"""Provide a simple Bot object, mirroring Telegram API methods. camelCase methods mirror API directly, while snake_case ones act as middleware someway. Usage ``` import sys from davtelepot.bot import Bot from data.passwords import my_token, my_other_token long_polling_bot = Bot(token=my_token, database_url='my_db') webhook_bot = Bot(token=my_other_token, hostname='example.com', certificate='path/to/certificate.pem', database_url='my_other_db') @long_polling_bot.command('/foo') async def foo_command(bot, update, user_record, language): return "Bar!" @webhook_bot.command('/bar') async def bar_command(bot, update, user_record, language): return "Foo!" exit_state = Bot.run( local_host='', port=8552 ) sys.exit(exit_state) ``` """ # Standard library modules import asyncio import datetime import io import inspect import logging import os import re import sys from collections import OrderedDict from typing import Callable, List, Union, Dict # Third party modules from aiohttp import web # Project modules from .api import TelegramBot, TelegramError from .database import ObjectWithDatabase from .languages import MultiLanguageObject from .messages import davtelepot_messages from .utilities import ( async_get, escape_html_chars, extract, get_secure_key, make_inline_query_answer, make_lines_of_buttons, remove_html_tags ) # Do not log aiohttp `INFO` and `DEBUG` levels logging.getLogger('aiohttp').setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Same with chardet logging.getLogger('chardet').setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Some methods are not implemented yet: that's the reason behind the following statement # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyMethodMayBeStatic class Bot(TelegramBot, ObjectWithDatabase, MultiLanguageObject): """Simple Bot object, providing methods corresponding to Telegram bot API. Multiple Bot() instances may be run together, along with a aiohttp web app. """ bots = [] _path = '.' runner = None # TODO: find a way to choose port automatically by default # Setting port to 0 does not work unfortunately local_host = 'localhost' port = 3000 final_state = 0 _maintenance_message = ("I am currently under maintenance!\n" "Please retry later...") _authorization_denied_message = None _unknown_command_message = None TELEGRAM_MESSAGES_MAX_LEN = 4096 _max_message_length = 3 * (TELEGRAM_MESSAGES_MAX_LEN - 100) _default_inline_query_answer = [ dict( type='article', id=0, title="I cannot answer this query, sorry", input_message_content=dict( message_text="I'm sorry " "but I could not find an answer for your query." ) ) ] _log_file_name = None _errors_file_name = None _documents_max_dimension = 50 * 1000 * 1000 # 50 MB def __init__( self, token, hostname='', certificate=None, max_connections=40, allowed_updates=None, database_url='bot.db' ): """Init a bot instance. token : str Telegram bot API token. hostname : str Domain (or public IP address) for webhooks. certificate : str Path to domain certificate. max_connections : int (1 - 100) Maximum number of HTTPS connections allowed. allowed_updates : List(str) Allowed update types (empty list to allow all). @type allowed_updates: list(str) """ # Append `self` to class list of instances self.__class__.bots.append(self) # Call superclasses constructors with proper arguments TelegramBot.__init__(self, token) ObjectWithDatabase.__init__(self, database_url=database_url) MultiLanguageObject.__init__(self) self.messages['davtelepot'] = davtelepot_messages self._path = None self.preliminary_tasks = [] self.final_tasks = [] self._offset = 0 self._hostname = hostname self._certificate = certificate self._max_connections = max_connections self._allowed_updates = allowed_updates self._max_message_length = None self._session_token = get_secure_key(length=10) self._name = None self._telegram_id = None # The following routing table associates each type of Telegram `update` # with a Bot method to be invoked on it. self.routing_table = { 'message': self.message_router, 'edited_message': self.edited_message_handler, 'channel_post': self.channel_post_handler, 'edited_channel_post': self.edited_channel_post_handler, 'inline_query': self.inline_query_handler, 'chosen_inline_result': self.chosen_inline_result_handler, 'callback_query': self.callback_query_handler, 'shipping_query': self.shipping_query_handler, 'pre_checkout_query': self.pre_checkout_query_handler, 'poll': self.poll_handler, } # Different message update types need different handlers self.message_handlers = { 'text': self.text_message_handler, 'audio': self.audio_file_handler, 'document': self.document_message_handler, 'animation': self.animation_message_handler, 'game': self.game_message_handler, 'photo': self.photo_message_handler, 'sticker': self.sticker_message_handler, 'video': self.video_message_handler, 'voice': self.voice_message_handler, 'video_note': self.video_note_message_handler, 'contact': self.contact_message_handler, 'location': self.location_message_handler, 'venue': self.venue_message_handler, 'poll': self.poll_message_handler, 'new_chat_members': self.new_chat_members_message_handler, 'left_chat_member': self.left_chat_member_message_handler, 'new_chat_title': self.new_chat_title_message_handler, 'new_chat_photo': self.new_chat_photo_message_handler, 'delete_chat_photo': self.delete_chat_photo_message_handler, 'group_chat_created': self.group_chat_created_message_handler, 'supergroup_chat_created': ( self.supergroup_chat_created_message_handler ), 'channel_chat_created': self.channel_chat_created_message_handler, 'migrate_to_chat_id': self.migrate_to_chat_id_message_handler, 'migrate_from_chat_id': self.migrate_from_chat_id_message_handler, 'pinned_message': self.pinned_message_message_handler, 'invoice': self.invoice_message_handler, 'successful_payment': self.successful_payment_message_handler, 'connected_website': self.connected_website_message_handler, 'passport_data': self.passport_data_message_handler, 'dice': self.dice_handler, } # Special text message handlers: individual, commands, aliases, parsers self.individual_text_message_handlers = dict() self.commands = OrderedDict() self.command_aliases = OrderedDict() self.messages['commands'] = dict() self.messages['reply_keyboard_buttons'] = dict() self._unknown_command_message = None self.text_message_parsers = OrderedDict() self.document_handlers = OrderedDict() self.individual_document_message_handlers = dict() # General handlers self.individual_handlers = dict() self.handlers = OrderedDict() # Support for /help command self.messages['help_sections'] = OrderedDict() # Handle location messages self.individual_location_handlers = dict() # Handle voice messages self.individual_voice_handlers = dict() # Callback query-related properties self.callback_handlers = OrderedDict() self._callback_data_separator = None # Inline query-related properties self.inline_query_handlers = OrderedDict() self._default_inline_query_answer = None self.chosen_inline_result_handlers = dict() # Maintenance properties self._under_maintenance = False self._allowed_during_maintenance = [] self._maintenance_message = None # Default chat_id getter: same chat as update self.get_chat_id = lambda update: ( update['message']['chat']['id'] if 'message' in update and 'chat' in update['message'] else update['chat']['id'] if 'chat' in update else None ) # Function to get updated list of bot administrators self._get_administrators = lambda bot: [] # Message to be returned if user is not allowed to call method self._authorization_denied_message = None # Default authorization function (always return True) self.authorization_function = ( lambda update, user_record=None, authorization_level='user': True ) self.default_reply_keyboard_elements = [] self.recent_users = OrderedDict() self._log_file_name = None self._errors_file_name = None self.placeholder_requests = dict() self.shared_data = dict() self.Role = None self.packages = [sys.modules['davtelepot']] self._documents_max_dimension = None # Add `users` table with its fields if missing if 'users' not in self.db.tables: table = self.db.create_table( table_name='users' ) table.create_column( 'telegram_id', self.db.types.integer ) table.create_column( 'privileges', self.db.types.integer ) table.create_column( 'username', self.db.types.string(64) ) table.create_column( 'first_name', self.db.types.string(64) ) table.create_column( 'last_name', self.db.types.string(64) ) table.create_column( 'language_code', self.db.types.string(8) ) table.create_column( 'selected_language_code', self.db.types.string(8) ) if 'user_profile_photos' not in self.db.tables: table = self.db.create_table( table_name='user_profile_photos' ) table.create_column( 'user_id', self.db.types.integer ) table.create_column( 'telegram_file_id', self.db.types.string(128) ) table.create_column( 'update_datetime', self.db.types.datetime ) return @property def path(self): """Path where files should be looked for. If no instance path is set, return class path. """ return self._path or self.__class__._path @classmethod def set_class_path(cls, path): """Set class path attribute.""" cls._path = path def set_path(self, path): """Set instance path attribute.""" self._path = path @property def log_file_name(self): """Return log file name. Fallback to class file name if set, otherwise return None. """ return self._log_file_name or self.__class__._log_file_name @property def log_file_path(self): """Return log file path basing on self.path and `_log_file_name`. Fallback to class file if set, otherwise return None. """ if self.log_file_name: return f"{self.path}/data/{self.log_file_name}" def set_log_file_name(self, file_name): """Set log file name.""" self._log_file_name = file_name @classmethod def set_class_log_file_name(cls, file_name): """Set class log file name.""" cls._log_file_name = file_name @property def errors_file_name(self): """Return errors file name. Fallback to class file name if set, otherwise return None. """ return self._errors_file_name or self.__class__._errors_file_name @property def errors_file_path(self): """Return errors file path basing on self.path and `_errors_file_name`. Fallback to class file if set, otherwise return None. """ if self.errors_file_name: return f"{self.path}/data/{self.errors_file_name}" def set_errors_file_name(self, file_name): """Set errors file name.""" self._errors_file_name = file_name @classmethod def set_class_errors_file_name(cls, file_name): """Set class errors file name.""" cls._errors_file_name = file_name @classmethod def get(cls, token, *args, **kwargs): """Given a `token`, return class instance with that token. If no instance is found, instantiate it. Positional and keyword arguments may be passed as well. """ for bot in cls.bots: if bot.token == token: return bot return cls(token, *args, **kwargs) @property def hostname(self): """Hostname for the webhook URL. It must be a public domain or IP address. Port may be specified. A custom webhook url, including bot token and a random token, will be generated for Telegram to post new updates. """ return self._hostname @property def webhook_url(self): """URL where Telegram servers should post new updates. It must be a public domain name or IP address. Port may be specified. """ if not self.hostname: return '' return ( f"{self.hostname}/webhook/{self.token}_{self.session_token}/" ) @property def webhook_local_address(self): """Local address where Telegram updates are routed by revers proxy.""" return ( f"/webhook/{self.token}_{self.session_token}/" ) @property def certificate(self): """Public certificate for `webhook_url`. May be self-signed """ return self._certificate @property def max_connections(self): """Maximum number of simultaneous HTTPS connections allowed. Telegram will open as many connections as possible to boost bot’s throughput, lower values limit the load on bot‘s server. """ return self._max_connections @property def allowed_updates(self): """List of update types to be retrieved. Empty list to allow all updates. """ return self._allowed_updates or [] @property def max_message_length(self) -> int: return self._max_message_length or self.