"""This module conveniently subclasses third party telepot.aio.Bot, providing the following features. - It prevents hitting Telegram flood limits by waiting between text and photo messages. - It provides command, parser, button and other decorators to associate common Telegram actions with custom handlers. - It supports multiple bots running in the same script and allows communications between them as well as complete independency from each other. - Each bot is associated with a sqlite database (using dataset third party library). Please note that you need Python3.5+ to run async code Check requirements.txt for third party dependencies. """ # Standard library modules import asyncio import datetime import io import logging import os # Third party modules import dataset import telepot # Project modules from datelepot.utilities import Gettable, MyOD from datelepot.utilities import escape_html_chars, get_cleaned_text, make_lines_of_buttons, markdown_check, remove_html_tags, sleep_until def split_text_gracefully(text, limit, parse_mode): """Split text if it hits telegram limits for text messages. Split at `\n` if possible. Add a `[...]` at the end and beginning of split messages, with proper code markdown. """ text = text.split("\n")[::-1] result = [] while len(text)>0: temp=[] while len(text)>0 and len("\n".join(temp + [text[-1]]))1: for i in range(1,len(result)): result[i] = "{tag[0]}[...]{tag[1]}\n{text}".format( tag=('`','`') if parse_mode=='Markdown' else ('', '') if parse_mode.lower() == 'html' else ('', ''), text=result[i] ) result[i-1] = "{text}\n{tag[0]}[...]{tag[1]}".format( tag=('`','`') if parse_mode=='Markdown' else ('', '') if parse_mode.lower() == 'html' else ('', ''), text=result[i-1] ) return result def make_inline_query_answer(answer): """Return an article-type answer to inline query. Takes either a string or a dictionary and returns a list.""" if type(answer) is str: answer = dict( type='article', id=0, title=remove_html_tags(answer), input_message_content=dict( message_text=answer, parse_mode='HTML' ) ) if type(answer) is dict: answer = [answer] return answer class Bot(telepot.aio.Bot, Gettable): """telepot.aio.Bot (async Telegram bot framework) convenient subclass. === General functioning === - While Bot.run() coroutine is executed, HTTP get requests are made to Telegram servers asking for new messages for each Bot instance. - Each message causes the proper Bot instance method coroutine to be awaited, according to its flavour (see routing_table) -- For example, chat messages cause `Bot().on_chat_message(message)` to be awaited. - This even-processing coroutine ensures the proper handling function a future and returns. -- That means that simpler tasks are completed before slower ones, since handling functions are not awaited but scheduled by `asyncio.ensure_future(handling_function(...))` -- For example, chat text messages are handled by `handle_text_message`, which looks for the proper function to elaborate the request (in bot's commands and parsers) - The handling function evaluates an answer, depending on the message content, and eventually provides a reply -- For example, `handle_text_message` sends its answer via `send_message` - All Bot.instances run simultaneously and faster requests are completed earlier. - All uncaught events are ignored. """ instances = {} stop = False # Cooldown time between sent messages, to prevent hitting Telegram flood limits # Current limits: 30 total messages sent per second, 1 message per second per chat, 20 messages per minute per group COOLDOWN_TIME_ABSOLUTE = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1/30) COOLDOWN_TIME_PER_CHAT = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) MAX_GROUP_MESSAGES_PER_MINUTE = 20 # Max length of text field for a Telegram message (UTF-8 text) TELEGRAM_MESSAGES_MAX_LEN = 4096 _path = os.path.dirname(__file__) _unauthorized_message = None _unknown_command_message = None _maintenance_message = None _default_inline_query_answer = [ dict( type='article', id=0, title="I cannot answer this query, sorry", input_message_content=dict( message_text="I'm sorry but I could not find an answer for your query." ) ) ] def __init__(self, token, db_name=None): super().__init__(token) self.routing_table = { 'chat' : self.on_chat_message, 'inline_query' : self.on_inline_query, 'chosen_inline_result' : self.on_chosen_inline_result, 'callback_query' : self.on_callback_query } self.chat_message_handlers = { 'text': self.handle_text_message, 'pinned_message': self.handle_pinned_message, 'photo': self.handle_photo_message } if db_name: self.db_url = 'sqlite:///{name}{ext}'.format( name=db_name, ext='.db' if not db_name.endswith('.db') else '' ) self._unauthorized_message = None self.authorization_function = lambda update, authorization_level: True self.get_chat_id = lambda update: update['message']['chat']['id'] if 'message' in update else update['chat']['id'] self.commands = dict() self.callback_handlers = dict() self.inline_query_handlers = MyOD() self._default_inline_query_answer = None self.chosen_inline_result_handlers = dict() self.aliases = MyOD() self.parsers = MyOD() self.custom_parsers = dict() self.custom_photo_parsers = dict() self.bot_name = None self.default_reply_keyboard_elements = [] self._default_keyboard = dict() self.run_before_loop = [] self.run_after_loop = [] self.to_be_obscured = [] self.to_be_destroyed = [] self.last_sending_time = dict( absolute=datetime.datetime.now() - self.