | Murat Vargi | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2006-11-01 | 2006-11 | 2006-Q4 | 2006 | 16000000.0 |
50009 | bookacoach | sports | USA | IN | Indianapolis | Indianapolis | Myles Grote | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-11-01 | 2012-11 | 2012-Q4 | 2012 | NaN |
50010 | LocalCircles | social | USA | CA | SF Bay | Santa Clara | Nadir Godrej | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-09-01 | 2012-09 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | NaN |
50011 | Graphdive | analytics | USA | CA | SF Bay | Menlo Park | Naguib Sawiris | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-10-04 | 2012-10 | 2012-Q4 | 2012 | 1000000.0 |
50012 | Ribbon | ecommerce | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Naguib Sawiris | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2013-02-05 | 2013-02 | 2013-Q1 | 2013 | 1630000.0 |
50013 | | ecommerce | USA | NY | New York | new york | Namek Zu'bi | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2011-10-10 | 2011-10 | 2011-Q4 | 2011 | 30000.0 |
50014 | Lookery | web | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Nana Shin | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2008-02-07 | 2008-02 | 2008-Q1 | 2008 | 900000.0 |
50015 | TrustDegrees | web | USA | NY | Kenmore | Kenmore | Nancy Barrett | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2011-06-09 | 2011-06 | 2011-Q2 | 2011 | 8000.0 |
50016 | Altavoz | games_video | USA | DC | Washington DC | Washington | Nancy Jacobsen | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-09-11 | 2012-09 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | 150000.0 |
50017 | EdSurge | education | USA | CA | SF Bay | Burlingame | Nancy Peretsman | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-08-29 | 2012-08 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | 400000.0 |
50018 | FullContact | enterprise | USA | CO | Denver | Denver | Nancy Pierce | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-b | 2012-07-09 | 2012-07 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | 7000000.0 |
50019 | Rapt Media | enterprise | USA | CO | Denver | Boulder | Nancy Pierce | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2013-01-23 | 2013-01 | 2013-Q1 | 2013 | 2288803.0 |
50020 | Humanoid | software | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Nat Friedman | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2010-12-01 | 2010-12 | 2010-Q4 | 2010 | 1100000.0 |
50021 | Runscope | web | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Nat Friedman | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2013-05-22 | 2013-05 | 2013-Q2 | 2013 | 1100000.0 |
50022 | Adzerk | advertising | USA | NC | Raleigh-Durham | Durham | Nat Turner | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2011-07-12 | 2011-07 | 2011-Q3 | 2011 | 650000.0 |
50023 | Adaptly | advertising | USA | NY | New York | New York | Nat Turner | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2011-04-18 | 2011-04 | 2011-Q2 | 2011 | 2000000.0 |
50024 | Lore | education | USA | NY | New York | New York | Nat Turner | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2011-06-27 | 2011-06 | 2011-Q2 | 2011 | 1000000.0 |
50025 | Tasted Menu | hospitality | USA | MA | Boston | Boston | Nat Turner | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2011-05-01 | 2011-05 | 2011-Q2 | 2011 | NaN |
50026 | Lua Technologies | mobile | USA | NY | New York | New York | Nat Turner | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2012-08-01 | 2012-08 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | 2500000.0 |
50027 | Blue Apron | hospitality | USA | NY | New York | Brooklyn | Nat Turner | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2013-02-19 | 2013-02 | 2013-Q1 | 2013 | 3000000.0 |
50028 | ChatID | mobile | USA | NY | New York | New York | Nat Turner | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-01-01 | 2012-01 | 2012-Q1 | 2012 | NaN |
50029 | Breakthrough Behavioral | health | USA | CA | SF Bay | Redwood City | Nat Turner | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-08-13 | 2012-08 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | 900000.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
52840 | Meddik | health | USA | NY | New York | New York | Zach Weinberg | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-05-24 | 2012-05 | 2012-Q2 | 2012 | 750000.0 |
52841 | Blue Apron | hospitality | USA | NY | New York | Brooklyn | Zach Weinberg | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2013-02-19 | 2013-02 | 2013-Q1 | 2013 | 3000000.0 |
52842 | ChatID | mobile | USA | NY | New York | New York | Zach Weinberg | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-01-01 | 2012-01 | 2012-Q1 | 2012 | NaN |
52843 | Breakthrough Behavioral | health | USA | CA | SF Bay | Redwood City | Zach Weinberg | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-08-13 | 2012-08 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | 900000.0 |
52844 | Plaid | software | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Zach Weinberg | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2013-09-19 | 2013-09 | 2013-Q3 | 2013 | 2800000.0 |
