Queer European MD passionate about IT

Package updates checker implemented

Notify administrators when new versions are available for PyPi packages in `bot.packages`.
Davte 4 年之前
共有 8 个文件被更改,包括 246 次插入149 次删除
  1. 1 1
  2. 106 44
  3. 4 4
  4. 19 79
  5. 27 1
  6. 83 8
  7. 5 12
  8. 1 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ __author__ = "Davide Testa"
 __email__ = "davide@davte.it"
 __credits__ = ["Marco Origlia", "Nick Lee @Nickoala"]
 __license__ = "GNU General Public License v3.0"
-__version__ = "2.4.25"
+__version__ = "2.5.0"
 __maintainer__ = "Davide Testa"
 __contact__ = "t.me/davte"

+ 106 - 44

@@ -12,17 +12,19 @@ davtelepot.admin_tools.init(my_bot)
 import asyncio
 import datetime
 import json
+import logging
 # Third party modules
-import davtelepot
-from davtelepot import messages
-from davtelepot.utilities import (
-    async_wrapper, Confirmator, extract, get_cleaned_text, get_user,
-    escape_html_chars, line_drawing_unordered_list, make_button,
+from sqlalchemy.exc import ResourceClosedError
+# Project modules
+from . import bot as davtelepot_bot, messages, __version__
+from .utilities import (
+    async_wrapper, CachedPage, Confirmator, extract, get_cleaned_text,
+    get_user, escape_html_chars, line_drawing_unordered_list, make_button,
     make_inline_keyboard, remove_html_tags, send_part_of_text_file,
-from sqlalchemy.exc import ResourceClosedError
 async def _forward_to(update, bot, sender, addressee, is_admin=False):
@@ -179,11 +181,9 @@ def get_talk_panel(bot, update, user_record=None, text=''):
                                 key: val
                                 for key, val in user.items()
-                                if key in (
-                                    'first_name',
-                                    'last_name',
-                                    'username'
-                                )
+                                if key in ('first_name',
+                                           'last_name',
+                                           'username')
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ def get_maintenance_exception_criterion(bot, allowed_command):
     return criterion
-async def get_version():
+async def get_last_commit():
     """Get last commit hash and davtelepot version."""
         _subprocess = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
@@ -793,70 +793,132 @@ async def get_version():
         last_commit = f"{e}"
     if last_commit.startswith("fatal: not a git repository"):
         last_commit = "-"
-    davtelepot_version = davtelepot.__version__
-    return last_commit, davtelepot_version
+    return last_commit
 async def _version_command(bot, update, user_record):
-    last_commit, davtelepot_version = await get_version()
+    last_commit = await get_last_commit()
     return bot.get_message(
         'admin', 'version_command', 'result',
-        davtelepot_version=davtelepot_version,
+        davtelepot_version=__version__,
         update=update, user_record=user_record
-async def notify_new_version(bot):
+async def notify_new_version(bot: davtelepot_bot):
     """Notify `bot` administrators about new versions.
     Notify admins when last commit and/or davtelepot version change.
-    last_commit, davtelepot_version = await get_version()
+    last_commit = await get_last_commit()
     old_record = bot.db['version_history'].find_one(
+    current_versions = {
+        f"{package.__name__}_version": package.__version__
+        for package in bot.packages
+    }
+    current_versions['last_commit'] = last_commit
     if old_record is None:
         old_record = dict(
-            last_commit=None,
-            davtelepot_version=None
-    if (
-            old_record['last_commit'] != last_commit
-            or old_record['davtelepot_version'] != davtelepot_version
+    for name in current_versions.keys():
+        if name not in old_record:
+            old_record[name] = None
+    if any(
+            old_record[name] != current_version
+            for name, current_version in current_versions.items()
-        new_record = dict(
+        bot.db['version_history'].insert(
+            dict(
-                last_commit=last_commit,
-                davtelepot_version=davtelepot_version
+                **current_versions
-        bot.db['version_history'].insert(
-            new_record
-        for admin in bot.db['users'].find(privileges=[1, 2]):
+        for admin in bot.administrators:
+            text = bot.get_message(
+                'admin', 'new_version', 'title',
+                user_record=admin
+            ) + '\n\n'
+            if last_commit != old_record['last_commit']:
+                text += bot.get_message(