__class__.COOLDOWN_TIME_ABSOLUTE ) self._maintenance = False self._maintenance_message = None self.chat_actions = dict( pinned=MyOD() ) @property def name(self): """Bot name""" return self.bot_name @property def path(self): """custombot.py file path""" return self.__class__._path @property def db(self): """Connection to bot's database It must be used inside a with statement: `with bot.db as db` """ if self.db_url: return dataset.connect(self.db_url) @property def default_keyboard(self): """Default keyboard which is sent when reply_markup is left blank and chat is private. """ return self._default_keyboard @property def default_inline_query_answer(self): """Answer to be returned if inline query returned None. """ if self._default_inline_query_answer: return self._default_inline_query_answer return self.__class__._default_inline_query_answer @property def unauthorized_message(self): """Return this if user is unauthorized to make a request. If instance message is not set, class message is returned. """ if self._unauthorized_message: return self._unauthorized_message return self.__class__._unauthorized_message @property def unknown_command_message(self): """Message to be returned if user sends an unknown command in private chat. If instance message is not set, class message is returned. """ if self._unknown_command_message: return self._unknown_command_message return self.__class__._unknown_command_message @property def maintenance(self): """True if bot is under maintenance, False otherwise. While under maintenance, bot will reply with `self.maintenance_message` to any request, with few exceptions.""" return self._maintenance @property def maintenance_message(self): """Message to be returned if bot is under maintenance. If instance message is not set, class message is returned. """ if self._maintenance_message: return self._maintenance_message if self.__class__.maintenance_message: return self.__class__._maintenance_message return "Bot is currently under maintenance! Retry later please." @classmethod def set_class_unauthorized_message(csl, unauthorized_message): """Set class unauthorized message, to be returned if user is unauthorized to make a request. """ csl._unauthorized_message = unauthorized_message @classmethod def set_class_unknown_command_message(cls, unknown_command_message): """Set class unknown command message, to be returned if user sends an unknown command in private chat. """ cls._unknown_command_message = unknown_command_message @classmethod def set_class_maintenance_message(cls, maintenance_message): """Set class maintenance message, to be returned if bot is under maintenance. """ cls._maintenance_message = maintenance_message @classmethod def set_class_default_inline_query_answer(cls, default_inline_query_answer): """Set class default inline query answer, to be returned if an inline query returned no answer. """ cls._default_inline_query_answer = default_inline_query_answer def set_unauthorized_message(self, unauthorized_message): """Set instance unauthorized message If instance message is None, default class message is used. """ self._unauthorized_message = unauthorized_message def set_unknown_command_message(self, unknown_command_message): """Set instance unknown command message, to be returned if user sends an unknown command in private chat. If instance message is None, default class message is used. """ self._unknown_command_message = unknown_command_message def set_maintenance_message(self, maintenance_message): """Set instance maintenance message, to be returned if bot is under maintenance. If instance message is None, default class message is used. """ self._maintenance_message = maintenance_message def set_default_inline_query_answer(self, default_inline_query_answer): """Set a custom default_inline_query_answer to be returned when no answer is found for an inline query. If instance answer is None, default class answer is used. """ if type(default_inline_query_answer) in (str, dict): default_inline_query_answer = make_inline_query_answer(default_inline_query_answer) if type(default_inline_query_answer) is not list: return 1 self._default_inline_query_answer = default_inline_query_answer return 0 def set_maintenance(self, maintenance_message): """Puts the bot under maintenance or ends it. While in maintenance, bot will reply to users with maintenance_message. Bot will accept /coma, /stop and /restart commands from admins. s""" self._maintenance = not self.maintenance if maintenance_message: self.set_maintenance_message(maintenance_message) if self.maintenance: return "Bot has just been put under maintenance!\n\nUntil further notice, it will reply to users with the following message:\n\n{}".format( self.maintenance_message ) return "Maintenance ended!" def set_authorization_function(self, authorization_function): """Set a custom authorization_function, which evaluates True if user is authorized to perform a specific action and False otherwise. It should take update and role and return a Boolean. Default authorization_function always evaluates True. """ self.authorization_function = authorization_function def set_get_chat_id_function(self, get_chat_id_function): """Set a custom get_chat_id function which takes and update and returns the chat in which a reply should be sent. For instance, bots could reply in private to group messages as a default behaviour. Default chat_id returned is current chat id. """ self.get_chat_id = get_chat_id_function async def avoid_flooding(self, chat_id): """asyncio-sleep until COOLDOWN_TIME (per_chat and absolute) has passed. To prevent hitting Telegram flood limits, send_message and send_photo await this function. """ if type(chat_id) is int and chat_id > 0: while ( datetime.datetime.now() < self.last_sending_time['absolute'] + self.