@@ -1,986 +0,0 @@
-# Standard library modules
-import aiohttp
-import asyncio
-import collections
-import csv
-import datetime
-import io
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import string
-import sys
-import time
-# Third party modules
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-import telepot, telepot.aio
-def sumif(it, cond):
- return sum(filter(cond, it))
-def markdown_check(text, symbols):
- #Dato un testo text e una lista symbols di simboli, restituisce vero solo se TUTTI i simboli della lista sono presenti in numero pari di volte nel testo.
- for s in symbols:
- if (len(text.replace(s,"")) - len(text))%2 != 0:
- return False
- return True
-def shorten_text(text, limit, symbol="[...]"):
- """Return a given text truncated at limit if longer than limit. On truncation, add symbol.
- """
- assert type(text) is str and type(symbol) is str and type(limit) is int
- if len(text) <= limit:
- return text
- return text[:limit-len(symbol)] + symbol
-def extract(text, starter=None, ender=None):
- """Return string in text between starter and ender.
- If starter is None, truncates at ender.
- """
- if starter and starter in text:
- text = text.partition(starter)[2]
- if ender:
- return text.partition(ender)[0]
- return text
-def mkbtn(x, y):
- if len(y) > 60:#If callback_data exceeeds 60 characters (max is 64), it gets trunkated at the last comma
- y = y[:61]
- y = y[:- y[::-1].find(",")-1]
- return {'text': x, 'callback_data': y}
-def make_lines_of_buttons(btns, row_len=1):
- return [btns[i:i + row_len] for i in range(0, len(btns), row_len)]
-def make_inline_keyboard(btns, row_len=1):
- return dict(inline_keyboard=make_lines_of_buttons(btns, row_len))
-async def async_get(url, mode='json', **kwargs):
- if 'mode' in kwargs:
- mode = kwargs['mode']
- del kwargs['mode']
- return await async_request(url, type='get', mode=mode, **kwargs)
-async def async_post(url, mode='html', **kwargs):
- return await async_request(url, type='post', mode=mode, **kwargs)
-async def async_request(url, type='get', mode='json', **kwargs):
- try:
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s:
- async with (s.get(url, timeout=30) if type=='get' else s.post(url, timeout=30, data=kwargs)) as r:
- result = await r.read()
- except Exception as e:
- logging.error('Error making async request to {}:\n{}'.format(url, e), exc_info=False) # Set exc_info=True to debug
- return e
- if mode=='json':
- if not result:
- return {}
- return json.loads(result.decode('utf-8'))
- if mode=='html':
- return BeautifulSoup(result.decode('utf-8'), "html.parser")
- if mode=='string':
- return result.decode('utf-8')
- return result
-def json_read(file, default={}):
- if not os.path.isfile(file):
- return default
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- return json.load(f)
-def json_write(what, file):
- with open(file, "w") as f:
- return json.dump(what, f, indent=4)
-def csv_read(file_, default=[]):
- if not os.path.isfile(file_):
- return default
- result = []
- keys = []
- with open(file_, newline='', encoding='utf8') as csv_file:
- csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
- for row in csv_reader:
- if not keys:
- keys = row
- continue
- item = collections.OrderedDict()
- for key, val in zip(keys, row):
- item[key] = val
- result.append(item)
- return result
-def csv_write(info=[], file_='output.csv'):
- assert type(info) is list and len(info)>0, "info must be a non-empty list"
- assert all(isinstance(row, dict) for row in info), "Rows must be dictionaries!"