+                    'admin', 'new_version', 'last_commit',
+                    old_record=old_record,
+                    new_record=current_versions,
+                    user_record=admin
+                ) + '\n\n'
+            text += '\n'.join(
+                f"<b>{name[:-len('_version')]}</b>: "
+                f"<code>{old_record[name]}</code> —> "
+                f"<code>{current_version}</code>"
+                for name, current_version in current_versions.items()
+                if name not in ('last_commit', )
+                and current_version != old_record[name]
+            )
             await bot.send_message(
-                text='\n\n'.join(
-                    bot.get_message(
-                        'admin', 'new_version', field,
-                        old_record=old_record,
-                        new_record=new_record,
-                        user_record=admin
-                    )
-                    for field in filter(
-                        lambda x: (x not in old_record
-                                   or old_record[x] != new_record[x]),
-                        ('title', 'last_commit', 'davtelepot_version')
-                    )
-                )
+                text=text
-def init(telegram_bot, talk_messages=None, admin_messages=None):
+async def get_package_updates(bot: davtelepot_bot,
+                              monitoring_interval: int = 60 * 60):
+    while 1:
+        news = dict()
+        for package in bot.packages:
+            package_web_page = CachedPage.get(
+                f'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/{package.__name__}/json',
+                cache_time=2,
+                mode='json'
+            )
+            web_page = await package_web_page.get_page()
+            if web_page is None or isinstance(web_page, Exception):
+                logging.error(f"Cannot get updates for {package.__name__}, "
+                              "skipping...")
+                continue
+            new_version = web_page['info']['version']
+            current_version = package.__version__
+            if new_version != current_version:
+                news[package.__name__] = {
+                    'current': current_version,
+                    'new': new_version
+                }
+        if news:
+            for admin in bot.administrators:
+                text = bot.get_message(
+                    'admin', 'updates_available', 'header',
+                    user_record=admin
+                ) + '\n\n'
+                text += '\n'.join(
+                    f"<b>{package}</b>: "
+                    f"<code>{versions['current']}</code> —> "
+                    f"<code>{versions['new']}</code>"
+                    for package, versions in news.items()
+                )
+                await bot.send_message(
+                    chat_id=admin['telegram_id'],
+                    disable_notification=True,
+                    text=text
+                )
+        await asyncio.sleep(monitoring_interval)
+def init(telegram_bot,
+         talk_messages=None,
+         admin_messages=None,
+         packages=None):
     """Assign parsers, commands, buttons and queries to given `bot`."""
+    if packages is None:
+        packages = []
+    telegram_bot.packages.extend(
+        filter(lambda package: package not in telegram_bot.packages,
+               packages)
+    )
+    asyncio.ensure_future(get_package_updates(telegram_bot))
     if talk_messages is None:
         talk_messages = messages.default_talk_messages
     telegram_bot.messages['talk'] = talk_messages
@@ -1045,7 +1107,7 @@ def init(telegram_bot, talk_messages=None, admin_messages=None):
-                          authorization_level='admin',)
+                          authorization_level='admin')
     async def version_command(bot, update, user_record):
         return await _version_command(bot=bot,

+ 4 - 4

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-"""This module provides a glow-like middleware for Telegram bot API.
+"""This module provides a python mirror for Telegram bot API.
 All methods and parameters are the same as the original json API.
 A simple aiohttp asynchronous web client is used to make requests.
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ import datetime
 import json
 import logging
-# Third party modules
 from typing import Union, List
+# Third party modules
 import aiohttp
-from aiohttp import web
+import aiohttp.web
 class TelegramError(Exception):
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class TelegramBot:
     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
-    app = web.Application()
+    app = aiohttp.web.Application()
     sessions_timeouts = {
         'getUpdates': dict(