__class__.COOLDOWN_TIME_ABSOLUTE ) or ( chat_id in self.last_sending_time and datetime.datetime.now() < self.last_sending_time[chat_id] + self.__class__.COOLDOWN_TIME_PER_CHAT ): await asyncio.sleep(self.__class__.COOLDOWN_TIME_ABSOLUTE.seconds) self.last_sending_time[chat_id] = datetime.datetime.now() else: while ( datetime.datetime.now() < self.last_sending_time['absolute'] + self.__class__.COOLDOWN_TIME_ABSOLUTE ) or ( chat_id in self.last_sending_time and len( [ sending_datetime for sending_datetime in self.last_sending_time[chat_id] if sending_datetime >= datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) ] ) >= self.__class__.MAX_GROUP_MESSAGES_PER_MINUTE ) or ( chat_id in self.last_sending_time and len(self.last_sending_time[chat_id]) > 0 and datetime.datetime.now() < self.last_sending_time[chat_id][-1] + self.__class__.COOLDOWN_TIME_PER_CHAT ): await asyncio.sleep(0.5) if chat_id not in self.last_sending_time: self.last_sending_time[chat_id] = [] self.last_sending_time[chat_id].append(datetime.datetime.now()) self.last_sending_time[chat_id] = [ sending_datetime for sending_datetime in self.last_sending_time[chat_id] if sending_datetime >= datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) ] self.last_sending_time['absolute'] = datetime.datetime.now() return async def on_inline_query(self, update): """Schedule handling of received inline queries. Notice that handling is only scheduled, not awaited. This means that all Bot instances may now handle other requests before this one is completed. """ asyncio.ensure_future(self.handle_inline_query(update)) return async def on_chosen_inline_result(self, update): """Schedule handling of received chosen inline result events. Notice that handling is only scheduled, not awaited. This means that all Bot instances may now handle other requests before this one is completed. """ asyncio.ensure_future(self.handle_chosen_inline_result(update)) return async def on_callback_query(self, update): """Schedule handling of received callback queries. A callback query is sent when users press inline keyboard buttons. Bad clients may send malformed or deceiving callback queries: never use secret keys in buttons and always check request validity! Notice that handling is only scheduled, not awaited. This means that all Bot instances may now handle other requests before this one is completed. """ # Reject malformed updates lacking of data field if 'data' not in update: return asyncio.ensure_future(self.handle_callback_query(update)) return async def on_chat_message(self, update): """Schedule handling of received chat message. Notice that handling is only scheduled, not awaited. According to update type, the corresponding handler is scheduled (see self.chat_message_handlers). This means that all Bot instances may now handle other requests before this one is completed. """ answer = None content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance( update, flavor='chat', long=False ) if content_type in self.chat_message_handlers: answer = asyncio.ensure_future( self.chat_message_handlers[content_type](update) ) else: answer = None logging.debug("Unhandled message") return answer async def handle_inline_query(self, update): """Handle inline query and answer it with results, or log errors. """ query = update['query'] answer = None switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter = None, None if self.maintenance: answer = self.maintenance_message else: for condition, handler in self.inline_query_handlers.items(): answerer = handler['function'] if condition(update['query']): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(answerer): answer = await answerer(update) else: answer = answerer(update) break if not answer: answer = self.default_inline_query_answer if type(answer) is dict: if 'switch_pm_text' in answer: switch_pm_text = answer['switch_pm_text'] if 'switch_pm_parameter' in answer: switch_pm_parameter = answer['switch_pm_parameter'] answer = answer['answer'] if type(answer) is str: answer = make_inline_query_answer(answer) try: await self.answerInlineQuery( update['id'], answer, cache_time=10, is_personal=True, switch_pm_text=switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter=switch_pm_parameter ) except Exception as e: logging.info("Error answering inline query\n{}".format(e)) return async def handle_chosen_inline_result(self, update): """If chosen inline result id is in self.chosen_inline_result_handlers, call the related function passing the update as argument.""" user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None if self.maintenance: return if user_id in self.chosen_inline_result_handlers: result_id = update['result_id'] handlers = self.chosen_inline_result_handlers[user_id] if result_id in handlers: func = handlers[result_id] if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): await func(update) else: func(update) return def set_inline_result_handler(self, user_id, result_id, func): """Associate