- with open(file_, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf8') as csv_file:
- csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
- csv_writer.writerow(info[0].keys())
- for row in info:
- csv_writer.writerow(row.values())
- return
-class MyOD(collections.OrderedDict):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self._anti_list_casesensitive = None
- self._anti_list_caseinsensitive = None
- @property
- def anti_list_casesensitive(self):
- if not self._anti_list_casesensitive:
- self._anti_list_casesensitive = {self[x]:x for x in self}
- return self._anti_list_casesensitive
- @property
- def anti_list_caseinsensitive(self):
- if not self._anti_list_caseinsensitive:
- self._anti_list_caseinsensitive = {self[x].lower() if type(self[x]) is str else self[x] :x for x in self}
- return self._anti_list_caseinsensitive
- #MyOD[key] = val <-- MyOD.get(key) = val <--> MyOD.get_by_val(val) = key
- def get_by_val(self, val, case_sensitive=True):
- return (self.anti_list_casesensitive if case_sensitive else self.anti_list_caseinsensitive)[val]
- def get_by_key_val(self, key, val, case_sensitive=True, return_value=False):
- for x, y in self.items():
- if (y[key] == val and case_sensitive) or (y[key].lower() == val.lower() and not case_sensitive):
- return y if return_value else x
- return None
-def line_drawing_unordered_list(l):
- result = ""
- if l:
- for x in l[:-1]:
- result += "├ {}\n".format(x)
- result += "└ {}".format(l[-1])
- return result
-def str_to_datetime(d):
- if isinstance(d, datetime.datetime):
- return d
- return datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
-def datetime_to_str(d):
- if not isinstance(d, datetime.datetime):
- raise TypeError('Input of datetime_to_str function must be a datetime.datetime object. Output is a str')
- return '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f}'.format(d)
-class MyCounter():
- def __init__(self):
- self.n = 0
- return
- def lvl(self):
- self.n += 1
- return self.n
- def reset(self):
- self.n = 0
- return self.n
-def wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs):
- def wrapped(update):
- return func(update, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapped
-async def async_wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs):
- async def wrapped(update):
- return await func(update, *args, **kwargs)
- return wrapped
-#Decorator: such decorated functions have effect only if update is forwarded from someone (you can specify *by* whom)
-def forwarded(by=None):
- def isforwardedby(update, by):
- if 'forward_from' not in update:
- return False
- if by:
- if update['forward_from']['id']!=by:
- return False
- return True
- def decorator(view_func):
- if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(view_func):
- async def decorated(update):
- if isforwardedby(update, by):
- return await view_func(update)
- else:
- def decorated(update):
- if isforwardedby(update, by):
- return view_func(update)
- return decorated
- return decorator
-#Decorator: such decorated functions have effect only if update comes from specific chat.
-def chat_selective(chat_id=None):
- def check_function(update, chat_id):
- if 'chat' not in update:
- return False
- if chat_id:
- if update['chat']['id']!=chat_id:
- return False
- return True
- def decorator(view_func):
- if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(view_func):
- async def decorated(update):
- if check_function(update, chat_id):
- return await view_func(update)
- else:
- def decorated(update):
- if check_function(update, chat_id):
- return view_func(update)
- return decorated
- return decorator
-async def sleep_until(when):
- if not isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
- raise TypeError("sleep_until takes a datetime.datetime object as argument!")
- delta = when - datetime.datetime.now()
- if delta.days>=0:
- await asyncio.sleep(max(1, delta.seconds//2))
- return
-async def wait_and_do(when, what, *args, **kwargs):
- while when >= datetime.datetime.now():
- await sleep_until(when)
- return await what(*args, **kwargs)
-def get_csv_string(l):
- return ','.join(
- str(x) if type(x) is not str
- else '"{}"'.format(x)
- for x in l
- )
-def case_accent_insensitive_sql(field):
- """Given a field, return a part of SQL string necessary to perform a case- and accent-insensitive query."""