+ 19 - 79

@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
 # Standard library modules
 from collections import OrderedDict
+from typing import Callable, Union
 # Project modules
 from .bot import Bot
+from .messages import default_authorization_messages
 from .utilities import (
     Confirmator, get_cleaned_text, get_user, make_button, make_inline_keyboard
@@ -256,85 +258,10 @@ def get_authorization_function(bot):
     return is_authorized
-deafult_authorization_messages = {
-    'auth_command': {
-        'description': {
-            'en': "Edit user permissions. To select a user, reply to "
-                  "a message of theirs or write their username",
-            'it': "Cambia il grado di autorizzazione di un utente "
-                  "(in risposta o scrivendone lo username)"
-        },
-        'unhandled_case': {
-            'en': "<code>Unhandled case :/</code>",
-            'it': "<code>Caso non previsto :/</code>"
-        },
-        'instructions': {
-            'en': "Reply with this command to a user or write "
-                  "<code>/auth username</code> to edit their permissions.",
-            'it': "Usa questo comando in risposta a un utente "
-                  "oppure scrivi <code>/auth username</code> per "
-                  "cambiarne il grado di autorizzazione."
-        },
-        'unknown_user': {
-            'en': "Unknown user.",
-            'it': "Utente sconosciuto."
-        },
-        'choose_user': {
-            'en': "{n} users match your query. Please select one.",
-            'it': "Ho trovato {n} utenti che soddisfano questi criteri.\n"
-                  "Per procedere selezionane uno."
-        },
-        'no_match': {
-            'en': "No user matches your query. Please try again.",
-            'it': "Non ho trovato utenti che soddisfino questi criteri.\n"
-                  "Prova di nuovo."
-        }
-    },
-    'ban_command': {
-        'description': {
-            'en': "Reply to a user with /ban to ban them",
-            'it': "Banna l'utente (da usare in risposta)"
-        }
-    },
-    'auth_button': {
-        'description': {
-            'en': "Edit user permissions",
-            'it': "Cambia il grado di autorizzazione di un utente"
-        },
-        'confirm': {
-            'en': "Are you sure?",
-            'it': "Sicuro sicuro?"
-        },
-        'back_to_user': {
-            'en': "Back to user",
-            'it': "Torna all'utente"
-        },
-        'permission_denied': {
-            'user': {
-                'en': "You cannot appoint this user!",
-                'it': "Non hai l'autorità di modificare i permessi di questo "
-                      "utente!"
-            },
-            'role': {
-                'en': "You're not allowed to appoint someone to this role!",
-                'it': "Non hai l'autorità di conferire questo permesso!"
-            }
-        },
-        'no_change': {
-            'en': "No change suggested!",
-            'it': "È già così!"
-        },
-        'appointed': {
-            'en': "Permission granted",
-            'it': "Permesso conferito"
-        }
-    },
 async def _authorization_command(bot, update, user_record):
     text = get_cleaned_text(bot=bot, update=update, replace=['auth'])
     reply_markup = None
+    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
     result = bot.get_message(
         'authorization', 'auth_command', 'unhandled_case',
         update=update, user_record=user_record
@@ -509,7 +436,17 @@ async def _ban_command(bot, update, user_record):
-def init(telegram_bot: Bot, roles=None, authorization_messages=None):
+def default_get_administrators_function(bot: Bot):
+    return list(
+        bot.db['users'].find(privileges=[1,2])
+    )
+def init(telegram_bot: Bot,
+         roles: Union[list, OrderedDict] = None,
+         authorization_messages=None,
+         get_administrators_function: Callable[[object],
+                                               list] = None):
     """Set bot roles and assign role-related commands.
     Pass an OrderedDict of `roles` to get them set.
@@ -537,8 +474,11 @@ def init(telegram_bot: Bot, roles=None, authorization_messages=None):
-    if authorization_messages is None:
-        authorization_messages = deafult_authorization_messages
+    get_administrators_function = (get_administrators_function
+                                   or default_get_administrators_function)
+    telegram_bot.set_get_administrator_function(get_administrators_function)
+    authorization_messages = (authorization_messages
+                              or default_authorization_messages)
     telegram_bot.messages['authorization'] = authorization_messages
     @telegram_bot.command(command='/auth', aliases=[], show_in_keyboard=False,

