Queer European MD passionate about IT

Mission529Solutions.ipynb 402 KB


import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.max_columns = 99
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')

Compute each column's missing value counts

mv_list = []
for chunk in chunk_iter:
combined_mv_vc = pd.concat(mv_list)
unique_combined_mv_vc = combined_mv_vc.groupby(combined_mv_vc.index).sum()
company_country_code          1
company_name                  1
company_permalink             1
company_region                1
investor_region               2
investor_permalink            2
investor_name                 2
funded_quarter                3
funded_at                     3
funded_month                  3
funded_year                   3
funding_round_type            3
company_state_code          492
company_city                533
company_category_code       643
raised_amount_usd          3599
investor_country_code     12001
investor_city             12480
investor_state_code       16809
investor_category_code    50427
dtype: int64

Total memory footprint for each column

chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
counter = 0
series_memory_fp = pd.Series()
for chunk in chunk_iter:
    if counter == 0:
        series_memory_fp = chunk.memory_usage(deep=True)
        series_memory_fp += chunk.memory_usage(deep=True)
    counter += 1

# Drop memory footprint calculation for the index.
series_memory_fp = series_memory_fp.drop('Index')
company_permalink         4057788
company_name              3591326
company_category_code     3421104
company_country_code      3172176
company_state_code        3106051
company_region            3411585
company_city              3505926
investor_permalink        4980548
investor_name             3915666
investor_category_code     622424
investor_country_code     2647292
investor_state_code       2476607
investor_region           3396281
investor_city             2885083
funding_round_type        3410707
funded_at                 3542185
funded_month              3383584
funded_quarter            3383584
funded_year                422960
raised_amount_usd          422960
dtype: int64

Total memory footprint of the data (in megabytes)

series_memory_fp.sum() / (1024 * 1024)
company_country_code          1
company_name                  1
company_permalink             1
company_region                1
investor_region               2
investor_permalink            2
investor_name                 2
funded_quarter                3
funded_at                     3
funded_month                  3
funded_year                   3
funding_round_type            3
company_state_code          492
company_city                533
company_category_code       643
raised_amount_usd          3599
investor_country_code     12001
investor_city             12480
investor_state_code       16809
investor_category_code    50427
dtype: int64
# Drop columns representing URL's or containing way too many missing values (>90% missing)
drop_cols = ['investor_permalink', 'company_permalink', 'investor_category_code']
keep_cols = chunk.columns.drop(drop_cols)
Index(['company_name', 'company_category_code', 'company_country_code',
       'company_state_code', 'company_region', 'company_city', 'investor_name',
       'investor_country_code', 'investor_state_code', 'investor_region',
       'investor_city', 'funding_round_type', 'funded_at', 'funded_month',
       'funded_quarter', 'funded_year', 'raised_amount_usd'],

Selecting Data Types

Let's first determine which columns shift types across chunks. Note that we only lay the groundwork for this step.

# Key: Column name, Value: List of types
col_types = {}
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1', usecols=keep_cols)