- replacements = [
- (' ', ''),
- ('à', 'a'),
- ('è', 'e'),
- ('é', 'e'),
- ('ì', 'i'),
- ('ò', 'o'),
- ('ù', 'u'),
- ]
- return "{r}LOWER({f}){w}".format(
- r="replace(".upper()*len(replacements),
- f=field,
- w=''.join(
- ", '{w[0]}', '{w[1]}')".format(w=w)
- for w in replacements
- )
- )
-ARTICOLI[1] = {
- 'ind': 'un',
- 'dets': 'il',
- 'detp': 'i',
- 'dess': 'l',
- 'desp': 'i'
-ARTICOLI[2] = {
- 'ind': 'una',
- 'dets': 'la',
- 'detp': 'le',
- 'dess': 'lla',
- 'desp': 'lle'
-ARTICOLI[3] = {
- 'ind': 'uno',
- 'dets': 'lo',
- 'detp': 'gli',
- 'dess': 'llo',
- 'desp': 'gli'
-ARTICOLI[4] = {
- 'ind': 'un',
- 'dets': 'l\'',
- 'detp': 'gli',
- 'dess': 'll\'',
- 'desp': 'gli'
-class Gettable():
- """Gettable objects can be retrieved from memory without being duplicated.
- Key is the primary key.
- Use classmethod get to instanciate (or retrieve) Gettable objects.
- Assign SubClass.instances = {} or Gettable.instances will contain SubClass objects.
- """
- instances = {}
- @classmethod
- def get(cls, key, *args, **kwargs):
- if key not in cls.instances:
- cls.instances[key] = cls(key, *args, **kwargs)
- return cls.instances[key]
-class Confirmable():
- """Confirmable objects are provided with a confirm instance method.
- It evaluates True if it was called within self._confirm_timedelta, False otherwise.
- When it returns True, timer is reset.
- """
- CONFIRM_TIMEDELTA = datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
- def __init__(self, confirm_timedelta=None):
- if confirm_timedelta is None:
- confirm_timedelta = self.__class__.CONFIRM_TIMEDELTA
- self.set_confirm_timedelta(confirm_timedelta)
- self._confirm_datetimes = {}
- @property
- def confirm_timedelta(self):
- return self._confirm_timedelta
- def confirm_datetime(self, who='unique'):
- if who not in self._confirm_datetimes:
- self._confirm_datetimes[who] = datetime.datetime.now() - 2*self.confirm_timedelta
- confirm_datetime = self._confirm_datetimes[who]
- return confirm_datetime
- def set_confirm_timedelta(self, confirm_timedelta):
- if type(confirm_timedelta) is int:
- confirm_timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=confirm_timedelta)
- assert isinstance(confirm_timedelta, datetime.timedelta), "confirm_timedelta must be a datetime.timedelta instance!"
- self._confirm_timedelta = confirm_timedelta
- def confirm(self, who='unique'):
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- if now >= self.confirm_datetime(who) + self.confirm_timedelta:
- self._confirm_datetimes[who] = now
- return False
- self._confirm_datetimes[who] = now - 2*self.confirm_timedelta
- return True
-class HasBot():
- """HasBot objects have a class method which sets the class attribute bot (set_bot)\
- and an instance property which returns it (bot).
- """
- bot = None
- @property
- def bot(self):
- return self.__class__.bot
- @property
- def db(self):
- return self.bot.db
- @classmethod
- def set_bot(cls, bot):
- cls.bot = bot
-class CachedPage(Gettable):
- """Store a webpage in this object, return cached webpage during CACHE_TIME, otherwise refresh.
- Usage:
- cached_page = CachedPage.get('https://www.google.com', datetime.timedelta(seconds=30), **kwargs)
- page = await cached_page.get_page()
- __init__ arguments
- url: the URL to be cached
- cache_time: timedelta from last_update during which page is not refreshed
- **kwargs will be passed to async_get function
- """
- CACHE_TIME = datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
- instances = {}
- def __init__(self, url, cache_time=None, **async_get_kwargs):
- self._url = url
- if type(cache_time) is int:
- cache_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=cache_time)
- if cache_time is None:
- cache_time = self.__class__.CACHE_TIME
- assert type(cache_time) is datetime.timedelta, "Cache time must be a datetime.timedelta object!"