a func to a result_id: when an inline result is chosen having that id, function will be passed the update as argument.""" if type(user_id) is dict: user_id = user_id['from']['id'] assert type(user_id) is int, "user_id must be int!" result_id = str(result_id) # Query result ids are parsed as str by telegram assert callable(func), "func must be a callable" if user_id not in self.chosen_inline_result_handlers: self.chosen_inline_result_handlers[user_id] = {} self.chosen_inline_result_handlers[user_id][result_id] = func return async def handle_callback_query(self, update): """Get an answer from the callback handler associated to the query prefix. The answer is used to edit the source message or send new ones if text is longer than single message limit. Anyway, the query is answered, otherwise the client would hang and the bot would look like idle. """ answer = None if self.maintenance: answer = remove_html_tags(self.maintenance_message[:45]) else: data = update['data'] for start_text, handler in self.callback_handlers.items(): answerer = handler['function'] if data.startswith(start_text): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(answerer): answer = await answerer(update) else: answer = answerer(update) break if answer: if type(answer) is str: answer = {'text': answer} if type(answer) is not dict: return if 'edit' in answer: if 'message' in update: message_identifier = telepot.message_identifier(update['message']) else: message_identifier = telepot.message_identifier(update) edit = answer['edit'] reply_markup = edit['reply_markup'] if 'reply_markup' in edit else None text = edit['text'] if 'text' in edit else None caption = edit['caption'] if 'caption' in edit else None parse_mode = edit['parse_mode'] if 'parse_mode' in edit else None disable_web_page_preview = edit['disable_web_page_preview'] if 'disable_web_page_preview' in edit else None try: if 'text' in edit: if len(text) > self.__class__.TELEGRAM_MESSAGES_MAX_LEN - 200: if 'from' in update: await self.send_message( chat_id=update['from']['id'], text=text, reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode=parse_mode, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview ) else: await self.editMessageText( msg_identifier=message_identifier, text=text, parse_mode=parse_mode, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, reply_markup=reply_markup ) elif 'caption' in edit: await self.editMessageCaption( msg_identifier=message_identifier, caption=caption, reply_markup=reply_markup ) elif 'reply_markup' in edit: await self.editMessageReplyMarkup( msg_identifier=message_identifier, reply_markup=reply_markup ) except Exception as e: logging.info("Message was not modified:\n{}".format(e)) text = answer['text'][:180] if 'text' in answer else None show_alert = answer['show_alert'] if 'show_alert' in answer else None cache_time = answer['cache_time'] if 'cache_time' in answer else None try: await self.answerCallbackQuery( callback_query_id=update['id'], text=text, show_alert=show_alert, cache_time=cache_time ) except telepot.exception.TelegramError as e: logging.error(e) else: try: await self.answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id=update['id']) except telepot.exception.TelegramError as e: logging.error(e) return async def handle_text_message(self, update): """Answer to chat text messages. 1) Ignore bot name (case-insensitive) and search bot custom parsers, commands, aliases and parsers for an answerer. 2) Get an answer from answerer(update). 3) Send it to the user. """ answerer, answer = None, None # Lower text and replace only bot's tag, meaning that `/command@OtherBot` will be ignored. text = update['text'].lower().replace('@{}'.format(self.name.lower()),'') user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None if self.maintenance and not any( text.startswith(x) for x in ('/coma', '/restart') ): if update['chat']['id']>0: answer = self.maintenance_message elif user_id in self.custom_parsers: answerer = self.custom_parsers[user_id] del self.custom_parsers[user_id] elif text.startswith('/'): command = text.split()[0].strip(' /@') if command in self.commands: answerer = self.commands[command]['function'] elif update['chat']['id']>0: answer = self.unknown_command_message else: # If text starts with an alias (case insensitive: text and alias are both .lower()): for alias, parser in self.aliases.items(): if text.startswith(alias.lower()): answerer = parser break # If update matches any parser for check_function, parser in self.parsers.items(): if ( parser['argument'] == 'text' and check_function(text) ) or ( parser['argument'] == 'update' and check_function(update) ): answerer = parser['function'] break if answerer: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(answerer): answer = await answerer(update) else: answer = answerer(update) if answer: try: return await self.send_message(answer=answer, chat_id=update) except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to process answer:\n{}".format(e), exc_info=True) async def handle_pinned_message(self, update): """Handle pinned message chat action.""" if self.maintenance: return answerer = None for criteria, handler in self.chat_actions['pinned'].items(): if criteria(update): answerer = handler['function'] break if answerer is None: return elif asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(answerer): answer = await answerer(update) else: answer = answerer(update) if answer: try: return await self.send_message(answer=answer, chat_id=update['chat']['id']) except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to process answer:\n{}".format(e), exc_info=True) return async def handle_photo_message(self, update): """Handle photo chat message""" user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None answerer, answer = None, None if self.maintenance: if update['chat']['id']>0: answer = self.maintenance_message elif user_id in self.custom_photo_parsers: answerer = self.custom_photo_parsers[user_id] del self.custom_photo_parsers[user_id] if answerer: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(answerer): answer = await answerer(update) else: answer = answerer(update) if answer: try: return await self.send_message(answer=answer, chat_id=update) except Exception as e: logging.error("Failed to process answer:\n{}".format(e), exc_info=True) return def set_custom_parser(self, parser, update=None, user=None): """Set a custom parser for the user. Any chat message update coming from the user will be handled by this custom parser instead of default parsers (commands, aliases and text parsers). Custom parsers last one single use, but their handler can call this function to provide multiple tries. """ if user and type(user) is int: pass elif type(update) is int: user = update elif type(user) is dict: user = user['from']['id'] if 'from' in user and 'id' in user['from'] else None elif not user and type(update) is dict: user = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update and 'id' in update['from'] else None else: raise TypeError('Invalid user.\nuser: {}\nupdate: {}'.format(user, update)) if not type(user) is int: raise TypeError('User {} is not an int id'.format(user)) if not callable(parser): raise TypeError('Parser {} is not a callable'.format(parser.__name__)) self.custom_parsers[user] = parser return def set_custom_photo_parser(self, parser, update=None, user=None): """Set a custom photo parser for the user. Any photo chat update coming from the user will be handled by this custom parser instead of default parsers. Custom photo parsers last one single use, but their handler can call this function to provide multiple tries. """ if user and type(user) is int: pass elif type(update) is int: user = update elif type(user) is dict: user = user['from']['id'] if 'from' in user and 'id' in user['from'] else None elif not user and type(update) is dict: user = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update and 'id' in update['from'] else None else: raise TypeError('Invalid user.\nuser: {}\nupdate: {}'.format(user, update)) if not type(user) is int: raise TypeError('User {} is not an int id'.format(user)) if not callable(parser): raise TypeError('Parser {} is not a callable'.format(parser.__name__)) self.custom_photo_parsers[user] = parser return def command(self, command, aliases=None, show_in_keyboard=False, descr="", auth='admin'): """ Decorator: `@bot.command(*args)` When a message text starts with `/command[@bot_name]`, or with an alias, it gets passed to the decorated function. `command` is the command name (with or without /) `aliases` is a list of aliases `show_in_keyboard`, if True, makes first alias appear in default_keyboard `descr` is a description `auth` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command """ command = command.replace('/','').lower() if not isinstance(command, str): raise TypeError('Command {} is not a string'.format(command)) if aliases: if not isinstance(aliases, list): raise TypeError('Aliases is not a list: {}'.format(aliases)) for alias in aliases: if not isinstance(alias, str): raise TypeError('Alias {} is not a string'.format(alias)) def decorator(func): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): async def decorated(message): logging.info("COMMAND({}) @{} FROM({})".format(command, self.name, message['from'] if 'from' in message else message['chat'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return await func(message) return self.unauthorized_message else: def decorated(message): logging.info("COMMAND({}) @{} FROM({})".format(command, self.name, message['from'] if 'from' in message else message['chat'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return func(message) return self.unauthorized_message self.commands[command] = dict( function=decorated, descr=descr, auth=auth ) if aliases: for alias in aliases: self.aliases[alias] = decorated if show_in_keyboard: self.default_reply_keyboard_elements.append(aliases[0]) return decorator def parser(self, condition, descr='', auth='admin', argument='text'): """ Decorator: `@bot.parser(condition)` If condition evaluates True when run on a message text (not starting with '/'), such decorated function gets called on update. Conditions of parsers are evaluated in order; when one is True, others will be skipped. `descr` is a description `auth` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command """ if not callable(condition): raise TypeError('Condition {} is not a callable'.format(condition.__name__)) def decorator(func): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): async def decorated(message): logging.info("TEXT MATCHING CONDITION({}) @{} FROM({})".format(condition.__name__, self.name, message['from'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return await func(message) return self.unauthorized_message else: def decorated(message): logging.info("TEXT MATCHING CONDITION({}) @{} FROM({})".format(condition.