__class__._max_message_length @classmethod def set_class_max_message_length(cls, max_message_length: int): cls._max_message_length = max_message_length def set_max_message_length(self, max_message_length: int): self._max_message_length = max_message_length @property def name(self): """Bot name.""" return self._name @property def telegram_id(self): """Telegram id of this bot.""" return self._telegram_id @property def session_token(self): """Return a token generated with the current instantiation.""" return self._session_token @property def offset(self): """Return last update id. Useful to ignore repeated updates and restore original update order. """ return self._offset @property def under_maintenance(self): """Return True if bot is under maintenance. While under maintenance, bot will reply `self.maintenance_message` to any update, except those which `self.is_allowed_during_maintenance` returns True for. """ return self._under_maintenance @property def allowed_during_maintenance(self): """Return the list of criteria to allow an update during maintenance. If any of this criteria returns True on an update, that update will be handled even during maintenance. """ return self._allowed_during_maintenance @property def maintenance_message(self): """Message to be returned if bot is under maintenance. If instance message is not set, class message is returned. """ if self._maintenance_message: return self._maintenance_message if self.__class__.maintenance_message: return self.__class__._maintenance_message return ("I am currently under maintenance!\n" "Please retry later...") @property def authorization_denied_message(self): """Return this text if user is unauthorized to make a request. If instance message is not set, class message is returned. """ if self._authorization_denied_message: return self._authorization_denied_message return self.__class__._authorization_denied_message def get_keyboard(self, user_record=None, update=None, telegram_id=None): """Return a reply keyboard translated into user language.""" if user_record is None: user_record = dict() if update is None: update = dict() if (not user_record) and telegram_id: with self.db as db: user_record = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=telegram_id) buttons = [ dict( text=self.get_message( 'reply_keyboard_buttons', command, user_record=user_record, update=update, default_message=element['reply_keyboard_button'] ) ) for command, element in self.commands.items() if 'reply_keyboard_button' in element and self.authorization_function( update=update, user_record=user_record, authorization_level=element['authorization_level'] ) ] if len(buttons) == 0: return return dict( keyboard=make_lines_of_buttons( buttons, (2 if len(buttons) < 4 else 3) # Row length ), resize_keyboard=True ) @property def unknown_command_message(self): """Message to be returned if user sends an unknown command. If instance message is not set, class message is returned. """ if self._unknown_command_message: message = self._unknown_command_message else: message = self.__class__._unknown_command_message if isinstance(message, str): message = message.format(bot=self) return message @property def callback_data_separator(self): """Separator between callback data elements. Example of callback_data: 'my_button_prefix:///1|4|test' Prefix: `my_button_prefix:///` Separator: `|` <--- this is returned Data: `['1', '4', 'test']` """ return self._callback_data_separator def set_callback_data_separator(self, separator): """Set a callback_data separator. See property `callback_data_separator` for details. """ assert type(separator) is str, "Separator must be a string!" self._callback_data_separator = separator @property def default_inline_query_answer(self): """Answer to be returned if inline query returned None. If instance default answer is not set, class one is returned. """ if self._default_inline_query_answer: return self._default_inline_query_answer return self.__class__._default_inline_query_answer @classmethod def set_class_default_inline_query_answer(cls, default_inline_query_answer): """Set class default inline query answer. It will be returned if an inline query returned no answer. """ cls._default_inline_query_answer = make_inline_query_answer( default_inline_query_answer ) def set_default_inline_query_answer(self, default_inline_query_answer): """Set a custom default_inline_query_answer. It will be returned when no answer is found for an inline query. If instance answer is None, default class answer is used. """ self._default_inline_query_answer = make_inline_query_answer( default_inline_query_answer ) def set_get_administrator_function(self, new_function: Callable[[object], list]): """Set a new get_administrators function. This function should take bot as argument and return an updated list of its administrators. Example: ```python def get_administrators(bot): admins = bot.db['users'].find(privileges=2) return list(admins) ``` """ self._get_administrators = new_function @property def administrators(self): return self._get_administrators(self) @classmethod def set_class_documents_max_dimension(cls, documents_max_dimension: int): cls._documents_max_dimension = documents_max_dimension def set_documents_max_dimension(self, documents_max_dimension: int): self._documents_max_dimension = documents_max_dimension @property def documents_max_dimension(self) -> int: return int(self._documents_max_dimension or self.__class__._documents_max_dimension) async def message_router(self, update, user_record, language): """Route Telegram `message` update to appropriate message handler.""" bot = self for key in self.message_handlers: if key in update: return await self.message_handlers[key](**{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( self.message_handlers[key] ).parameters }) logging.error( f"The following message update was received: {update}\n" "However, this message type is unknown." ) async def edited_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `edited_message` update.""" logging.info( f"The following update was received: {update}\n" "However, this edited_message handler does nothing yet." ) return async def channel_post_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `channel_post` update.""" logging.info( f"The following update was received: {update}\n" "However, this channel_post handler does nothing yet." ) return async def edited_channel_post_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `edited_channel_post` update.""" logging.info( f"The following update was received: {update}\n" "However, this edited_channel_post handler does nothing yet." ) return async def inline_query_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `inline_query` update. Answer it with results or log errors. """ query = update['query'] results, switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter = None, None, None for condition, handler in self.inline_query_handlers.items(): if condition(query): _handler = handler['handler'] results = await _handler(bot=self, update=update, user_record=user_record) break if not results: results = self.default_inline_query_answer if isinstance(results, dict) and 'answer' in results: if 'switch_pm_text' in results: switch_pm_text = results['switch_pm_text'] if 'switch_pm_parameter' in results: switch_pm_parameter = results['switch_pm_parameter'] results = results['answer'] try: await self.answer_inline_query( update=update, user_record=user_record, results=results, cache_time=10, is_personal=True, switch_pm_text=switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter=switch_pm_parameter ) except Exception as e: logging.info("Error answering inline query\n{}".format(e)) return async def chosen_inline_result_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `chosen_inline_result` update.""" if user_record is not None: user_id = user_record['telegram_id'] else: user_id = update['from']['id'] if user_id in self.chosen_inline_result_handlers: result_id = update['result_id'] handlers = self.chosen_inline_result_handlers[user_id] if result_id in handlers: await handlers[result_id](update) return def set_chosen_inline_result_handler(self, user_id, result_id, handler): """Associate a `handler` to a `result_id` for `user_id`. When an inline result is chosen having that id, `handler` will be called and passed the update as argument. """ if type(user_id) is dict: user_id = user_id['from']['id'] assert type(user_id) is int, "user_id must be int!" # Query result ids are parsed as str by telegram result_id = str(result_id) assert callable(handler), "Handler must be callable" if user_id not in self.chosen_inline_result_handlers: self.chosen_inline_result_handlers[user_id] = {} self.chosen_inline_result_handlers[user_id][result_id] = handler return async def callback_query_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `callback_query` update. A callback query is sent when users press inline keyboard buttons. Bad clients may send malformed or deceiving callback queries: never put secrets in buttons and always check request validity! Get an `answer` from the callback handler associated to the query prefix and use it to edit the source message (or send new ones if text is longer than single message limit). Anyway, the query is answered, otherwise the client would hang and the bot would look like idle. """ assert 'data' in update, "Malformed callback query lacking data field." answer = dict() data = update['data'] for start_text, handler in self.callback_handlers.items(): if data.startswith(start_text): _function = handler['handler'] answer = await _function( bot=self, update=update, user_record=user_record, language=language ) break if answer is None: answer = '' if type(answer) is str: answer = dict(text=answer) assert type(answer) is dict, "Invalid callback query answer." if 'edit' in answer: message_identifier = self.get_message_identifier(update) edit = answer['edit'] method = ( self.edit_message_text if 'text' in edit else self.editMessageCaption if 'caption' in edit else self.editMessageReplyMarkup if 'reply_markup' in edit else (lambda *args, **kwargs: None) ) try: await method(**message_identifier, **edit) except TelegramError as e: logging.info("Message was not modified:\n{}".format(e)) try: return await self.answerCallbackQuery( callback_query_id=update['id'], **{ key: (val[:180] if key == 'text' else val) for key, val in answer.items() if key in ('text', 'show_alert', 'cache_time') } ) except TelegramError as e: logging.error(e) return async def shipping_query_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `shipping_query` update.""" logging.info( f"The following update was received: {update}\n" "However, this shipping_query handler does nothing yet." ) return async def pre_checkout_query_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `pre_checkout_query` update.""" logging.info( f"The following update was received: {update}\n" "However, this pre_checkout_query handler does nothing yet." ) return async def poll_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle Telegram `poll` update.""" logging.info( f"The following update was received: {update}\n" "However, this poll handler does nothing yet." ) return async def text_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `text` message update.""" replier, reply = None, None text = update['text'] lowered_text = text.lower() user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None if user_id in self.individual_text_message_handlers: replier = self.individual_text_message_handlers[user_id] del self.individual_text_message_handlers[user_id] elif text.startswith('/'): # Handle commands # A command must always start with the ‘/’ symbol and may not be # longer than 32 characters. # Commands can use latin letters, numbers and underscores. command = re.search( r"([A-z_1-9]){1,32}", # Command pattern (without leading `/`) lowered_text ).group(0) # Get the first group of characters matching pattern if command in self.commands: replier = self.commands[command]['handler'] elif command in [ description['language_labelled_commands'][language] for c, description in self.commands.items() if 'language_labelled_commands' in description and language in description['language_labelled_commands'] ]: replier = [ description['handler'] for c, description in self.commands.items() if 'language_labelled_commands' in description and language in description['language_labelled_commands'] and command == description['language_labelled_commands'][language] ][0] elif 'chat' in update and update['chat']['id'] > 0: reply = dict(text=self.unknown_command_message) else: # Handle command aliases and text parsers # Aliases are case insensitive: text and alias are both .lower() for alias, function in self.command_aliases.items(): if lowered_text.startswith(alias.lower()): replier = function break # Text message update parsers for check_function, parser in self.text_message_parsers.items(): if check_function( **{name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( check_function).parameters}): replier = parser['handler'] break if replier: reply = await replier( bot=self, **{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( replier ).parameters } ) if reply: if type(reply) is str: reply = dict(text=reply) try: return await self.reply(update=update, **reply) except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Failed to handle text message:\n{e}", exc_info=True ) return async def audio_file_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `audio` file update.""" logging.info( "A audio file update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def document_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `document` message update.""" replier, reply = None, None user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None if user_id in self.individual_document_message_handlers: replier = self.individual_document_message_handlers[user_id] del self.individual_document_message_handlers[user_id] else: for check_function, handler in self.document_handlers.items(): if check_function(update): replier = handler['handler'] break if replier: reply = await replier( bot=self, **{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( replier ).parameters } ) if reply: if type(reply) is str: reply = dict(text=reply) try: return await self.reply(update=update, **reply) except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Failed to handle document:\n{e}", exc_info=True ) return async def animation_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `animation` message update.""" logging.info( "A animation message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def game_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `game` message update.""" logging.info( "A game message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def photo_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `photo` message update.""" return await self.general_handler(update=update, user_record=user_record, language=language, update_type='photo') async def sticker_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `sticker` message update.""" logging.info( "A sticker message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def video_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `video` message update.""" logging.info( "A video message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def voice_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `voice` message update.""" replier, reply = None, None user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None if user_id in self.individual_voice_handlers: replier = self.individual_voice_handlers[user_id] del self.individual_voice_handlers[user_id] if replier: reply = await replier( bot=self, **{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( replier ).parameters } ) if reply: if type(reply) is str: reply = dict(text=reply) try: return await self.reply(update=update, **reply) except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Failed to handle voice message:\n{e}", exc_info=True ) return async def video_note_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `video_note` message update.""" logging.info( "A video_note message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def contact_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `contact` message update.""" return await self.general_handler(update=update, user_record=user_record, language=language, update_type='contact') async def general_handler(self, update: dict, user_record: OrderedDict, language: str, update_type: str): replier, reply = None, None user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None if update_type not in self.individual_handlers: self.individual_handlers[update_type] = dict() if update_type not in self.handlers: self.handlers[update_type] = OrderedDict() if user_id in self.individual_handlers[update_type]: replier = self.individual_handlers[update_type][user_id] del self.individual_handlers[update_type][user_id] else: for check_function, handler in self.handlers[update_type].items(): if check_function(update): replier = handler['handler'] break if replier: reply = await replier( bot=self, **{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( replier ).parameters } ) if reply: if type(reply) is str: reply = dict(text=reply) try: return await self.reply(update=update, **reply) except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Failed to handle document:\n{e}", exc_info=True ) return async def location_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `location` message update.""" replier, reply = None, None user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None if user_id in self.individual_location_handlers: replier = self.individual_location_handlers[user_id] del self.individual_location_handlers[user_id] if replier: reply = await replier( bot=self, **{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( replier ).parameters } ) if reply: if type(reply) is str: reply = dict(text=reply) try: return await self.reply(update=update, **reply) except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Failed to handle location message:\n{e}", exc_info=True ) return async def venue_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `venue` message update.""" logging.info( "A venue message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def poll_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `poll` message update.""" logging.info( "A poll message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def new_chat_members_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `new_chat_members` message update.""" logging.info( "A new_chat_members message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def left_chat_member_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `left_chat_member` message update.""" logging.info( "A left_chat_member message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def new_chat_title_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `new_chat_title` message update.""" logging.info( "A new_chat_title message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def new_chat_photo_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `new_chat_photo` message update.""" logging.info( "A new_chat_photo message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def delete_chat_photo_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `delete_chat_photo` message update.""" logging.info( "A delete_chat_photo message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def group_chat_created_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `group_chat_created` message update.""" logging.info( "A group_chat_created message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def supergroup_chat_created_message_handler(self, update, user_record): """Handle `supergroup_chat_created` message update.""" logging.info( "A supergroup_chat_created message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def channel_chat_created_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `channel_chat_created` message update.""" logging.info( "A channel_chat_created message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def migrate_to_chat_id_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `migrate_to_chat_id` message update.""" logging.info( "A migrate_to_chat_id message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def migrate_from_chat_id_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `migrate_from_chat_id` message update.""" logging.info( "A migrate_from_chat_id message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def pinned_message_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `pinned_message` message update.""" logging.info( "A pinned_message message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def invoice_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `invoice` message update.""" logging.info( "A invoice message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def successful_payment_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `successful_payment` message update.""" logging.info( "A successful_payment message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def connected_website_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `connected_website` message update.""" logging.info( "A connected_website message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def passport_data_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `passport_data` message update.""" logging.info( "A passport_data message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) async def dice_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None): """Handle `dice` message update.""" logging.info( "A dice message update was received, " "but this handler does nothing yet." ) # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection @staticmethod def split_message_text(text, limit=None, parse_mode='HTML'): r"""Split text if it hits telegram limits for text messages. Split at `\n` if possible. Add a `[...]` at the end and beginning of split messages, with proper code markdown. """ if parse_mode == 'HTML': text = escape_html_chars(text) tags = ( ('`', '`') if parse_mode == 'Markdown' else ('', '') if parse_mode.lower() == 'html' else ('', '') ) if limit is None: limit = Bot.TELEGRAM_MESSAGES_MAX_LEN - 100 # Example text: "lines\nin\nreversed\order" text = text.split("\n")[::-1] # ['order', 'reversed', 'in', 'lines'] text_part_number = 0 while len(text) > 0: temp = [] text_part_number += 1 while ( len(text) > 0 and len( "\n".join(temp + [text[-1]]) ) < limit ): # Append lines of `text` in order (`.pop` returns the last # line in text) until the addition of the next line would hit # the `limit`. temp.append(text.pop()) # If graceful split failed (last line was longer than limit) if len(temp) == 0: # Force split last line temp.append(text[-1][:limit]) text[-1] = text[-1][limit:] text_chunk = "\n".join(temp) # Re-join this group of lines prefix, suffix = '', '' is_last = len(text) == 0 if text_part_number > 1: prefix = f"{tags[0]}[...]{tags[1]}\n" if not is_last: suffix = f"\n{tags[0]}[...]