- self._cache_time = cache_time
- self._page = None
- self._last_update = datetime.datetime.now() - self.cache_time
- self._async_get_kwargs = async_get_kwargs
- @property
- def url(self):
- return self._url
- @property
- def cache_time(self):
- return self._cache_time
- @property
- def page(self):
- return self._page
- @property
- def last_update(self):
- return self._last_update
- @property
- def async_get_kwargs(self):
- return self._async_get_kwargs
- @property
- def is_old(self):
- return datetime.datetime.now() > self.last_update + self.cache_time
- async def refresh(self):
- try:
- self._page = await async_get(self.url, **self.async_get_kwargs)
- self._last_update = datetime.datetime.now()
- return 0
- except Exception as e:
- self._page = None
- logging.error(''.format(e), exc_info=True)
- return 1
- return 1
- async def get_page(self):
- if self.is_old:
- await self.refresh()
- return self.page
-class Confirmator(Gettable, Confirmable):
- instances = {}
- def __init__(self, key, *args, confirm_timedelta=None):
- Confirmable.__init__(self, confirm_timedelta)
-def get_cleaned_text(update, bot=None, replace=[], strip='/ @'):
- if bot is not None:
- replace.append(
- '@{.name}'.format(
- bot
- )
- )
- text = update['text'].strip(strip)
- for s in replace:
- while s and text.lower().startswith(s.lower()):
- text = text[len(s):]
- return text.strip(strip)
-def get_user(record):
- if not record:
- return
- from_ = {key: val for key, val in record.items()}
- first_name, last_name, username, id_ = None, None, None, None
- result = ''
- if 'telegram_id' in from_:
- from_['id'] = from_['telegram_id']
- if 'id' in from_:
- result = '<a href="tg://user?id={}">{{name}}</a>'.format(from_['id'])
- if 'username' in from_ and from_['username']:
- result = result.format(
- name=from_['username']
- )
- elif 'first_name' in from_ and from_['first_name'] and 'last_name' in from_ and from_['last_name']:
- result = result.format(
- name='{} {}'.format(
- from_['first_name'],
- from_['last_name']
- )
- )
- elif 'first_name' in from_ and from_['first_name']:
- result = result.format(
- name=from_['first_name']
- )
- elif 'last_name' in from_ and from_['last_name']:
- result = result.format(
- name=from_['last_name']
- )
- else:
- result = result.format(
- name="Utente anonimo"
- )
- return result
-def datetime_from_utc_to_local(utc_datetime):
- now_timestamp = time.time()
- offset = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(now_timestamp) - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now_timestamp)
- return utc_datetime + offset
-# TIME_SYMBOLS from more specific to less specific (avoid false positives!)
-TIME_SYMBOLS["'"] = 'minutes'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["settimana"] = 'weeks'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["settimane"] = 'weeks'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["weeks"] = 'weeks'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["week"] = 'weeks'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["giorno"] = 'days'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["giorni"] = 'days'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["secondi"] = 'seconds'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["seconds"] = 'seconds'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["secondo"] = 'seconds'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["minuti"] = 'minutes'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["minuto"] = 'minutes'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["minute"] = 'minutes'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["minutes"] = 'minutes'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["day"] = 'days'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["days"] = 'days'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["ore"] = 'hours'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["ora"] = 'hours'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["sec"] = 'seconds'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["min"] = 'minutes'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["m"] = 'minutes'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["h"] = 'hours'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["d"] = 'days'