__name__, self.name, message['from'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return func(message) return self.unauthorized_message self.parsers[condition] = dict( function=decorated, descr=descr, auth=auth, argument=argument ) return decorator def pinned(self, condition, descr='', auth='admin'): """ Decorator: `@bot.pinned(condition)` If condition evaluates True when run on a pinned_message update, such decorated function gets called on update. Conditions are evaluated in order; when one is True, others will be skipped. `descr` is a description `auth` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command """ if not callable(condition): raise TypeError('Condition {} is not a callable'.format(condition.__name__)) def decorator(func): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): async def decorated(message): logging.info("CHAT ACTION MATCHING CONDITION({}) @{} FROM({})".format(condition.__name__, self.name, message['from'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return await func(message) return# self.unauthorized_message else: def decorated(message): logging.info("CHAT ACTION MATCHING CONDITION({}) @{} FROM({})".format(condition.__name__, self.name, message['from'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return func(message) return# self.unauthorized_message self.chat_actions['pinned'][condition] = dict( function=decorated, descr=descr, auth=auth ) return decorator def button(self, data, descr='', auth='admin'): """ Decorator: `@bot.button('example:///')` When a callback data text starts with , it gets passed to the decorated function `descr` is a description `auth` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command """ if not isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError('Inline button callback_data {} is not a string'.format(data)) def decorator(func): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): async def decorated(message): logging.info("INLINE BUTTON({}) @{} FROM({})".format(message['data'], self.name, message['from'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return await func(message) return self.unauthorized_message else: def decorated(message): logging.info("INLINE BUTTON({}) @{} FROM({})".format(message['data'], self.name, message['from'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return func(message) return self.unauthorized_message self.callback_handlers[data] = dict( function=decorated, descr=descr, auth=auth ) return decorator def query(self, condition, descr='', auth='admin'): """ Decorator: `@bot.query(example)` When an inline query matches the `condition` function, decorated function is called and passed the query update object as argument. `descr` is a description `auth` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command """ if not callable(condition): raise TypeError('Condition {} is not a callable'.format(condition.__name__)) def decorator(func): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): async def decorated(message): logging.info("QUERY MATCHING CONDITION({}) @{} FROM({})".format(condition.__name__, self.name, message['from'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return await func(message) return self.unauthorized_message else: def decorated(message): logging.info("QUERY MATCHING CONDITION({}) @{} FROM({})".format(condition.__name__, self.name, message['from'])) if self.authorization_function(message, auth): return func(message) return self.unauthorized_message self.inline_query_handlers[condition] = dict( function=decorated, descr=descr, auth=auth ) return decorator def additional_task(self, when='BEFORE'): """Decorator: such decorated async functions get awaited BEFORE or AFTER messageloop""" when = when[0].lower() def decorator(func): if when == 'b': self.run_before_loop.append(func()) elif when == 'a': self.run_after_loop.append(func()) return decorator def set_default_keyboard(self, keyboard='set_default'): """Set a default keyboard for the bot. If a keyboard is not passed as argument, a default one is generated, based on aliases of commands. """ if keyboard=='set_default': btns = [ dict( text=x ) for x in self.default_reply_keyboard_elements ] row_len = 2 if len(btns) < 4 else 3 self._default_keyboard = dict( keyboard=make_lines_of_buttons( btns, row_len ), resize_keyboard=True ) else: self._default_keyboard = keyboard return async def edit_message(self, update, *args, **kwargs): """Edit given update with given *args and **kwargs. Please note, that it is currently only possible to edit messages without reply_markup or with inline keyboards. """ try: return await self.editMessageText( telepot.message_identifier(update), *args, **kwargs ) except Exception as e: logging.error("{}".format(e)) async def delete_message(self, update, *args, **kwargs): """Delete given update with given *args and **kwargs. Please note, that a bot can delete only messages sent by itself or sent in a group which it is administrator of. """ try: return await self.deleteMessage( telepot.message_identifier(update), *args, **kwargs ) except Exception as e: logging.error("{}".format(e)) async def send_message(self, answer=dict(), chat_id=None, text='', parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=None, disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None, reply_markup=None): """Convenient method to call telepot.Bot(token).sendMessage All sendMessage **kwargs can be either **kwargs of send_message or key:val of answer argument. Messages longer than telegram limit will be split properly. Telegram flood limits won't be reached thanks to `await avoid_flooding(chat_id)` parse_mode will be checked and edited if necessary. Arguments will be checked and adapted. """ if type(answer) is dict and 'chat_id' in answer: chat_id = answer['chat_id'] # chat_id may simply be the update to which the bot should repy: get_chat_id is called if type(chat_id) is dict: chat_id = self.get_chat_id(chat_id) if type(answer) is str: text = answer if not reply_markup and chat_id > 0 and text!