{tags[1]}" yield (prefix + text_chunk + suffix), is_last return async def reply(self, update=None, *args, **kwargs): """Reply to `update` with proper method according to `kwargs`.""" method = None if 'text' in kwargs: if 'message_id' in kwargs: method = self.edit_message_text else: method = self.send_message elif 'photo' in kwargs: method = self.send_photo elif 'audio' in kwargs: method = self.send_audio elif 'voice' in kwargs: method = self.send_voice if method is not None: return await method(update=update, *args, **kwargs) raise Exception("Unsupported keyword arguments for `Bot().reply`.") async def send_message(self, chat_id: Union[int, str] = None, text: str = None, entities: List[dict] = None, parse_mode: str = 'HTML', disable_web_page_preview: bool = None, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None, allow_sending_without_reply: bool = None, reply_markup=None, update: dict = None, reply_to_update: bool = False, send_default_keyboard: bool = True, user_record: OrderedDict = None): """Send text via message(s). This method wraps lower-level `TelegramBot.sendMessage` method. Pass an `update` to extract `chat_id` and `message_id` from it. Set `reply_to_update` = True to reply to `update['message_id']`. Set `send_default_keyboard` = False to avoid sending default keyboard as reply_markup (only those messages can be edited, which were sent with no reply markup or with an inline keyboard). """ sent_message_update = None if update is None: update = dict() if 'message' in update: update = update['message'] if chat_id is None and 'chat' in update: chat_id = self.get_chat_id(update) if user_record is None: user_record = self.db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=chat_id) if reply_to_update and 'message_id' in update: reply_to_message_id = update['message_id'] if ( send_default_keyboard and reply_markup is None and type(chat_id) is int and chat_id > 0 and text != self.authorization_denied_message ): reply_markup = self.get_keyboard( update=update, telegram_id=chat_id ) if not text: return parse_mode = str(parse_mode) if isinstance(text, dict): text = self.get_message( update=update, user_record=user_record, messages=text ) if len(text) > self.max_message_length: message_file = io.StringIO(text) message_file.name = self.get_message( 'davtelepot', 'long_message', 'file_name', update=update, user_record=user_record, ) return await self.send_document( chat_id=chat_id, document=message_file, caption=self.get_message( 'davtelepot', 'long_message', 'caption', update=update, user_record=user_record, ), use_stored_file_id=False, parse_mode='HTML' ) text_chunks = self.split_message_text( text=text, limit=self.__class__.TELEGRAM_MESSAGES_MAX_LEN - 100, parse_mode=parse_mode ) for text_chunk, is_last in text_chunks: _reply_markup = (reply_markup if is_last else None) sent_message_update = await self.sendMessage( chat_id=chat_id, text=text_chunk, parse_mode=parse_mode, entities=entities, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, allow_sending_without_reply=allow_sending_without_reply, reply_markup=_reply_markup ) return sent_message_update async def send_disposable_message(self, *args, interval=60, **kwargs): sent_message = await self.reply(*args, **kwargs) if sent_message is None: return task = self.delete_message(update=sent_message) self.final_tasks.append(task) await asyncio.sleep(interval) await task if task in self.final_tasks: self.final_tasks.remove(task) return async def edit_message_text(self, text: str, chat_id: Union[int, str] = None, message_id: int = None, inline_message_id: str = None, parse_mode: str = 'HTML', entities: List[dict] = None, disable_web_page_preview: bool = None, allow_sending_without_reply: bool = None, reply_markup=None, update: dict = None): """Edit message text, sending new messages if necessary. This method wraps lower-level `TelegramBot.editMessageText` method. Pass an `update` to extract a message identifier from it. """ updates = [] edited_message = None if update is not None: message_identifier = self.get_message_identifier(update) if 'chat_id' in message_identifier: chat_id = message_identifier['chat_id'] message_id = message_identifier['message_id'] if 'inline_message_id' in message_identifier: inline_message_id = message_identifier['inline_message_id'] if isinstance(text, dict): user_record = self.db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=chat_id) text = self.get_message( update=update, user_record=user_record, messages=text ) for i, (text_chunk, is_last) in enumerate( self.split_message_text( text=text, limit=self.__class__.TELEGRAM_MESSAGES_MAX_LEN - 200, parse_mode=parse_mode ) ): if i == 0: edited_message = await self.editMessageText( text=text_chunk, chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, inline_message_id=inline_message_id, parse_mode=parse_mode, entities=entities, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, reply_markup=(reply_markup if is_last else None) ) if chat_id is None: # Cannot send messages without a chat_id # Inline keyboards attached to inline query results may be # in chats the bot cannot reach. break updates = [update] else: updates.append( await self.send_message( text=text_chunk, chat_id=chat_id, parse_mode=parse_mode, entities=entities, disable_web_page_preview=disable_web_page_preview, allow_sending_without_reply=allow_sending_without_reply, reply_markup=(reply_markup if is_last else None), update=updates[-1], reply_to_update=True, send_default_keyboard=False ) ) return edited_message async def edit_message_media(self, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, media=None, reply_markup=None, caption=None, parse_mode=None, photo=None, update=None): if update is not None: message_identifier = self.get_message_identifier(update) if 'chat_id' in message_identifier: chat_id = message_identifier['chat_id'] message_id = message_identifier['message_id'] if 'inline_message_id' in message_identifier: inline_message_id = message_identifier['inline_message_id'] if media is None: media = {} if caption is not None: media['caption'] = caption if parse_mode is not None: media['parse_mode'] = parse_mode if photo is not None: media['type'] = 'photo' media['media'] = photo return await self.editMessageMedia(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, inline_message_id=inline_message_id, media=media, reply_markup=reply_markup) async def forward_message(self, chat_id, update=None, from_chat_id=None, message_id=None, disable_notification=False): """Forward message from `from_chat_id` to `chat_id`. Set `disable_notification` to True to avoid disturbing recipient. Pass the `update` to be forwarded or its identifier (`from_chat_id` and `message_id`). """ if from_chat_id is None or message_id is None: message_identifier = self.get_message_identifier(update) from_chat_id = message_identifier['chat_id'] message_id = message_identifier['message_id'] return await self.forwardMessage( chat_id=chat_id, from_chat_id=from_chat_id, message_id=message_id, disable_notification=disable_notification, ) async def delete_message(self, update=None, chat_id=None, message_id=None): """Delete given update with given *args and **kwargs. Please note, that a bot can delete only messages sent by itself or sent in a group which it is administrator of. """ if update is None: update = dict() if chat_id is None or message_id is None: message_identifier = self.get_message_identifier(update) else: message_identifier = dict( chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id ) return await self.deleteMessage( **message_identifier ) async def send_photo(self, chat_id: Union[int, str], photo, caption: str = None, parse_mode: str = None, caption_entities: List[dict] = None, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None, allow_sending_without_reply: bool = None, reply_markup=None, update: dict = None, reply_to_update: bool = False, send_default_keyboard: bool = True, use_stored_file_id: bool = True): """Send photos. This method wraps lower-level `TelegramBot.sendPhoto` method. Pass an `update` to extract `chat_id` and `message_id` from it. Set `reply_to_update` = True to reply to `update['message_id']`. Set `send_default_keyboard` = False to avoid sending default keyboard as reply_markup (only those messages can be edited, which were sent with no reply markup or with an inline keyboard). If photo was already sent by this bot and `use_stored_file_id` is set to True, use file_id (it is faster and recommended). """ already_sent = False photo_path = None if update is None: update = dict() if 'message' in update: update = update['message'] if chat_id is None and 'chat' in update: chat_id = self.get_chat_id(update) if reply_to_update and 'message_id' in update: reply_to_message_id = update['message_id'] if ( send_default_keyboard and reply_markup is None and type(chat_id) is int and chat_id > 0 and caption != self.authorization_denied_message ): reply_markup = self.get_keyboard( update=update, telegram_id=chat_id ) if type(photo) is str: photo_path = photo with self.db as db: already_sent = db['sent_pictures'].find_one( path=photo_path, errors=False ) if already_sent and use_stored_file_id: photo = already_sent['file_id'] already_sent = True else: already_sent = False if not any( [ photo.startswith(url_starter) for url_starter in ('http', 'www',) ] ): # If `photo` is not a url but a local file path try: with io.BytesIO() as buffered_picture: with open( os.path.join(self.path, photo_path), 'rb' # Read bytes ) as photo_file: buffered_picture.write(photo_file.read()) photo = buffered_picture.getvalue() except FileNotFoundError: photo = None else: use_stored_file_id = False if photo is None: logging.error("Photo is None, `send_photo` returning...") return sent_update = None try: sent_update = await self.sendPhoto( chat_id=chat_id, photo=photo, caption=caption, parse_mode=parse_mode, caption_entities=caption_entities, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, allow_sending_without_reply=allow_sending_without_reply, reply_markup=reply_markup ) if isinstance(sent_update, Exception): raise Exception("sendPhoto API call failed!") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error sending photo\n{e}") if already_sent: with self.db as db: db['sent_pictures'].update( dict( path=photo_path, errors=True ), ['path'] ) if ( type(sent_update) is dict and 'photo' in sent_update and len(sent_update['photo']) > 0 and 'file_id' in sent_update['photo'][0] and (not already_sent) and use_stored_file_id ): with self.db as db: db['sent_pictures'].insert( dict( path=photo_path, file_id=sent_update['photo'][0]['file_id'], errors=False ) ) return sent_update async def send_audio(self, chat_id: Union[int, str], audio, caption: str = None, parse_mode: str = None, caption_entities: List[dict] = None, duration: int = None, performer: str = None, title: str = None, thumb=None, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None, allow_sending_without_reply: bool = None, reply_markup=None, update: dict = None, reply_to_update: bool = False, send_default_keyboard: bool = True, use_stored_file_id: bool = True): """Send audio files. This method wraps lower-level `TelegramBot.sendAudio` method. Pass an `update` to extract `chat_id` and `message_id` from it. Set `reply_to_update` = True to reply to `update['message_id']`. Set `send_default_keyboard` = False to avoid sending default keyboard as reply_markup (only those messages can be edited, which were sent with no reply markup or with an inline keyboard). If photo was already sent by this bot and `use_stored_file_id` is set to True, use file_id (it is faster and recommended). """ already_sent = False audio_path = None if update is None: update = dict() if 'message' in update: update = update['message'] if chat_id is None and 'chat' in update: chat_id = self.get_chat_id(update) if reply_to_update and 'message_id' in update: reply_to_message_id = update['message_id'] if ( send_default_keyboard and reply_markup is None and type(chat_id) is int and chat_id > 0 and caption != self.authorization_denied_message ): reply_markup = self.get_keyboard( update=update, telegram_id=chat_id ) if type(audio) is str: audio_path = audio with self.db as db: already_sent = db['sent_audio_files'].find_one( path=audio_path, errors=False ) if already_sent and use_stored_file_id: audio = already_sent['file_id'] already_sent = True else: already_sent = False if not any( [ audio.startswith(url_starter) for url_starter in ('http', 'www',) ] ): # If `audio` is not a url but a local file path try: with io.BytesIO() as buffered_picture: with open( os.path.join(self.path, audio_path), 'rb' # Read bytes ) as audio_file: buffered_picture.write(audio_file.read()) audio = buffered_picture.getvalue() except FileNotFoundError: audio = None else: use_stored_file_id = False if audio is None: logging.error("Audio is None, `send_audio` returning...") return sent_update = None try: sent_update = await self.sendAudio( chat_id=chat_id, audio=audio, caption=caption, parse_mode=parse_mode, caption_entities=caption_entities, duration=duration, performer=performer, title=title, thumb=thumb, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, allow_sending_without_reply=allow_sending_without_reply, reply_markup=reply_markup ) if isinstance(sent_update, Exception): raise Exception("sendAudio API call failed!") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error sending audio\n{e}") if already_sent: with self.db as db: db['sent_audio_files'].update( dict( path=audio_path, errors=True ), ['path'] ) if ( type(sent_update) is dict and 'audio' in sent_update and 'file_id' in sent_update['audio'] and (not already_sent) and use_stored_file_id ): with self.db as db: db['sent_audio_files'].insert( dict( path=audio_path, file_id=sent_update['audio']['file_id'], errors=False ) ) return sent_update async def send_voice(self, chat_id: Union[int, str], voice, caption: str = None, parse_mode: str = None, caption_entities: List[dict] = None, duration: int = None, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None, allow_sending_without_reply: bool = None, reply_markup=None, update: dict = None, reply_to_update: bool = False, send_default_keyboard: bool = True, use_stored_file_id: bool = True): """Send voice messages. This method wraps lower-level `TelegramBot.sendVoice` method. Pass an `update` to extract `chat_id` and `message_id` from it. Set `reply_to_update` = True to reply to `update['message_id']`. Set `send_default_keyboard` = False to avoid sending default keyboard as reply_markup (only those messages can be edited, which were sent with no reply markup or with an inline keyboard). If photo was already sent by this bot and `use_stored_file_id` is set to True, use file_id (it is faster and recommended). """ already_sent = False voice_path = None if update is None: update = dict() if 'message' in update: update = update['message'] if chat_id is None and 'chat' in update: chat_id = self.get_chat_id(update) if reply_to_update and 'message_id' in update: reply_to_message_id = update['message_id'] if ( send_default_keyboard and reply_markup is None and type(chat_id) is int and chat_id > 0 and caption != self.authorization_denied_message ): reply_markup = self.get_keyboard( update=update, telegram_id=chat_id ) if type(voice) is str: voice_path = voice with self.db as db: already_sent = db['sent_voice_messages'].find_one( path=voice_path, errors=False ) if already_sent and use_stored_file_id: voice = already_sent['file_id'] already_sent = True else: already_sent = False if not any( [ voice.startswith(url_starter) for url_starter in ('http', 'www',) ] ): # If `voice` is not a url but a local file path try: with io.BytesIO() as buffered_picture: with open( os.path.join(self.path, voice_path), 'rb' # Read bytes ) as voice_file: buffered_picture.write(voice_file.read()) voice = buffered_picture.getvalue() except FileNotFoundError: voice = None else: use_stored_file_id = False if voice is None: logging.error("Voice is None, `send_voice` returning...") return sent_update = None try: sent_update = await self.sendVoice( chat_id=chat_id, voice=voice, caption=caption, parse_mode=parse_mode, caption_entities=caption_entities, duration=duration, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, allow_sending_without_reply=allow_sending_without_reply, reply_markup=reply_markup ) if isinstance(sent_update, Exception): raise Exception("sendVoice API call failed!") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error sending voice\n{e}") if already_sent: with self.db as db: db['sent_voice_messages'].update( dict( path=voice_path, errors=True ), ['path'] ) if ( type(sent_update) is dict and 'voice' in sent_update and 'file_id' in sent_update['voice'] and (not already_sent) and use_stored_file_id ): with self.db as db: db['sent_voice_messages'].insert( dict( path=voice_path, file_id=sent_update['voice']['file_id'], errors=False ) ) return sent_update async def send_document(self, chat_id: Union[int, str], document, thumb=None, caption: str = None, parse_mode: str = None, caption_entities: List[dict] = None, disable_content_type_detection: bool = None, disable_notification: bool = None, reply_to_message_id: int = None, allow_sending_without_reply: bool = None, reply_markup=None, document_path: str = None, document_name: str = None, update: dict = None, reply_to_update: bool = False, send_default_keyboard: bool = True, use_stored_file_id: bool = False): """Send a document. This method wraps lower-level `TelegramBot.sendDocument` method. Pass an `update` to extract `chat_id` and `message_id` from it. Set `reply_to_update` = True to reply to `update['message_id']`. Set `send_default_keyboard` = False to avoid sending default keyboard as reply_markup (only those messages can be edited, which were sent with no reply markup or with an inline keyboard). If document was already sent by this bot and `use_stored_file_id` is set to True, use file_id (it is faster and recommended). `document_path` may contain `{path}`: it will be replaced by `self.path`. `document_name` displayed to Telegram may differ from actual document name if this parameter is set. """ already_sent = False if update is None: update = dict() # This buffered_file trick is necessary for two reasons # 1. File operations must be blocking, but sendDocument is a coroutine # 2. A `with` statement is not possible here if 'message' in update: update = update['message'] if chat_id is None and 'chat' in update: chat_id = self.get_chat_id(update) if reply_to_update and 'message_id' in update: reply_to_message_id = update['message_id'] if chat_id > 0: user_record = self.db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=chat_id) language = self.get_language(update=update, user_record=user_record) if ( send_default_keyboard and reply_markup is None and type(chat_id) is int and caption != self.authorization_denied_message ): reply_markup = self.get_keyboard( user_record=user_record ) else: language = self.default_language if document_path is not None: with self.db as db: already_sent = db['sent_documents'].find_one( path=document_path, errors=False ) if already_sent and use_stored_file_id: document = already_sent['file_id'] already_sent = True else: already_sent = False if not any( [ document_path.startswith(url_starter) for url_starter in ('http', 'www',) ] ): # If `document_path` is not a url but a local file path try: with open( document_path.format( path=self.path ), 'rb' # Read bytes ) as file_: file_size = os.fstat(file_.fileno()).st_size document_chunks = ( int( file_size / self.documents_max_dimension ) + 1 ) original_document_name = ( document_name or file_.name or 'Document' ) original_caption = caption if '/' in original_document_name: original_document_name = os.path.basename( os.path.abspath(original_document_name) ) for i in range(document_chunks): buffered_file = io.BytesIO( file_.read(self.documents_max_dimension) ) if document_chunks > 1: part = self.get_message( 'davtelepot', 'part', language=language ) caption = f"{original_caption} - {part} {i + 1}/{document_chunks}" buffered_file.name = ( f"{original_document_name} - " f"{part} {i + 1}" ) else: buffered_file.name = original_document_name sent_document = await self.send_document( chat_id=chat_id, document=buffered_file, thumb=thumb, caption=caption, parse_mode=parse_mode, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, reply_markup=reply_markup, update=update, reply_to_update=reply_to_update, send_default_keyboard=send_default_keyboard, use_stored_file_id=use_stored_file_id ) return sent_document except FileNotFoundError as e: if buffered_file: buffered_file.close() buffered_file = None return e else: use_stored_file_id = False if document is None: logging.error( "`document` is None, `send_document` returning..." ) return Exception("No `document` provided") sent_update = None try: sent_update = await self.sendDocument( chat_id=chat_id, document=document, thumb=thumb, caption=caption, parse_mode=parse_mode, caption_entities=caption_entities, disable_content_type_detection=disable_content_type_detection, disable_notification=disable_notification, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message_id, allow_sending_without_reply=allow_sending_without_reply, reply_markup=reply_markup ) if isinstance(sent_update, Exception): raise Exception("sendDocument API call failed!") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error sending document\n{e}") if already_sent: with self.db as db: db['sent_documents'].update( dict( path=document_path, errors=True ), ['path'] ) if ( type(sent_update) is dict and 'document' in sent_update and 'file_id' in sent_update['document'] and (not already_sent) and use_stored_file_id ): with self.db as db: db['sent_documents'].insert( dict( path=document_path, file_id=sent_update['document']['file_id'], errors=False ) ) return sent_update async def download_file(self, file_id, file_name=None, path=None): """Given a telegram `file_id`, download the related file. Telegram may not preserve the original file name and MIME type: the file's MIME type and name (if available) should be stored when the File object is received. """ file = await self.getFile(file_id=file_id) if file is None or isinstance(file, Exception): logging.error(f"{file}") return file_bytes = await async_get( url=( f"https://api.telegram.org/file/" f"bot{self.token}/" f"{file['file_path']}" ), mode='raw' ) path = path or self.path while file_name is None: file_name = get_secure_key(length=10) if os.path.exists(f"{path}/{file_name}"): file_name = None try: with open(f"{path}/{file_name}", 'wb') as local_file: local_file.write(file_bytes) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"File download failed due to {e}") return def translate_inline_query_answer_result(self, record, update=None, user_record=None): """Translate title and message text fields of inline query result. This method does not alter original `record`. This way, default inline query result is kept multilingual although single results sent to users are translated. """ result = dict() for key, val in record.items(): if key == 'title' and isinstance(record[key], dict): result[key] = self.get_message( update=update, user_record=user_record, messages=record[key] ) elif ( key == 'input_message_content' and isinstance(record[key], dict) ): result[key] = self.translate_inline_query_answer_result( record[key], update=update, user_record=user_record ) elif key == 'message_text' and isinstance(record[key], dict): result[key] = self.get_message( update=update, user_record=user_record, messages=record[key] ) else: result[key] = val return result async def answer_inline_query(self, inline_query_id=None, results=None, cache_time=None, is_personal=None, next_offset=None, switch_pm_text=None, switch_pm_parameter=None, update=None, user_record=None): """Answer inline queries. This method wraps lower-level `answerInlineQuery` method. If `results` is a string, cast it to proper type (list of dicts having certain keys). See utilities.make_inline_query_answer for details. """ if results is None: results = [] if ( inline_query_id is None and isinstance(update, dict) and 'id' in update ): inline_query_id = update['id'] results = [ self.translate_inline_query_answer_result(record=result, update=update, user_record=user_record) for result in make_inline_query_answer(results) ] return await self.answerInlineQuery( inline_query_id=inline_query_id, results=results, cache_time=cache_time, is_personal=is_personal, next_offset=next_offset, switch_pm_text=switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter=switch_pm_parameter, ) @classmethod def set_class_maintenance_message(cls, maintenance_message): """Set class maintenance message. It will be returned if bot is under maintenance, unless and instance `_maintenance_message` is set. """ cls._maintenance_message = maintenance_message def set_maintenance_message(self, maintenance_message): """Set instance maintenance message. It will