52845 | PokitDok | mobile | USA | CA | SF Bay | Menlo Park | Zach Zeitlin | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-07-12 | 2012-07 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | 1300000.0 |
52846 | Fitocracy | web | USA | NY | New York | New York | Zachary Aarons | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2011-09-01 | 2011-09 | 2011-Q3 | 2011 | 250000.0 |
52847 | Square | mobile | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Zachary Bogue | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2009-11-01 | 2009-11 | 2009-Q4 | 2009 | 10000000.0 |
52848 | MixRank | advertising | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Zachary Bogue | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2011-11-18 | 2011-11 | 2011-Q4 | 2011 | 1500000.0 |
52849 | Socialcam | mobile | USA | CA | Santa Clara County | Santa Clara County | Zachary Bogue | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-04-30 | 2012-04 | 2012-Q2 | 2012 | NaN |
52850 | Nuzzel | news | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Zachary Bogue | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | venture | 2012-11-15 | 2012-11 | 2012-Q4 | 2012 | 1700000.0 |
52851 | ThirdLove | ecommerce | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Zachary Bogue | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2012-12-01 | 2012-12 | 2012-Q4 | 2012 | 5600000.0 |
52852 | MXD3D | web | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Zaid Ayoub | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-01-01 | 2012-01 | 2012-Q1 | 2012 | 300000.0 |
52853 | MXD3D | web | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Zaid Ayoub | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2011-01-01 | 2011-01 | 2011-Q1 | 2011 | 300000.0 |
52854 | Verious | mobile | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Carlos | Zain Khan | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2011-05-30 | 2011-05 | 2011-Q2 | 2011 | 800000.0 |
52855 | Identified | analytics | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Zao Yang | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-b | 2012-06-05 | 2012-06 | 2012-Q2 | 2012 | 21000000.0 |
52856 | HaulerDeals | fashion | USA | CA | Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Zaw Thet | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2012-10-31 | 2012-10 | 2012-Q4 | 2012 | 1250000.0 |
52857 | When You Wish | nonprofit | USA | CA | Los Angeles | Marina Del Rey | Zelda Marzec | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2011-02-01 | 2011-02 | 2011-Q1 | 2011 | 1500000.0 |
52858 | Farmeron | analytics | USA | CA | SF Bay | Mountain View | Zeljko Mataija | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2010-10-01 | 2010-10 | 2010-Q4 | 2010 | 15000.0 |
52859 | Theraclone Sciences | biotech | USA | WA | Seattle | Seattle | Zenyaku Kogyo | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-b | 2013-03-25 | 2013-03 | 2013-Q1 | 2013 | 8000000.0 |
52860 | SimpleGeo | advertising | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | Ziv Navoth | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | other | 2009-11-10 | 2009-11 | 2009-Q4 | 2009 | 195000.0 |
52861 | Open Me | ecommerce | USA | CA | Los Angeles | Los Angeles | Ziver Birg | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2013-08-01 | 2013-08 | 2013-Q3 | 2013 | NaN |
52862 | Comprehend Systems | enterprise | USA | CA | SF Bay | Palo Alto | Zod Nazem | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2013-07-11 | 2013-07 | 2013-Q3 | 2013 | 8400000.0 |
52863 | Payoneer | other | USA | NY | New York | New York | Zohar Gilon | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2005-01-01 | 2005-01 | 2005-Q1 | 2005 | 2000000.0 |
52864 | Outbrain | web | USA | NY | New York | New York City | Zohar Gilon | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-b | 2009-02-11 | 2009-02 | 2009-Q1 | 2009 | 12000000.0 |
52865 | Garantia Data | enterprise | USA | CA | SF Bay | Santa Clara | Zohar Gilon | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2012-08-08 | 2012-08 | 2012-Q3 | 2012 | 3800000.0 |
52866 | DudaMobile | mobile | USA | CA | SF Bay | Palo Alto | Zohar Gilon | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-c+ | 2013-04-08 | 2013-04 | 2013-Q2 | 2013 | 10300000.0 |
52867 | SiteBrains | software | USA | CA | SF Bay | San Francisco | zohar israel | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | angel | 2010-08-01 | 2010-08 | 2010-Q3 | 2010 | 350000.0 |
52868 | Comprehend Systems | enterprise | USA | CA | SF Bay | Palo Alto | Zorba Lieberman | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2013-07-11 | 2013-07 | 2013-Q3 | 2013 | 8400000.0 |
52869 | SmartThings | mobile | USA | DC | unknown | Minneapolis | Zorik Gordon | NaN | NaN | unknown | NaN | series-a | 2012-12-04 | 2012-12 | 2012-Q4 | 2012 | 3000000.0 |
2870 rows × 17 columns
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('crunchbase.db')
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
for chunk in chunk_iter:
chunk.to_sql("investments", conn, if_exists='append', index=False)