"""This example script shows how to develop a simple bot with davtelepot. 1. Install davtelepot ```bash # Create a new python virtual environment pip -m venv env # Activate the virtual environment source env/bin/activate # Install davtelepot library in this environment pip install davtelepot # Run the current script within this environment python a_simple_bot.py ``` 2. To run your bot, you will need a bot token. You can get up to 20 bot tokens from https://t.me/botfather 3. This script will look for your bot token in a gitignored `secrets.py` file in the same folder as the current script. If no `secrets` module is found, user will be prompted at runtime for a token, and the entry will be stored in `secrets.py` for later use. 4. Standard library, third party and project modules will be imported, and `logging` preferences set. You are free to edit these settings, e.g. adding one or more file and error loggers or setting different levels. 5. `simple_bot` is an instance of `davtelepot.bot.Bot` class. To instantiate a bot you need to provide at least a Telegram bot API token, and you may also provide a path to a database (if no path is provided, a `./bot.db` SQLite database will be used). 6. `initialize_bot` function is defined and called on `simple_bot`. It assigns commands, parsers, callback and inline query handlers to the bot. 7. `Bot.run()` method is called, causing the script to hang while asynchronous tasks run checking for updates and routing them to get and send replies. Send a KeyboardInterrupt (ctrl+C) to stop the bot. """ # Standard library modules import logging import os import sys # Third party modules try: from davtelepot.bot import Bot from davtelepot.utilities import ( get_cleaned_text, make_inline_keyboard, make_button ) except ImportError: logging.error( "Please install davtelepot library.\n" "Using a python virtual environment is advised.\n\n" "```bash\n" "pip -m venv env\n" "env/bin/pip install davtelepot\n" "env/bin/python davtelepot/examples/a_simple_bot.py" "```" ) sys.exit(1) # Get path of current script path = os.path.dirname(__file__) def initialize_bot(bot): """Take a bot and set commands.""" bot.set_callback_data_separator('|') @bot.command(command='foo', aliases=['Foo'], show_in_keyboard=True, description="Reply 'bar' to 'foo'", authorization_level='everybody') async def foo_command(bot, update, user_record): return 'Bar!' def is_bar_text_message(text): return text.startswith('bar') @bot.parser(condition=is_bar_text_message, description='Reply Foo to users who write Bar', authorization_level='everybody', argument='text') async def bar_parser(bot, update): text_except_foo = get_cleaned_text(update, bot, ['bar']) return f"Foo!\n{text_except_foo}" def get_keyboard(chosen_button=-1): return make_inline_keyboard( [ make_button( prefix='button:///', delimiter='|', data=[i], text=f"{'✅' if chosen_button == i else '☑️'} Button #{i}" ) for i in range(1, 13) ], 3 ) @bot.command(command='buttons') async def buttons_command(): return dict( text="Press a button!", reply_markup=get_keyboard() ) @bot.button(prefix='button:///', separator='|', authorization_level='everybody') async def buttons_button(bot, update, user_record, data): button_number = data[0] return dict( edit=dict( text=f"You pressed button #{button_number}", reply_markup=get_keyboard(button_number) ) ) def starts_with_a(text): return text.startswith('a') @bot.query( condition=starts_with_a, description='Mirror query text if it starts with letter `a`', authorization_level='everybody' ) async def inline_query(bot, update, user_record): return dict( type='article', id=10, title="Click here to send your query text as a message.", input_message_content=dict( message_text=update['query'] ) ) bot.set_default_inline_query_answer( dict( type='article', id=0, title="Start query text with `a` to mirror it.", input_message_content=dict( message_text="This query does not start with `a`." ) ) ) bot.set_unknown_command_message( "Currently supported features\n\n" "- /foo (or text starting with `foo`): replies `Bar!`.\n" "- Text starting with `bar`: replies `Foo!` followed by the rest of " "text in your bar-starting message.\n" "- /buttons demonstrates the use of buttons.\n" "- Inline queries starting with letter `a` will be mirrored as text " "messages. To use this feature, try writing @{bot.name} " "your_text_here" ) def _main(): # Import or prompt user for bot token try: from secrets import simple_bot_token except ImportError: simple_bot_token = input("Enter bot token:\t\t") with open( f'{path}/secrets.py', 'a' # Append to file, create it if it does not exist ) as secrets_file: secrets_file.write(f'simple_bot_token = "{simple_bot_token}"\n') # Set logging preferences log_formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s [%(module)-15s %(levelname)-8s] %(message)s", style='%' ) root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(log_formatter) consoleHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) root_logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) # Instantiate, initialize and make `simple_bot` run. simple_bot = Bot(token=simple_bot_token, database_url=f"{path}/bot.db") initialize_bot(simple_bot) logging.info("Send a KeyboardInterrupt (ctrl+C) to stop bots.") Bot.run() if __name__ == '__main__': _main()