be returned if bot is under maintenance. If instance message is None, default class message is used. """ self._maintenance_message = maintenance_message def change_maintenance_status(self, maintenance_message=None, status=None): """Put the bot under maintenance or end it. While in maintenance, bot will reply to users with maintenance_message with a few exceptions. If status is not set, it is by default the opposite of the current one. Optionally, `maintenance_message` may be set. """ if status is None: status = not self.under_maintenance assert type(status) is bool, "status must be a boolean value!" self._under_maintenance = status if maintenance_message: self.set_maintenance_message(maintenance_message) return self._under_maintenance # Return new status def is_allowed_during_maintenance(self, update): """Return True if update is allowed during maintenance. An update is allowed if any of the criteria in `self.allowed_during_maintenance` returns True called on it. """ for criterion in self.allowed_during_maintenance: if criterion(update): return True return False def allow_during_maintenance(self, criterion): """Add a criterion to allow certain updates during maintenance. `criterion` must be a function taking a Telegram `update` dictionary and returning a boolean. ```# Example of criterion def allow_text_messages(update): if 'message' in update and 'text' in update['message']: return True return False ``` """ self._allowed_during_maintenance.append(criterion) async def handle_update_during_maintenance(self, update, user_record=None, language=None): """Handle an update while bot is under maintenance. Handle all types of updates. """ if ( 'message' in update and 'chat' in update['message'] and update['message']['chat']['id'] > 0 ): return await self.send_message( text=self.maintenance_message, update=update['message'], reply_to_update=True ) elif 'callback_query' in update: await self.answerCallbackQuery( callback_query_id=update['id'], text=remove_html_tags(self.maintenance_message[:45]) ) elif 'inline_query' in update: await self.answer_inline_query( update['inline_query']['id'], self.maintenance_message, cache_time=30, is_personal=False, update=update, user_record=user_record ) return @classmethod def set_class_authorization_denied_message(cls, message): """Set class authorization denied message. It will be returned if user is unauthorized to make a request. """ cls._authorization_denied_message = message def set_authorization_denied_message(self, message): """Set instance authorization denied message. If instance message is None, default class message is used. """ self._authorization_denied_message = message def set_authorization_function(self, authorization_function): """Set a custom authorization_function. It should evaluate True if user is authorized to perform a specific action and False otherwise. It should take update and role and return a Boolean. Default authorization_function always evaluates True. """ self.authorization_function = authorization_function @classmethod def set_class_unknown_command_message(cls, unknown_command_message): """Set class unknown command message. It will be returned if user sends an unknown command in private chat. """ cls._unknown_command_message = unknown_command_message def set_unknown_command_message(self, unknown_command_message): """Set instance unknown command message. It will be returned if user sends an unknown command in private chat. If instance message is None, default class message is used. """ self._unknown_command_message = unknown_command_message def add_help_section(self, help_section): """Add `help_section`.""" assert ( isinstance(help_section, dict) and 'name' in help_section and 'label' in help_section and 'description' in help_section ), "Invalid help section!" if 'authorization_level' not in help_section: help_section['authorization_level'] = 'admin' self.messages['help_sections'][help_section['name']] = help_section def command(self, command: Union[str, Dict[str, str]], aliases=None, reply_keyboard_button=None, show_in_keyboard=False, description="", help_section=None, authorization_level='admin', language_labelled_commands: Dict[str, str] = None): """Associate a bot command with a custom handler function. Decorate command handlers like this: ``` @bot.command('/my_command', ['Button'], True, "My command", 'user') async def command_handler(bot, update, user_record, language): return "Result" ``` When a message text starts with `/command[@bot_name]`, or with an alias, it gets passed to the decorated function. `command` is the command name (with or without /). Language-labeled commands are supported in the form of {'en': 'command', ...} `aliases` is a list of aliases; each will call the command handler function; the first alias will appear as button in reply keyboard if `reply_keyboard_button` is not set. `reply_keyboard_button` is a str or better dict of language-specific strings to be shown in default keyboard. `show_in_keyboard`, if True, makes a button for this command appear in default keyboard. `description` can be used to help users understand what `/command` does. `help_section` is a dict on which the corresponding help section is built. It may provide multilanguage support and should be structured as follows: { "label": { # It will be displayed as button label 'en': "Label", ... }, "name": "section_name", # If missing, `authorization_level` is used "authorization_level": "everybody", "description": { 'en': "Description in English", ... }, } `authorization_level` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command. For advanced examples see `davtelepot.helper` or other modules (suggestions, administration_tools, ...). """ if language_labelled_commands is None: language_labelled_commands = dict() language_labelled_commands = { key: val.strip('/').lower() for key, val in language_labelled_commands.items() } # Handle language-labelled commands: # choose one main command and add others to `aliases` if isinstance(command, dict) and len(command) > 0: language_labelled_commands = command.copy() if 'main' in language_labelled_commands: command = language_labelled_commands['main'] elif self.default_language in language_labelled_commands: command = language_labelled_commands[self.default_language] else: for command in language_labelled_commands.values(): break if aliases is None: aliases = [] if not isinstance(command, str): raise TypeError(f'Command `{command}` is not a string') if isinstance(reply_keyboard_button, dict): for button in reply_keyboard_button.values(): if button not in aliases: aliases.append(button) if not isinstance(aliases, list): raise TypeError(f'Aliases is not a list: `{aliases}`') if not all( [ isinstance(alias, str) for alias in aliases ] ): raise TypeError( f'Aliases {aliases} is not a list of strings' ) if isinstance(help_section, dict): if 'authorization_level' not in help_section: help_section['authorization_level'] = authorization_level self.add_help_section(help_section) command = command.strip('/ ').lower() def command_decorator(command_handler): async def decorated_command_handler(bot, update, user_record, language=None): logging.info( f"Command `{command}@{bot.name}` called by " f"`{update['from'] if 'from' in update else update['chat']}`" ) if bot.authorization_function( update=update, user_record=user_record, authorization_level=authorization_level ): # Pass supported arguments from locals() to command_handler return await command_handler( **{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( command_handler ).parameters } ) return dict(text=self.authorization_denied_message) self.commands[command] = dict( handler=decorated_command_handler, description=description, authorization_level=authorization_level, language_labelled_commands=language_labelled_commands, aliases=aliases ) if type(description) is dict: self.messages['commands'][command] = dict( description=description ) if aliases: for alias in aliases: if alias.startswith('/'): self.commands[alias.strip('/ ').lower()] = dict( handler=decorated_command_handler, authorization_level=authorization_level ) else: self.command_aliases[alias] = decorated_command_handler if show_in_keyboard and (aliases or reply_keyboard_button): _reply_keyboard_button = reply_keyboard_button or aliases[0] self.messages[ 'reply_keyboard_buttons'][ command] = _reply_keyboard_button self.commands[command][ 'reply_keyboard_button'] = _reply_keyboard_button return command_decorator def parser(self, condition, description='', authorization_level='admin'): """Define a text message parser. Decorate command handlers like this: ``` def custom_criteria(update): return 'from' in update @bot.parser(custom_criteria, authorization_level='user') async def text_parser(bot, update, user_record, language): return "Result" ``` If condition evaluates True when run on a message text (not starting with '/'), such decorated function gets called on update. Conditions of parsers are evaluated in order; when one is True, others will be skipped. `description` provides information about the parser. `authorization_level` is the lowest authorization level needed to call the parser. """ if not callable(condition): raise TypeError( f'Condition {condition.__name__} is not a callable' ) def parser_decorator(parser): async def decorated_parser(bot, update, user_record, language=None): logging.info( f"Text message update matching condition " f"`{condition.__name__}@{bot.name}` from " f"`{update['from'] if 'from' in update else update['chat']}`" ) if bot.authorization_function( update=update, user_record=user_record, authorization_level=authorization_level ): # Pass supported arguments from locals() to parser return await parser( **{ name: arg for name, arg in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature(parser).parameters } ) return dict(text=bot.authorization_denied_message) self.text_message_parsers[condition] = dict( handler=decorated_parser, description=description, authorization_level=authorization_level, ) return parser_decorator def document_handler(self, condition, description='', authorization_level='admin'): """Decorator: define a handler for document updates matching `condition`. You may provide a description and a minimum authorization level. The first handler matching condition is called (other matching handlers are ignored). """ if not callable(condition): raise TypeError( f'Condition {condition.__name__} is not a callable' ) def parser_decorator(parser): async def decorated_parser(bot, update, user_record, language=None): logging.info( f"Document update matching condition " f"`{condition.__name__}@{bot.name}` from " f"`{update['from'] if 'from' in update else update['chat']}`" ) if bot.authorization_function( update=update, user_record=user_record, authorization_level=authorization_level ): # Pass supported arguments from locals() to parser return await parser( **{ name: arg for name, arg in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature(parser).parameters } ) return dict(text=bot.authorization_denied_message) self.document_handlers[condition] = dict( handler=decorated_parser, description=description, authorization_level=authorization_level, ) return parser_decorator def handler(self, update_type: str, condition: Callable[[dict], bool], description: str = '', authorization_level: str = 'admin'): """Decorator: define a handler for updates matching `condition`. You may provide a description and a minimum authorization level. The first handler matching condition is called (other matching handlers are ignored). """ if not callable(condition): raise TypeError( f'Condition {condition.__name__} is not a callable' ) def parser_decorator(parser): async def decorated_parser(bot, update, user_record, language=None): logging.info( f"{update_type} matching condition " f"`{condition.