=self.unauthorized_message: reply_markup = self.default_keyboard elif type(answer) is dict: if 'text' in answer: text = answer['text'] if 'parse_mode' in answer: parse_mode = answer['parse_mode'] if 'disable_web_page_preview' in answer: disable_web_page_preview = answer['disable_web_page_preview'] if 'disable_notification' in answer: disable_notification = answer['disable_notification'] if 'reply_to_message_id' in answer: reply_to_message_id = answer['reply_to_message_id'] if 'reply_markup' in answer: reply_markup = answer['reply_markup'] elif not reply_markup and type(chat_id) is int and chat_id > 0 and text!=self.unauthorized_message: reply_markup = self.default_keyboard assert type(text) is str, "Text is not a string!" assert ( type(chat_id) is int or (type(chat_id) is str and chat_id.startswith('@')) ), "Invalid chat_id:\n\t\t{}".format(chat_id) if not text: return parse_mode = str(parse_mode) text_chunks = split_text_gracefully( text=text, limit=self.__class__.TELEGRAM_MESSAGES_MAX_LEN - 100, parse_mode=parse_mode ) n = len(text_chunks) for text_chunk in text_chunks: n-=1 if parse_mode.lower() == "html": this_parse_mode = "HTML" # Check that all tags are well-formed if not markdown_check( text_chunk, [ "<", ">", "code>", "bold>", "italic>", "b>", "i>", "a>", "pre>" ] ): this_parse_mode = "None" text_chunk = "!!![invalid markdown syntax]!!!\n\n" + text_chunk elif parse_mode != "None": this_parse_mode = "Markdown" # Check that all markdowns are well-formed if not markdown_check( text_chunk, [ "*", "_", "`" ] ): this_parse_mode = "None" text_chunk = "!!![invalid markdown syntax]!!!\n\n" + text_chunk else: this_parse_mode = parse_mode this_reply_markup = reply_markup if n==0 else None try: await self.avoid_flooding(chat_id) result = await self.sendMessage( chat_id=chat_id, text=text_chunk, parse_mode=this_parse_mode, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, reply_markup=this_reply_markup ) except Exception as e: logging.debug(e, exc_info=False) # Set exc_info=True for more information result = e return result async def send_photo(self, chat_id=None, answer={}, photo=None, caption='', parse_mode='HTML', disable_notification=None, reply_to_message_id=None,reply_markup=None, use_stored=True, second_chance=False): """Convenient method to call telepot.Bot(token).sendPhoto All sendPhoto **kwargs can be either **kwargs of send_message or key:val of answer argument. Captions longer than telegram limit will be shortened gently. Telegram flood limits won't be reached thanks to `await avoid_flooding(chat_id)` Most arguments will be checked and adapted. If use_stored is set to True, the bot will store sent photo telegram_id and use it for faster sending next times (unless future errors). Sending photos by their file_id already stored on telegram servers is way faster: that's why bot stores and uses this info, if required. A second_chance is given to send photo on error. """ if 'chat_id' in answer: chat_id = answer['chat_id'] # chat_id may simply be the update to which the bot should repy: get_chat_id is called if type(chat_id) is dict: chat_id = self.get_chat_id(chat_id) assert ( type(chat_id) is int or (type(chat_id) is str and chat_id.startswith('@')) ), "Invalid chat_id:\n\t\t{}".format(chat_id) if 'photo' in answer: photo = answer['photo'] assert photo is not None, "Null photo!" if 'caption' in answer: caption = answer['caption'] if 'parse_mode' in answer: parse_mode = answer['parse_mode'] if 'disable_notification' in answer: disable_notification = answer['disable_notification'] if 'reply_to_message_id' in answer: reply_to_message_id = answer['reply_to_message_id'] if 'reply_markup' in answer: reply_markup = answer['reply_markup'] already_sent = False if type(photo) is str: photo_url = photo with self.db as db: already_sent = db['sent_pictures'].find_one(url=photo_url, errors=False) if already_sent and use_stored: photo = already_sent['file_id'] already_sent = True else: already_sent = False if not any(photo_url.startswith(x) for x in ['http', 'www']): with io.BytesIO() as buffered_picture: with open("{}/{}".format(self.path, photo_url), 'rb') as photo_file: buffered_picture.write(photo_file.read()) photo = buffered_picture.getvalue() caption = escape_html_chars(caption) if len(caption) > 199: new_caption = '' tag = False tag_body = False count = 0 temp = '' for char in caption: if tag and char == '>': tag = False elif char == '<': tag = True tag_body = not tag_body elif not tag: count += 1 if count == 199: break temp += char if not tag_body: new_caption += temp temp = '' caption = new_caption sent = None try: await self.avoid_flooding(chat_id) sent = await