for chunk in chunk_iter:
    for col in chunk.columns:
        if col not in col_types:
            col_types[col] = [str(chunk.dtypes[col])]
uniq_col_types = {}
for k,v in col_types.items():
    uniq_col_types[k] = set(col_types[k])
{'company_category_code': {'object'},
 'company_city': {'object'},
 'company_country_code': {'object'},
 'company_name': {'object'},
 'company_region': {'object'},
 'company_state_code': {'object'},
 'funded_at': {'object'},
 'funded_month': {'object'},
 'funded_quarter': {'object'},
 'funded_year': {'float64', 'int64'},
 'funding_round_type': {'object'},
 'investor_city': {'float64', 'object'},
 'investor_country_code': {'float64', 'object'},
 'investor_name': {'object'},
 'investor_region': {'object'},
 'investor_state_code': {'float64', 'object'},
 'raised_amount_usd': {'float64'}}
company_name company_category_code company_country_code company_state_code company_region company_city investor_name investor_country_code investor_state_code investor_region investor_city funding_round_type funded_at funded_month funded_quarter funded_year raised_amount_usd
50000 NuORDER fashion USA CA Los Angeles West Hollywood Mortimer Singer NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2012-10-01 2012-10 2012-Q4 2012 3060000.0
50001 ChaCha advertising USA IN Indianapolis Carmel Morton Meyerson NaN NaN unknown NaN series-b 2007-10-01 2007-10 2007-Q4 2007 12000000.0
50002 Binfire software USA FL Bocat Raton Bocat Raton Moshe Ariel NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2008-04-18 2008-04 2008-Q2 2008 500000.0
50003 Binfire software USA FL Bocat Raton Bocat Raton Moshe Ariel NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2010-01-01 2010-01 2010-Q1 2010 750000.0
50004 Unified Color software USA CA SF Bay South San Frnacisco Mr. Andrew Oung NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2010-01-01 2010-01 2010-Q1 2010 NaN
50005 HItviews advertising USA NY New York New York City multiple parties NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2007-11-29 2007-11 2007-Q4 2007 485000.0
50006 LockerDome social USA MO Saint Louis St. Louis multiple parties NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-04-17 2012-04 2012-Q2 2012 300000.0
50007 ThirdLove ecommerce USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Munjal Shah NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2012-12-01 2012-12 2012-Q4 2012 5600000.0
50008 Hakia search USA NaN TBD NaN Murat Vargi NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2006-11-01 2006-11 2006-Q4 2006 16000000.0
50009 bookacoach sports USA IN Indianapolis Indianapolis Myles Grote NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-11-01 2012-11 2012-Q4 2012 NaN
50010 LocalCircles social USA CA SF Bay Santa Clara Nadir Godrej NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-09-01 2012-09 2012-Q3 2012 NaN
50011 Graphdive analytics USA CA SF Bay Menlo Park Naguib Sawiris NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-10-04 2012-10 2012-Q4 2012 1000000.0
50012 Ribbon ecommerce USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Naguib Sawiris NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2013-02-05 2013-02 2013-Q1 2013 1630000.0
50013 Dokkankom.com ecommerce USA NY New York new york Namek Zu'bi NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2011-10-10 2011-10 2011-Q4 2011 30000.0
50014 Lookery web USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Nana Shin NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2008-02-07 2008-02 2008-Q1 2008 900000.0
50015 TrustDegrees web USA NY Kenmore Kenmore Nancy Barrett NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2011-06-09 2011-06 2011-Q2 2011 8000.0
50016 Altavoz games_video USA DC Washington DC Washington Nancy Jacobsen NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-09-11 2012-09 2012-Q3 2012 150000.0
50017 EdSurge education USA CA SF Bay Burlingame Nancy Peretsman NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-08-29 2012-08 2012-Q3 2012 400000.0
50018 FullContact enterprise USA CO Denver Denver Nancy Pierce NaN NaN unknown NaN series-b 2012-07-09 2012-07 2012-Q3 2012 7000000.0
50019 Rapt Media enterprise USA CO Denver Boulder Nancy Pierce NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2013-01-23 2013-01 2013-Q1 2013 2288803.0
50020 Humanoid software USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Nat Friedman NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2010-12-01 2010-12 2010-Q4 2010 1100000.0
50021 Runscope web USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Nat Friedman NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2013-05-22 2013-05 2013-Q2 2013 1100000.0
50022 Adzerk advertising USA NC Raleigh-Durham Durham Nat Turner NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2011-07-12 2011-07 2011-Q3 2011 650000.0
50023 Adaptly advertising USA NY New York New York Nat Turner NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2011-04-18 2011-04 2011-Q2 2011 2000000.0
50024 Lore education USA NY New York New York Nat Turner NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2011-06-27 2011-06 2011-Q2 2011 1000000.0
50025 Tasted Menu hospitality USA MA Boston Boston Nat Turner NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2011-05-01 2011-05 2011-Q2 2011 NaN
50026 Lua Technologies mobile USA NY New York New York Nat Turner NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2012-08-01 2012-08 2012-Q3 2012 2500000.0
