--- title: "Answering Business Questions using SQL (Intermediate SQL in R): Guided Project Solutions" output: html_document --- # Creating Helper Functions ```{r} library(RSQLite) library(DBI) db <- 'chinook.db' run_query <- function(q) { conn <- dbConnect(SQLite(), db) result <- dbGetQuery(conn, q) dbDisconnect(conn) return(result) } show_tables <- function() { q = "SELECT name, type FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view')" return(run_query(q)) } show_tables() ``` # Selecting New Albums to Purchase ```{r} albums_to_purchase = ' WITH usa_tracks_sold AS ( SELECT il.* FROM invoice_line il INNER JOIN invoice i on il.invoice_id = i.invoice_id INNER JOIN customer c on i.customer_id = c.customer_id WHERE c.country = "USA" ) SELECT g.name genre, count(uts.invoice_line_id) tracks_sold, cast(count(uts.invoice_line_id) AS FLOAT) / ( SELECT COUNT(*) from usa_tracks_sold ) percentage_sold FROM usa_tracks_sold uts INNER JOIN track t on t.track_id = uts.track_id INNER JOIN genre g on g.genre_id = t.genre_id GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10; ' run_query(albums_to_purchase) ``` ```{r} library(ggplot2) genre_sales = run_query(albums_to_purchase) ggplot(data = genre_sales, aes(x = reorder(genre, -percentage_sold), y = percentage_sold)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") ``` Among the genres represented in our list of 4 albums, punk, blues and pop are the highest rated. Therefore, we should recommend: - Red Tone (Punk) - Slim Jim Bites (Blues) - Meteor and the Girls (Pop) By far though, rock makes up the majority of the sales. To better capture sales in the USA, we might want to ask the record label if they have any up-and-coming rock bands. # Analyzing Employee Sales Performance ```{r} employee_sales_performance = ' WITH customer_support_rep_sales AS ( SELECT i.customer_id, c.support_rep_id, SUM(i.total) total FROM invoice i INNER JOIN customer c ON i.customer_id = c.customer_id GROUP BY 1,2 ) SELECT e.first_name || " " || e.last_name employee, e.hire_date, SUM(csrs.total) total_sales FROM customer_support_rep_sales csrs INNER JOIN employee e ON e.employee_id = csrs.support_rep_id GROUP BY 1; ' run_query(employee_sales_performance) ``` ```{r} employee_sales = run_query(employee_sales_performance) ggplot(data = employee_sales, aes(x = reorder(employee, -total_sales), y = total_sales)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") ``` Jane Peacock has the highest amount of sales, but she also has been at the company the longest. If we really want to hone in on employee efficiency, we might want to standardize sales by the number of days or hours worked. # Visualizing Sales by Country ```{r} sales_by_country = ' WITH country_or_other AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN ( SELECT count(*) FROM customer where country = c.country ) = 1 THEN "Other" ELSE c.country END AS country, c.customer_id, il.* FROM invoice_line il INNER JOIN invoice i ON i.invoice_id = il.invoice_id INNER JOIN customer c ON c.customer_id = i.customer_id ) SELECT country, customers, total_sales, average_order, customer_lifetime_value FROM ( SELECT country, count(distinct customer_id) customers, SUM(unit_price) total_sales, SUM(unit_price) / count(distinct customer_id) customer_lifetime_value, SUM(unit_price) / count(distinct invoice_id) average_order, CASE WHEN country = "Other" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS sort FROM country_or_other GROUP BY country ORDER BY sort ASC, total_sales DESC ); ' run_query(sales_by_country) ``` # Visualizing Sales by Country ```{r} country_metrics = run_query(sales_by_country) ggplot(data = country_metrics, aes(x = reorder(country, -total_sales), y = total_sales, fill = country)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + labs( title = "Total sales by country", x = "Country", y = "Total Sales" ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) ggplot(data = country_metrics, aes(x = reorder(country, -customers), y = customers, fill = country)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + coord_polar("y") + labs( title = "Number of customers by country", x = "Country", y = "Customers" ) ggplot(data = country_metrics, aes(x = reorder(country, -customer_lifetime_value), y = customer_lifetime_value, color = country)) + geom_point(stat = "identity") + labs( title = "Customer lifetime value by country", x = "Country", y = "Customer Lifetime Value" ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) ``` # Albums vs Individual Tracks ```{r} albums_vs_tracks = ' WITH invoice_first_track AS ( SELECT il.invoice_id invoice_id, MIN(il.track_id) first_track_id FROM invoice_line il GROUP BY 1 ) SELECT album_purchase, COUNT(invoice_id) number_of_invoices, CAST(count(invoice_id) AS FLOAT) / ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM invoice ) percent FROM ( SELECT ifs.*, CASE WHEN ( SELECT t.track_id FROM track t WHERE t.album_id = ( SELECT t2.album_id FROM track t2 WHERE t2.track_id = ifs.first_track_id ) EXCEPT SELECT il2.track_id FROM invoice_line il2 WHERE il2.invoice_id = ifs.invoice_id ) IS NULL AND ( SELECT il2.track_id FROM invoice_line il2 WHERE il2.invoice_id = ifs.invoice_id EXCEPT SELECT t.track_id FROM track t WHERE t.album_id = ( SELECT t2.album_id FROM track t2 WHERE t2.track_id = ifs.first_track_id ) ) IS NULL THEN "yes" ELSE "no" END AS "album_purchase" FROM invoice_first_track ifs ) GROUP BY album_purchase; ' run_query(albums_vs_tracks) ``` Album purchases account for almost a quarter of the total sales, so it is inadvisable to change strategy to just purchase the most popular tracks.