+ 27 - 1

@@ -34,13 +34,16 @@ Usage
 # Standard library modules
 import asyncio
-from collections import OrderedDict
 import datetime
 import io
 import inspect
 import logging
 import os
 import re
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from typing import Callable
 # Third party modules
 from aiohttp import web
@@ -210,6 +213,8 @@ class Bot(TelegramBot, ObjectWithDatabase, MultiLanguageObject):
             if 'chat' in update
             else None
+        # Function to get updated list of bot administrators
+        self._get_administrators = lambda bot: []
         # Message to be returned if user is not allowed to call method
         self._authorization_denied_message = None
         # Default authorization function (always return True)
@@ -223,6 +228,7 @@ class Bot(TelegramBot, ObjectWithDatabase, MultiLanguageObject):
         self.placeholder_requests = dict()
         self.shared_data = dict()
         self.Role = None
+        self.packages = [sys.modules['davtelepot']]
         # Add `users` table with its fields if missing
         if 'users' not in self.db.tables:
             table = self.db.create_table(
@@ -553,6 +559,26 @@ class Bot(TelegramBot, ObjectWithDatabase, MultiLanguageObject):
+    def set_get_administrator_function(self,
+                                       new_function: Callable[[object],
+                                                              list]):
+        """Set a new get_administrators function.
+        This function should take bot as argument and return an updated list
+            of its administrators.
+        Example:
+        ```python
+        def get_administrators(bot):
+            admins = bot.db['users'].find(privileges=2)
+            return list(admins)
+        ```
+        """
+        self._get_administrators = new_function
+    @property
+    def administrators(self):
+        return self._get_administrators(self)
     async def message_router(self, update, user_record):
         """Route Telegram `message` update to appropriate message handler."""
         for key, value in update.items():