self.sendPhoto( chat_id=chat_id, photo=photo, caption=caption, parse_mode=parse_mode, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, reply_markup=reply_markup ) if isinstance(sent, Exception): raise Exception("SendingFailed") except Exception as e: logging.error("Error sending photo\n{}".format(e), exc_info=False) # Set exc_info=True for more information if already_sent: with self.db as db: db['sent_pictures'].update( dict( url=photo_url, errors=True ), ['url'] ) if not second_chance: logging.info("Trying again (only once)...") sent = await self.send_photo( chat_id=chat_id, answer=answer, photo=photo, caption=caption, parse_mode=parse_mode, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, reply_markup=reply_markup, second_chance=True ) if ( sent is not None and hasattr(sent, '__getitem__') and 'photo' in sent and len(sent['photo'])>0 and 'file_id' in sent['photo'][0] and (not already_sent) and use_stored ): with self.db as db: db['sent_pictures'].insert( dict( url=photo_url, file_id=sent['photo'][0]['file_id'], errors=False ) ) return sent async def send_and_destroy(self, chat_id, answer, timer=60, mode='text', **kwargs): """Send a message or photo and delete it after `timer` seconds""" if mode == 'text': sent_message = await self.send_message( chat_id=chat_id, answer=answer, **kwargs ) elif mode == 'pic': sent_message = await self.send_photo( chat_id=chat_id, answer=answer, **kwargs ) if sent_message is None: return self.to_be_destroyed.append(sent_message) await asyncio.sleep(timer) if await self.delete_message(sent_message): self.to_be_destroyed.remove(sent_message) return async def wait_and_obscure(self, update, when, inline_message_id): """Obscure an inline_message `timer` seconds after sending it, by editing its text or caption. At the moment Telegram won't let bots delete sent inline query results.""" if type(when) is int: when = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=when) assert type(when) is datetime.datetime, "when must be a datetime instance or a number of seconds (int) to be awaited" if 'inline_message_id' not in update: logging.info("This inline query result owns no inline_keyboard, so it can't be modified") return inline_message_id = update['inline_message_id'] self.to_be_obscured.append(inline_message_id) while datetime.datetime.now() < when: await sleep_until(when) try: await self.editMessageCaption(inline_message_id, text="Time over") except: try: await self.editMessageText(inline_message_id, text="Time over") except Exception as e: logging.error("Couldn't obscure message\n{}\n\n{}".format(inline_message_id,e)) self.to_be_obscured.remove(inline_message_id) return async def continue_running(self): """If bot can be got, sets name and telegram_id, awaits preliminary tasks and starts getting updates from telegram. If bot can't be got, restarts all bots in 5 minutes.""" try: me = await self.getMe() self.bot_name = me["username"] self.telegram_id = me['id'] except: logging.error("Could not get bot") await asyncio.sleep(5*60) self.restart_bots() return for task in self.run_before_loop: await task self.set_default_keyboard() asyncio.ensure_future( self.message_loop(handler=self.routing_table) ) return def stop_bots(self): """Causes the script to exit""" Bot.stop = True def restart_bots(self): """Causes the script to restart. Actually, you need to catch Bot.stop state when Bot.run() returns and handle the situation yourself.""" Bot.stop = "Restart" @classmethod async def check_task(cls): """Await until cls.stop, then end session and return""" for bot in cls.instances.values(): asyncio.ensure_future(bot.continue_running()) while not cls.stop: await asyncio.sleep(10) return await cls.end_session() @classmethod async def end_session(cls): """Run after stop, before the script exits. Await final tasks, obscure and delete pending messages, log current operation (stop/restart).""" for bot in cls.instances.values(): for task in bot.run_after_loop: await task for message in bot.to_be_destroyed: try: await bot.delete_message(message) except Exception as e: logging.error("Couldn't delete message\n{}\n\n{}".format(message,e)) for inline_message_id in bot.to_be_obscured: try: await bot.editMessageCaption(inline_message_id, text="Time over") except: try: await bot.editMessageText(inline_message_id, text="Time over") except Exception as e: logging.error("Couldn't obscure message\n{}\n\n{}".format(inline_message_id,e)) if cls.stop=="Restart": logging.info("\n\t\t---Restart!---") elif cls.stop=="KeyboardInterrupt": logging.info("Stopped by KeyboardInterrupt.") else: logging.info("Stopped gracefully by user.") return @classmethod def run(cls, loop=None): """ Call this method to run the async bots. """ if not loop: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() logging.info( "{sep}{subjvb} STARTED{sep}".format( sep='-'*10, subjvb='BOT HAS' if len(cls.instances)==1 else 'BOTS HAVE' ) ) try: loop.run_until_complete(cls.check_task()) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info('\n\t\tYour script received a KeyboardInterrupt signal, your bot{} being stopped.'.format( 's are' if len(cls.instances)>1 else ' is' )) cls.stop = "KeyboardInterrupt" loop.run_until_complete(cls.end_session()) except Exception as e: logging.error('\nYour bot has been stopped. with error \'{}\''.format(e), exc_info=True) logging.info( "{sep}{subjvb} STOPPED{sep}".format( sep='-'*10, subjvb='BOT HAS' if len(cls.instances)==1 else 'BOTS HAVE' ) ) return