__name__}@{bot.name}` from " f"`{update['from'] if 'from' in update else update['chat']}`" ) if bot.authorization_function( update=update, user_record=user_record, authorization_level=authorization_level ): # Pass supported arguments from locals() to parser return await parser( **{ name: arg for name, arg in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature(parser).parameters } ) return dict(text=bot.authorization_denied_message) if update_type not in self.handlers: self.handlers[update_type] = OrderedDict() self.handlers[update_type][condition] = dict( handler=decorated_parser, description=description, authorization_level=authorization_level, ) return parser_decorator def set_command(self, command, handler, aliases=None, reply_keyboard_button=None, show_in_keyboard=False, description="", authorization_level='admin'): """Associate a `command` with a `handler`. When a message text starts with `/command[@bot_name]`, or with an alias, it gets passed to the decorated function. `command` is the command name (with or without /) `handler` is the function to be called on update objects. `aliases` is a list of aliases; each will call the command handler function; the first alias will appear as button in reply keyboard if `reply_keyboard_button` is not set. `reply_keyboard_button` is a str or better dict of language-specific strings to be shown in default keyboard. `show_in_keyboard`, if True, makes a button for this command appear in default keyboard. `description` is a description and can be used to help users understand what `/command` does. `authorization_level` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command. """ if not callable(handler): raise TypeError(f'Handler `{handler}` is not callable.') return self.command( command=command, aliases=aliases, reply_keyboard_button=reply_keyboard_button, show_in_keyboard=show_in_keyboard, description=description, authorization_level=authorization_level )(handler) def button(self, prefix, separator=None, description='', authorization_level='admin'): """Associate a bot button `prefix` with a handler. When a callback data text starts with `prefix`, the associated handler is called upon the update. Decorate button handlers like this: ``` @bot.button('a_prefix:///', description="A button", authorization_level='user') async def button_handler(bot, update, user_record, language, data): return "Result" ``` `separator` will be used to parse callback data received when a button starting with `prefix` will be pressed. `description` contains information about the button. `authorization_level` is the lowest authorization level needed to be allowed to push the button. """ if not isinstance(prefix, str): raise TypeError( f'Inline button callback_data {prefix} is not a string' ) def button_decorator(handler): async def decorated_button_handler(bot, update, user_record, language=None): logging.info( f"Button `{update['data']}`@{bot.name} pressed by " f"`{update['from']}`" ) if bot.authorization_function( update=update, user_record=user_record, authorization_level=authorization_level ): # Remove `prefix` from `data` data = extract(update['data'], prefix) # If a specific separator or default separator is set, # use it to split `data` string in a list. # Cast numeric `data` elements to `int`. _separator = separator or self.callback_data_separator if _separator: data = [ int(element) if element.isnumeric() else element for element in data.split(_separator) ] # Pass supported arguments from locals() to handler return await handler( **{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature(handler).parameters } ) return bot.authorization_denied_message self.callback_handlers[prefix] = dict( handler=decorated_button_handler, description=description, authorization_level=authorization_level ) return button_decorator def query(self, condition, description='', authorization_level='admin'): """Define an inline query. Decorator: `@bot.query(example)` When an inline query matches the `condition` function, decorated function is called and passed the query update object as argument. `description` is a description `authorization_level` is the lowest authorization level needed to run the command """ if not callable(condition): raise TypeError( 'Condition {c} is not a callable'.format( c=condition.__name__ ) ) def query_decorator(handler): async def decorated_query_handler(bot, update, user_record, language=None): logging.info( f"Inline query matching condition " f"`{condition.__name__}@{bot.name}` from " f"`{update['from']}`" ) if self.authorization_function( update=update, user_record=user_record, authorization_level=authorization_level ): # Pass supported arguments from locals() to handler return await handler( **{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature(handler).parameters } ) return self.authorization_denied_message self.inline_query_handlers[condition] = dict( handler=decorated_query_handler, description=description, authorization_level=authorization_level ) return query_decorator def set_chat_id_getter(self, getter): """Set chat_id getter. It must be a function that takes an update and returns the proper chat_id. """ assert callable(getter), "Chat id getter must be a function!" self.get_chat_id = getter @staticmethod def get_user_identifier(user_id=None, update=None): """Get telegram id of user given an update. Result itself may be passed as either parameter (for backward compatibility). """ identifier = user_id or update assert identifier is not None, ( "Provide a user_id or update object to get a user identifier." ) if ( isinstance(identifier, dict) and 'message' in identifier and 'from' not in identifier ): identifier = identifier['message'] if isinstance(identifier, dict) and 'from' in identifier: identifier = identifier['from']['id'] assert type(identifier) is int, ( f"Unable to find a user identifier. Got `{identifier}`" ) return identifier @staticmethod def get_message_identifier(update=None): """Get a message identifier dictionary to edit `update`. Pass the result as keyword arguments to `edit...` API methods. """ if update is None: update = dict() if 'message' in update: update = update['message'] if 'chat' in update and 'message_id' in update: return dict( chat_id=update['chat']['id'], message_id=update['message_id'] ) elif 'inline_message_id' in update: return dict( inline_message_id=update['inline_message_id'] ) def set_individual_text_message_handler(self, handler, update=None, user_id=None): """Set a custom text message handler for the user. Any text message update from the user will be handled by this custom handler instead of default handlers for commands, aliases and text. Custom handlers last one single use, but they can call this method and set themselves as next custom text message handler. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) assert callable(handler), (f"Handler `{handler.name}` is not " "callable. Custom text message handler " "could not be set.") self.individual_text_message_handlers[identifier] = handler return def remove_individual_text_message_handler(self, update=None, user_id=None): """Remove a custom text message handler for the user. Any text message update from the user will be handled by default handlers for commands, aliases and text. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) if identifier in self.individual_text_message_handlers: del self.individual_text_message_handlers[identifier] return def set_individual_location_handler(self, handler, update=None, user_id=None): """Set a custom location handler for the user. Any location update from the user will be handled by this custom handler instead of default handlers for locations. Custom handlers last one single use, but they can call this method and set themselves as next custom handler. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) assert callable(handler), (f"Handler `{handler.name}` is not " "callable. Custom location handler " "could not be set.") self.individual_location_handlers[identifier] = handler return def remove_individual_location_handler(self, update=None, user_id=None): """Remove a custom location handler for the user. Any location message update from the user will be handled by default handlers for locations. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) if identifier in self.individual_location_handlers: del self.individual_location_handlers[identifier] return def set_individual_document_handler(self, handler, update=None, user_id=None): """Set a custom document handler for the user. Any document update from the user will be handled by this custom handler instead of default handlers for documents. Custom handlers last one single use, but they can call this method and set themselves as next custom document handler. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) assert callable(handler), (f"Handler `{handler.name}` is not " "callable. Custom document handler " "could not be set.") self.individual_document_message_handlers[identifier] = handler return def remove_individual_document_handler(self, update=None, user_id=None): """Remove a custom document handler for the user. Any document update from the user will be handled by default handlers for documents. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) if identifier in self.individual_document_message_handlers: del self.individual_document_message_handlers[identifier] return def set_individual_voice_handler(self, handler, update=None, user_id=None): """Set a custom voice message handler for the user. Any voice message update from the user will be handled by this custom handler instead of default handlers for voice messages. Custom handlers last one single use, but they can call this method and set themselves as next custom handler. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) assert callable(handler), (f"Handler `{handler.name}` is not " "callable. Custom voice handler " "could not be set.") self.individual_voice_handlers[identifier] = handler return def remove_individual_voice_handler(self, update=None, user_id=None): """Remove a custom voice handler for the user. Any voice message update from the user will be handled by default handlers for voice messages. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) if identifier in self.individual_voice_handlers: del self.individual_voice_handlers[identifier] return def set_individual_handler(self, handler, update_type: str, update=None, user_id=None,): """Set a custom `update_type` handler for the user. Any update of given type from the user will be handled by this custom handler instead of default handler. Custom handlers last one single use, but they can call this method and set themselves as next custom handler. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) assert callable(handler), (f"Handler `{handler.name}` is not " "callable. Custom handler " "could not be set.") if update_type not in self.individual_handlers: self.individual_handlers[update_type] = dict() self.individual_handlers[update_type][identifier] = handler return def remove_individual_handler(self, update_type: str, update=None, user_id=None): """Remove a custom `update_type` handler for the user. Any update of given type from the user will be handled by default handler for its type. """ identifier = self.get_user_identifier( user_id=user_id, update=update ) if ( update_type in self.individual_handlers and identifier in self.individual_handlers[update_type] ): del self.individual_handlers[update_type][identifier] return def set_individual_contact_message_handler(self, handler, update: dict, user_id: OrderedDict): return self.set_individual_handler(handler=handler, update_type='contact', update=update, user_id=user_id) def remove_individual_contact_handler(self, update=None, user_id=None): return self.remove_individual_handler(update_type='contact', update=update, user_id=user_id) def set_placeholder(self, chat_id, text=None, sent_message=None, timeout=1): """Set a placeholder chat action or text message. If it takes the bot more than `timeout` to answer, send a placeholder message or a `is typing` chat action. `timeout` may be expressed in seconds (int) or datetime.timedelta This method returns a `request_id`. When the calling function has performed its task, it must set to 1 the value of `self.placeholder_requests[request_id]`. If this value is still 0 at `timeout`, the placeholder is sent. Otherwise, no action is performed. """ request_id = len(self.placeholder_requests) self.placeholder_requests[request_id] = 0 asyncio.ensure_future( self.placeholder_effector( request_id=request_id, timeout=timeout, chat_id=chat_id, sent_message=sent_message, text=text ) ) return request_id async def placeholder_effector(self, request_id, timeout, chat_id, sent_message=None, text=None): """Send a placeholder chat action or text message if needed. If it takes the bot more than `timeout` to answer, send a placeholder message or a `is typing` chat action. `timeout` may be expressed in seconds (int) or datetime.timedelta """ if type(timeout) is datetime.timedelta: timeout = timeout.total_seconds() await asyncio.sleep(timeout) if not self.placeholder_requests[request_id]: if sent_message and text: await self.edit_message_text( update=sent_message, text=text, ) else: await self.sendChatAction( chat_id=chat_id, action='typing' ) return async def webhook_feeder(self, request): """Handle incoming HTTP `request`s. Get data, feed webhook and return and OK message. """ update = await request.json() asyncio.ensure_future( self.route_update(update) ) return web.Response( body='OK'.encode('utf-8') ) async def get_me(self): """Get bot information. Restart bots if bot can't be got. """ try: me = await self.getMe() if isinstance(me, Exception): raise me elif me is None: raise Exception('getMe returned None') self._name = me["username"] self._telegram_id = me['id'] except Exception as e: logging.error( f"API getMe method failed, information about this bot could " f"not be retrieved. Restarting in 5 minutes...\n\n" f"Error information:\n{e}" ) await asyncio.sleep(5*60) self.__class__.stop( message="Information about this bot could not be retrieved.\n" "Restarting...", final_state=65 ) def setup(self): """Make bot ask for updates and handle responses.""" if not self.webhook_url: asyncio.ensure_future(self.get_updates()) else: asyncio.ensure_future(self.set_webhook()) self.__class__.app.router.add_route( 'POST', self.webhook_local_address, self.webhook_feeder ) asyncio.ensure_future(self.update_users()) async def close_sessions(self): """Close open sessions.""" for session_name, session in self.sessions.items(): if not session.closed: await session.close() async def set_webhook(self, url=None, certificate=None, max_connections=None, allowed_updates=None): """Set a webhook if token is valid.""" # Return if token is invalid await self.get_me() if self.name is None: return if allowed_updates is None: allowed_updates = [] if certificate is None: certificate = self.certificate if max_connections is None: max_connections = self.max_connections if url is None: url = self.webhook_url webhook_was_set = await self.setWebhook( url=url, certificate=certificate, max_connections=max_connections, allowed_updates=allowed_updates ) # `setWebhook` API method returns `True` on success webhook_information = await self.getWebhookInfo() webhook_information['url'] = webhook_information['url'].replace( self.token, "" ).replace( self.session_token, "" ) if webhook_was_set: logging.info( f"Webhook was set correctly.\n" f"Webhook information: {webhook_information}" ) else: logging.error( f"Failed to set webhook!\n" f"Webhook information: {webhook_information}" ) async def get_updates(self, timeout=30, limit=100, allowed_updates=None, error_cooldown=10): """Get updates using long polling. timeout : int Timeout set for Telegram servers. Make sure that connection timeout is greater than `timeout`. limit : int (1 - 100) Max number of updates to be retrieved. allowed_updates : List(str) List of update types to be retrieved. Empty list to allow all updates. None to fallback to class default. """ # Return if token is invalid await self.get_me() if self.name is None: return # Set custom list of allowed updates or fallback to class default list if allowed_updates is None: allowed_updates = self.allowed_updates await self.deleteWebhook() # Remove eventually active webhook update = None # Do not update offset if no update is received while True: updates = await self.getUpdates( offset=self._offset, timeout=timeout, limit=limit, allowed_updates=allowed_updates ) if updates is None: continue elif isinstance(updates, TelegramError): logging.error( f"Waiting {error_cooldown} seconds before trying again..." ) await asyncio.sleep(error_cooldown) continue elif isinstance(updates, Exception): logging.error( "Unexpected exception. " f"Waiting {error_cooldown} seconds before trying again..." ) await asyncio.sleep(error_cooldown) continue for update in updates: asyncio.ensure_future(self.route_update(update)) if update is not None: self._offset = update['update_id'] + 1 async def update_users(self, interval=60): """Every `interval` seconds, store news about bot users. Compare `update['from']` data with records in `users` table and keep track of differences in `users_history` table. """ while 1: await asyncio.sleep(interval) users_profile_pictures_to_update = OrderedDict() now = datetime.datetime.now() # Iterate through a copy since asyncio.sleep(0) is awaited at each # cycle iteration. for telegram_id, user in self.recent_users.copy().items(): new_record = dict() with self.db as db: user_record = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=telegram_id) user_picture_record = db['user_profile_photos'].find_one( user_id=user_record['id'], order_by=['-update_datetime'] ) # If user profile picture needs to be updated, add it to the OD if (user_picture_record is None or user_picture_record['update_datetime'] < now - datetime.timedelta(days=1)): users_profile_pictures_to_update[telegram_id] = user_picture_record for key in ('first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 'language_code', ): new_record[key] = (user[key] if key in user else None) if ( ( key not in user_record or new_record[key] != user_record[key] ) # Exclude fake updates and 'notes' not in user ): db['users_history'].insert( dict( until=datetime.datetime.now(), user_id=user_record['id'], field=key, value=( user_record[key] if key in user_record else None ) ) ) db['users'].update( { 'id': user_record['id'], key: new_record[key] }, ['id'], ensure=True ) if telegram_id in self.recent_users: del self.recent_users[telegram_id] await asyncio.sleep(0) # Update user profile pictures for telegram_id, user_picture_record in users_profile_pictures_to_update.items(): try: user_profile_photos = await self.getUserProfilePhotos( user_id=telegram_id, offset=0, limit=1 ) if (user_profile_photos is not None and 'photos' in user_profile_photos and len(user_profile_photos['photos'])): current_photo = user_profile_photos['photos'][0][0] if ( user_picture_record is None or ( isinstance(user_picture_record, dict) and current_photo['file_id'] != user_picture_record['telegram_file_id'] ) ): db['user_profile_photos'].insert(dict( user_id=user_record['id'], telegram_file_id=current_photo['file_id'], update_datetime=now )) else: db['user_profile_photos'].upsert( dict( user_id=user_record['id'], telegram_file_id=current_photo['file_id'], update_datetime=now ), ['user_id', 'telegram_file_id'] ) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) def get_user_record(self, update): """Get user_record of update sender. If user is unknown add them. If update has no `from` field, return None. If user data changed, ensure that this event gets stored. """ if 'from' not in update or 'id' not in update['from']: return telegram_id = update['from']['id'] with self.db as db: user_record = db['users'].find_one( telegram_id=telegram_id ) if user_record is None: new_user = dict( telegram_id=telegram_id, privileges=100, selected_language_code=None ) for key in [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 'language_code' ]: new_user[key] = ( update['from'][key] if key in update['from'] else None ) db['users'].insert(new_user) user_record = db['users'].find_one( telegram_id=telegram_id ) elif ( telegram_id not in self.recent_users and 'notes' not in update['from'] # Exclude fake updates ): self.recent_users[telegram_id] = update['from'] return user_record def set_router(self, event, handler): """Set `handler` as router for `event`.""" self.routing_table[event] = handler def set_message_handler(self, message_type: str, handler: Callable): """Set `handler` for `message_type`.""" self.message_handlers[message_type] = handler async def route_update(self, raw_update): """Pass `update` to proper method. Update objects have two keys: - `update_id` (which is used as offset while retrieving new updates) - One and only one of the following `message` `edited_message` `channel_post` `edited_channel_post` `inline_query` `chosen_inline_result` `callback_query` `shipping_query` `pre_checkout_query` `poll` """ if ( self.under_maintenance and not self.is_allowed_during_maintenance(raw_update) ): return await self.handle_update_during_maintenance(raw_update) for key in self.routing_table: if key in raw_update: update = raw_update[key] update['update_id'] = raw_update['update_id'] user_record = self.get_user_record(update=update) language = self.get_language(update=update, user_record=user_record) bot = self return await self.routing_table[key](**{ name: argument for name, argument in locals().items() if name in inspect.signature( self.routing_table[key] ).parameters }) logging.error(f"Unknown type of update.\n{raw_update}") def additional_task(self, when='BEFORE', *args, **kwargs): """Add a task before at app start or cleanup. Decorate an async function to have it awaited `BEFORE` or `AFTER` main loop. """ when = when[0].lower() def additional_task_decorator(task): if when == 'b': self.preliminary_tasks.append(task(*args, **kwargs)) elif when == 'a': self.final_tasks.append(task(*args, **kwargs)) return additional_task_decorator @classmethod async def start_app(cls): """Start running `aiohttp.web.Application`. It will route webhook-received updates and other custom paths. """ assert cls.local_host is not None, "Invalid local host" assert cls.port is not None, "Invalid port" cls.runner = web.AppRunner(cls.app) await cls.runner.setup() cls.server = web.TCPSite(cls.runner, cls.local_host, cls.port) try: await cls.server.start() except OSError as e: logging.error(e) raise KeyboardInterrupt("Unable to start web app.") logging.info(f"App running at http://{cls.local_host}:{cls.port}") @classmethod async def stop_app(cls): """Close bot sessions and cleanup.""" for bot in cls.bots: await asyncio.gather( *bot.final_tasks ) await bot.close_sessions() await cls.runner.cleanup() @classmethod def stop(cls, message, final_state=0): """Log a final `message`, stop loop and set exiting `code`. All bots and the web app will be terminated gracefully. The final state may be retrieved to get information about what stopped the bots. """ logging.info(message) cls.final_state = final_state cls.loop.stop() return @classmethod def run(cls, local_host=None, port=None): """Run aiohttp web app and all Bot instances. Each bot will receive updates via long polling or webhook according to its initialization parameters. A single aiohttp.web.Application instance will be run (cls.app) on local_host:port and it may serve custom-defined routes as well. """ if local_host is not None: cls.local_host = local_host if port is not None: cls.port = port try: cls.loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.gather( *[ preliminary_task for bot in cls.bots for preliminary_task in bot.preliminary_tasks ] ) ) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"{e}", exc_info=True) for bot in cls.bots: bot.setup() asyncio.ensure_future(cls.start_app()) try: cls.loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info("Stopped by KeyboardInterrupt") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"{e}", exc_info=True) finally: cls.loop.run_until_complete(cls.stop_app()) return cls.final_state def set_role_class(self, role): """Set a Role class for bot. `role` must be an instance of `authorization.Role`. """ self.Role = role