+ 83 - 8

@@ -134,14 +134,6 @@ default_admin_messages = {
             'it': "Vecchio commit: <code>{old_record[last_commit]}</code>\n"
                   "Nuovo commit: <code>{new_record[last_commit]}</code>",
-        'davtelepot_version': {
-            'en': "davtelepot version: "
-                  "<code>{old_record[davtelepot_version]}</code> —> "
-                  "<code>{new_record[davtelepot_version]}</code>",
-            'it': "Versione di davtelepot: "
-                  "<code>{old_record[davtelepot_version]}</code> —> "
-                  "<code>{new_record[davtelepot_version]}</code>",
-        },
     'query_button': {
         'error': {
@@ -256,6 +248,14 @@ default_admin_messages = {
+    'updates_available': {
+        'header': {
+            'en': "🔔 Updates available! ⬇️\n\n"
+                  "Click to /restart bot",
+            'it': "🔔 Aggiornamenti disponibili! ⬇\n\n"
+                  "Clicka qui per fare il /restart",
+        },
+    },
     'version_command': {
         'reply_keyboard_button': {
             'en': "Version #️⃣",
@@ -275,6 +275,81 @@ default_admin_messages = {
+default_authorization_messages = {
+    'auth_command': {
+        'description': {
+            'en': "Edit user permissions. To select a user, reply to "
+                  "a message of theirs or write their username",
+            'it': "Cambia il grado di autorizzazione di un utente "
+                  "(in risposta o scrivendone lo username)"
+        },
+        'unhandled_case': {
+            'en': "<code>Unhandled case :/</code>",
+            'it': "<code>Caso non previsto :/</code>"
+        },
+        'instructions': {
+            'en': "Reply with this command to a user or write "
+                  "<code>/auth username</code> to edit their permissions.",
+            'it': "Usa questo comando in risposta a un utente "
+                  "oppure scrivi <code>/auth username</code> per "
+                  "cambiarne il grado di autorizzazione."
+        },
+        'unknown_user': {
+            'en': "Unknown user.",
+            'it': "Utente sconosciuto."
+        },
+        'choose_user': {
+            'en': "{n} users match your query. Please select one.",
+            'it': "Ho trovato {n} utenti che soddisfano questi criteri.\n"
+                  "Per procedere selezionane uno."
+        },
+        'no_match': {
+            'en': "No user matches your query. Please try again.",
+            'it': "Non ho trovato utenti che soddisfino questi criteri.\n"
+                  "Prova di nuovo."
+        }
+    },
+    'ban_command': {
+        'description': {
+            'en': "Reply to a user with /ban to ban them",
+            'it': "Banna l'utente (da usare in risposta)"
+        }
+    },
+    'auth_button': {
+        'description': {
+            'en': "Edit user permissions",
+            'it': "Cambia il grado di autorizzazione di un utente"
+        },
+        'confirm': {
+            'en': "Are you sure?",
+            'it': "Sicuro sicuro?"
+        },
+        'back_to_user': {
+            'en': "Back to user",
+            'it': "Torna all'utente"
+        },
+        'permission_denied': {
+            'user': {
+                'en': "You cannot appoint this user!",
+                'it': "Non hai l'autorità di modificare i permessi di questo "
+                      "utente!"
+            },
+            'role': {
+                'en': "You're not allowed to appoint someone to this role!",
+                'it': "Non hai l'autorità di conferire questo permesso!"
+            }
+        },
+        'no_change': {
+            'en': "No change suggested!",
+            'it': "È già così!"
+        },
+        'appointed': {
+            'en': "Permission granted",
+            'it': "Permesso conferito"
+        }
+    },
 default_authorization_denied_message = {
     'en': "You are not allowed to use this command, sorry.",
     'it': "Non disponi di autorizzazioni sufficienti per questa richiesta, spiacente.",

+ 5 - 12

@@ -149,15 +149,6 @@ async def _suggestions_button(bot: davtelepot.bot.Bot, update, user_record, data
         when = datetime.datetime.now()
         with bot.db as db:
             registered_user = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=user_id)
-            admins = [
-                x['telegram_id']
-                for x in db['users'].find(
-                    privileges=[
-                        bot.Role.get_role_by_name('admin').code,
-                        bot.Role.get_role_by_name('founder').code
-                    ]
-                )
-            ]
@@ -176,11 +167,11 @@ async def _suggestions_button(bot: davtelepot.bot.Bot, update, user_record, data
             update=update, user_record=user_record,
-        for admin in admins:
+        for admin in bot.administrators:
             when += datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
-                    chat_id=admin,
+                    chat_id=admin['telegram_id'],
@@ -248,8 +239,10 @@ async def _see_suggestions(bot: davtelepot.bot.Bot, update, user_record):
-def init(telegram_bot: davtelepot.bot.Bot, suggestion_messages=default_suggestion_messages):
+def init(telegram_bot: davtelepot.bot.Bot, suggestion_messages=None):
     """Set suggestion handling for `bot`."""
+    if suggestion_messages is None:
+        suggestion_messages = default_suggestion_messages
     telegram_bot.messages['suggestions'] = suggestion_messages
     suggestion_prefixes = (

+ 1 - 0

@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ setuptools.setup(
+    python_requires='>=3.5',
         "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
         "Environment :: Console",