-TIME_SYMBOLS["s"] = 'seconds'
-def _interval_parser(text, result):
- text = text.lower()
- succeeded = False
- if result is None:
- result = []
- if len(result)==0 or result[-1]['ok']:
- text_part = ''
- _text = text # I need to iterate through _text modifying text
- for char in _text:
- if not char.isnumeric():
- break
- else:
- text_part += char
- text = text[1:]
- if text_part.isnumeric():
- result.append(
- dict(
- unit=None,
- value=int(text_part),
- ok=False
- )
- )
- succeeded = True, True
- if text:
- dummy, result = _interval_parser(text, result)
- elif len(result)>0 and not result[-1]['ok']:
- text_part = ''
- _text = text # I need to iterate through _text modifying text
- for char in _text:
- if char.isnumeric():
- break
- else:
- text_part += char
- text = text[1:]
- for time_symbol, unit in TIME_SYMBOLS.items():
- if time_symbol in text_part:
- result[-1]['unit'] = unit
- result[-1]['ok'] = True
- succeeded = True, True
- break
- else:
- result.pop()
- if text:
- dummy, result = _interval_parser(text, result)
- return succeeded, result
-def _date_parser(text, result):
- succeeded = False
- if 3 <= len(text) <= 10 and text.count('/')>=1:
- if 3 <= len(text) <= 5 and text.count('/')==1:
- text += '/{:%y}'.format(datetime.datetime.now())
- if 6 <= len(text) <= 10 and text.count('/')==2:
- day, month, year = [
- int(n) for n in [
- ''.join(char)
- for char in text.split('/')
- if char.isnumeric()
- ]
- ]
- if year < 100: year += 2000
- if result is None: result = []
- result += [
- dict(
- unit='day',
- value=day,
- ok=True
- ),
- dict(
- unit='month',
- value=month,
- ok=True
- ),
- dict(
- unit='year',
- value=year,
- ok=True
- )
- ]
- succeeded = True, True
- return succeeded, result
-def _time_parser(text, result):
- succeeded = False
- if (1 <= len(text) <= 8) and any(char.isnumeric() for char in text):
- text = text.replace('.', ':')
- if len(text) <= 2:
- text = '{:02d}:00:00'.format(int(text))
- elif len(text) == 4 and ':' not in text:
- text = '{:02d}:{:02d}:00'.format(*[int(x) for x in (text[:2], text[2:])])
- elif text.count(':')==1:
- text = '{:02d}:{:02d}:00'.format(*[int(x) for x in text.split(':')])
- if text.count(':')==2:
- hour, minute, second = (int(x) for x in text.split(':'))
- if (0 <= hour <= 24) and (0 <= minute <= 60) and (0 <= second <= 60):
- if result is None: result = []
- result += [
- dict(
- unit='hour',
- value=hour,
- ok=True
- ),
- dict(
- unit='minute',
- value=minute,
- ok=True
- ),
- dict(
- unit='second',
- value=second,
- ok=True
- )
- ]
- succeeded = True
- return succeeded, result
-WEEKDAY_NAMES_ITA = ["Lunedì", "Martedì", "Mercoledì", "Giovedì", "Venerdì", "Sabato", "Domenica"]
-WEEKDAY_NAMES_ENG = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
-def _period_parser(text, result):
- succeeded = False
- if text in ('every', 'ogni',):
- succeeded = True
- day_code = (WEEKDAY_NAMES_ITA + WEEKDAY_NAMES_ENG).index(text.title())
- if day_code > 6: day_code -= 7
- today = datetime.date.today()
- days = 1
- while (today + datetime.timedelta(days=days)).weekday() != day_code:
- days += 1
- if result is None:
- result = []
- result.append(
- dict(
- unit='days',
- value=days,
- ok=True,
- weekly=True
- )
- )
- succeeded = True
- else:
- succeeded, result = _interval_parser(text, result)
- return succeeded, result
- 'tra': dict(
- parser=_interval_parser,
- recurring=False,
- type_='delta'
- ),
- 'in': dict(
- parser=_interval_parser,
- recurring=False,
- type_='delta'
- ),
- 'at': dict(
- parser=_time_parser,
- recurring=False,
- type_='set'
- ),
- 'on': dict(
- parser=_date_parser,
- recurring=False,
- type_='set'
- ),
- 'alle': dict(
- parser=_time_parser,
- recurring=False,
- type_='set'
- ),
- 'il': dict(
- parser=_date_parser,
- recurring=False,
- type_='set'
- ),
- 'every': dict(
- parser=_period_parser,
- recurring=True,
- type_='delta'
- ),
- 'ogni': dict(
- parser=_period_parser,
- recurring=True,
- type_='delta'
- ),
-def parse_datetime_interval_string(text):