50027 Blue Apron hospitality USA NY New York Brooklyn Nat Turner NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2013-02-19 2013-02 2013-Q1 2013 3000000.0
50028 ChatID mobile USA NY New York New York Nat Turner NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-01-01 2012-01 2012-Q1 2012 NaN
50029 Breakthrough Behavioral health USA CA SF Bay Redwood City Nat Turner NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-08-13 2012-08 2012-Q3 2012 900000.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
52840 Meddik health USA NY New York New York Zach Weinberg NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-05-24 2012-05 2012-Q2 2012 750000.0
52841 Blue Apron hospitality USA NY New York Brooklyn Zach Weinberg NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2013-02-19 2013-02 2013-Q1 2013 3000000.0
52842 ChatID mobile USA NY New York New York Zach Weinberg NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-01-01 2012-01 2012-Q1 2012 NaN
52843 Breakthrough Behavioral health USA CA SF Bay Redwood City Zach Weinberg NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-08-13 2012-08 2012-Q3 2012 900000.0
52844 Plaid software USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Zach Weinberg NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2013-09-19 2013-09 2013-Q3 2013 2800000.0
52845 PokitDok mobile USA CA SF Bay Menlo Park Zach Zeitlin NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-07-12 2012-07 2012-Q3 2012 1300000.0
52846 Fitocracy web USA NY New York New York Zachary Aarons NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2011-09-01 2011-09 2011-Q3 2011 250000.0
52847 Square mobile USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Zachary Bogue NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2009-11-01 2009-11 2009-Q4 2009 10000000.0
52848 MixRank advertising USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Zachary Bogue NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2011-11-18 2011-11 2011-Q4 2011 1500000.0
52849 Socialcam mobile USA CA Santa Clara County Santa Clara County Zachary Bogue NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-04-30 2012-04 2012-Q2 2012 NaN
52850 Nuzzel news USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Zachary Bogue NaN NaN unknown NaN venture 2012-11-15 2012-11 2012-Q4 2012 1700000.0
52851 ThirdLove ecommerce USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Zachary Bogue NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2012-12-01 2012-12 2012-Q4 2012 5600000.0
52852 MXD3D web USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Zaid Ayoub NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-01-01 2012-01 2012-Q1 2012 300000.0
52853 MXD3D web USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Zaid Ayoub NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2011-01-01 2011-01 2011-Q1 2011 300000.0
52854 Verious mobile USA CA SF Bay San Carlos Zain Khan NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2011-05-30 2011-05 2011-Q2 2011 800000.0
52855 Identified analytics USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Zao Yang NaN NaN unknown NaN series-b 2012-06-05 2012-06 2012-Q2 2012 21000000.0
52856 HaulerDeals fashion USA CA Los Angeles Los Angeles Zaw Thet NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2012-10-31 2012-10 2012-Q4 2012 1250000.0
52857 When You Wish nonprofit USA CA Los Angeles Marina Del Rey Zelda Marzec NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2011-02-01 2011-02 2011-Q1 2011 1500000.0
52858 Farmeron analytics USA CA SF Bay Mountain View Zeljko Mataija NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2010-10-01 2010-10 2010-Q4 2010 15000.0
52859 Theraclone Sciences biotech USA WA Seattle Seattle Zenyaku Kogyo NaN NaN unknown NaN series-b 2013-03-25 2013-03 2013-Q1 2013 8000000.0
52860 SimpleGeo advertising USA CA SF Bay San Francisco Ziv Navoth NaN NaN unknown NaN other 2009-11-10 2009-11 2009-Q4 2009 195000.0
52861 Open Me ecommerce USA CA Los Angeles Los Angeles Ziver Birg NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2013-08-01 2013-08 2013-Q3 2013 NaN
52862 Comprehend Systems enterprise USA CA SF Bay Palo Alto Zod Nazem NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2013-07-11 2013-07 2013-Q3 2013 8400000.0
52863 Payoneer other USA NY New York New York Zohar Gilon NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2005-01-01 2005-01 2005-Q1 2005 2000000.0
52864 Outbrain web USA NY New York New York City Zohar Gilon NaN NaN unknown NaN series-b 2009-02-11 2009-02 2009-Q1 2009 12000000.0
52865 Garantia Data enterprise USA CA SF Bay Santa Clara Zohar Gilon NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2012-08-08 2012-08 2012-Q3 2012 3800000.0
52866 DudaMobile mobile USA CA SF Bay Palo Alto Zohar Gilon NaN NaN unknown NaN series-c+ 2013-04-08 2013-04 2013-Q2 2013 10300000.0
52867 SiteBrains software USA CA SF Bay San Francisco zohar israel NaN NaN unknown NaN angel 2010-08-01 2010-08 2010-Q3 2010 350000.0
52868 Comprehend Systems enterprise USA CA SF Bay Palo Alto Zorba Lieberman NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2013-07-11 2013-07 2013-Q3 2013 8400000.0
52869 SmartThings mobile USA DC unknown Minneapolis Zorik Gordon NaN NaN unknown NaN series-a 2012-12-04 2012-12 2012-Q4 2012 3000000.0

2870 rows × 17 columns

Loading Chunks Into SQLite

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('crunchbase.db')
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')

for chunk in chunk_iter:
    chunk.to_sql("investments", conn, if_exists='append', index=False)