# davtelepot This project conveniently subclasses third party telepot.aio.Bot, providing many interesting features. Please note that you need Python3.5+ to run async code Check requirements.txt for third party dependencies. Check out `help(Bot)` for detailed information. ## Project folders ### data folder * `*.db`: databases used by bots * `*.log`: log files (store log_file_name and errors_file_name in `data/config.py` module) * `passwords.py`: contains secret information to be git-ignored (e.g. bot tokens) ``` my_token = 'token_of_bot1' my_other_token = 'token_of_bot2' ... ``` ## Usage ``` from davtelepot import Bot from data.passwords import my_token, my_other_token my_bot = Bot.get(token=my_token, db_name='my_db') my_other_bot = Bot.get(token=my_other_token, db_name='my_other_db') @my_bot.command('/foo') async def foo_command(update): return "Bar!" @my_other_bot.command('/bar') async def bar_command(update): return "Foo!" Bot.run() ``` Check out `help(Bot)` for detailed information.