- parsers = []
- result_text, result_datetime, result_timedelta = [], None, None
- is_quoted_text = False
- for word in text.split(' '):
- if word.count('"') % 2:
- is_quoted_text = not is_quoted_text
- if is_quoted_text or '"' in word:
- result_text.append(
- word.replace('"', '') if 'href=' not in word else word
- )
- continue
- result_text.append(word)
- word = word.lower()
- succeeded = False
- if len(parsers) > 0:
- succeeded, result = parsers[-1]['parser'](word, parsers[-1]['result'])
- if succeeded:
- parsers[-1]['result'] = result
- if not succeeded and word in TIME_WORDS:
- parsers.append(
- dict(
- result=None,
- parser=TIME_WORDS[word]['parser'],
- recurring=TIME_WORDS[word]['recurring'],
- type_=TIME_WORDS[word]['type_']
- )
- )
- if succeeded:
- result_text.pop()
- if len(result_text)>0 and result_text[-1].lower() in TIME_WORDS:
- result_text.pop()
- result_text = escape_html_chars(
- ' '.join(result_text)
- )
- parsers = list(
- filter(
- lambda x: 'result' in x and x['result'],
- parsers
- )
- )
- recurring_event = False
- weekly = False
- _timedelta = datetime.timedelta()
- _datetime = None
- _now = datetime.datetime.now()
- for parser in parsers:
- if parser['recurring']:
- recurring_event = True
- type_ = parser['type_']
- for result in parser['result']:
- if not result['ok']:
- continue
- if recurring_event and 'weekly' in result and result['weekly']:
- weekly = True
- if type_ == 'set':
- if _datetime is None:
- _datetime = _now
- _datetime = _datetime.replace(
- **{
- result['unit']: result['value']
- }
- )
- elif type_ == 'delta':
- _timedelta += datetime.timedelta(
- **{
- result['unit']: result['value']
- }
- )
- if _datetime:
- result_datetime = _datetime
- if _timedelta:
- if result_datetime is None: result_datetime = _now
- if recurring_event:
- result_timedelta = _timedelta
- if weekly:
- result_timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
- else:
- result_datetime += _timedelta
- while result_datetime and result_datetime < datetime.datetime.now():
- result_datetime += (result_timedelta if result_timedelta else datetime.timedelta(days=1))
- return result_text, result_datetime, result_timedelta
- -1: 'ieri',
- -2: 'avantieri',
- 0: 'oggi',
- 1: 'domani',
- 2: 'dopodomani'
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[1] = "gennaio"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[2] = "febbraio"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[3] = "marzo"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[4] = "aprile"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[5] = "maggio"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[6] = "giugno"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[7] = "luglio"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[8] = "agosto"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[9] = "settembre"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[10] = "ottobre"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[11] = "novembre"
-MONTH_NAMES_ITA[12] = "dicembre"
-def beautytd(td):
- result = ''
- if type(td) is int:
- td = datetime.timedelta(seconds=td)
- assert isinstance(td, datetime.timedelta), "td must be a datetime.timedelta object!"
- mtd = datetime.timedelta
- if td < mtd(minutes=1):
- result = "{:.0f} secondi".format(
- td.total_seconds()
- )
- elif td < mtd(minutes=10):
- result = "{:.0f} min{}".format(
- td.total_seconds()//60,
- (
- " {:.0f} s".format(
- td.total_seconds()%60
- )
- ) if td.total_seconds()%60 else ''
- )
- elif td < mtd(days=1):
- result = "{:.0f} h{}".format(
- td.total_seconds()//3600,
- (
- " {:.0f} min".format(
- (td.total_seconds()%3600)//60)
- ) if td.total_seconds()%3600 else ''
- )
- elif td < mtd(days=30):
- result = "{} giorni{}".format(
- td.days,
- (
- " {:.0f} h".format(
- td.total_seconds()%(3600*24)//3600
- )
- ) if td.total_seconds()%(3600*24) else ''
- )
- return result
-def beautydt(dt):
- """Format a datetime in a smart way
- """
- if type(dt) is str:
- dt = str_to_datetime(dt)
- assert isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime), "dt must be a datetime.datetime object!"
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- gap = dt - now
- gap_days = (dt.date() - now.date()).days
- result = "{dt:alle %H:%M}".format(
- dt=dt
- )
- if abs(gap) < datetime.timedelta(minutes=30):
- result += "{dt::%S}".format(dt=dt)
- if -2 <= gap_days <= 2:
- result += " di {dg}".format(
- dg=DAY_GAPS[gap_days]
- )
- elif gap.days not in (-1, 0):
- result += " del {d}{m}".format(
- d=dt.day,
- m=(
- "" if now.year == dt.year and now.month == dt.month
- else " {m}{y}".format(
- m=MONTH_NAMES_ITA[dt.month].title(),
- y="" if now.year == dt.year
- else " {}".format(dt.year)
- )
- )
- )
- return result
-HTML_SYMBOLS["&"] = "&"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["<"] = "<"
-HTML_SYMBOLS[">"] = ">"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["\""] = """
-HTML_SYMBOLS["<b>"] = "<b>"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["</b>"] = "</b>"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["<i>"] = "<i>"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["</i>"] = "</i>"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["<code>"] = "<code>"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["</code>"] = "</code>"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["<pre>"] = "<pre>"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["</pre>"] = "</pre>"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["<a href=""] = "<a href=\""
-HTML_SYMBOLS["">"] = "\">"
-HTML_SYMBOLS["</a>"] = "</a>"
- None, "<b>", "</b>",
- None, "<i>", "</i>",
- None, "<code>", "</code>",
- None, "<pre>", "</pre>",
- None, "<a href=\"", "\">", "</a>",
- None
-def remove_html_tags(text):
- for tag in HTML_TAGS:
- if tag is None:
- continue
- text = text.replace(tag, '')
- return text
-def escape_html_chars(text):
- for s, r in HTML_SYMBOLS.items():
- text = text.replace(s, r)
- copy = text
- expected_tag = None
- while copy:
- min_ = min(
- (
- dict(
- position=copy.find(tag) if tag in copy else len(copy),
- tag=tag
- )
- for tag in HTML_TAGS
- if tag
- ),
- key=lambda x: x['position'],
- default=0
- )
- if min_['position'] == len(copy):
- break
- if expected_tag and min_['tag'] != expected_tag:
- return text.replace('<', '_').replace('>', '_')
- expected_tag = HTML_TAGS[HTML_TAGS.index(min_['tag'])+1]
- copy = extract(copy, min_['tag'])
- return text
-def accents_to_jolly(text, lower=True):
- to_be_replaced = ('à', 'è', 'é', 'ì', 'ò', 'ù')
- if lower:
- text = text.lower()
- else:
- to_be_replaced += tuple(s.upper() for s in to_be_replaced)
- for s in to_be_replaced:
- text = text.replace(s, '_')
- return text.replace("'", "''")
-def get_secure_key(allowed_chars=None, length=6):
- if allowed_chars is None:
- allowed_chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
- return ''.join(
- random.SystemRandom().choice(
- allowed_chars
- )
- for _ in range(length)
- )
-def round_to_minute(datetime_):
- return (
- datetime_ + datetime.timedelta(seconds=30)
- ).replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
-def get_line_by_content(text, key):
- for line in text.split('\n'):
- if key in line:
- return line
- return
-def str_to_int(string):
- string = ''.join(
- char
- for char in string
- if char.isnumeric()
- )
- if len(string) == 0:
- string = '0'
- return int(string)