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Browse users via `/auth` command

Davte 2 years ago
3 changed files with 212 additions and 30 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 201 29
  3. 10 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ __author__ = "Davide Testa"
 __email__ = "davide@davte.it"
 __credits__ = ["Marco Origlia", "Nick Lee @Nickoala"]
 __license__ = "GNU General Public License v3.0"
-__version__ = "2.8.5"
+__version__ = "2.8.6"
 __maintainer__ = "Davide Testa"
 __contact__ = "t.me/davte"

+ 201 - 29

@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ DEFAULT_ROLES[100] = {
     'can_be_appointed_by': [1, 2, 3]
+max_records_per_query = 15
 class Role:
     """Authorization level for users of a bot."""
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ class Role:
         """Instantiate Role object.
         code : int
-            The higher the code, the less privileges are connected to that
+            The higher the code, the fewer privileges are connected to that
                 role. Use 0 for banned users.
         name : str
             Short name for role.
@@ -198,8 +200,16 @@ class Role:
         if user_role is None:
             user_role = cls.get_user_role(user_record=user_record)
+        long_name = ' '.join(
+            [user_record[key]
+             for key in ('first_name', 'last_name')
+             if key in user_record
+             and user_record[key]]
+        )
+        if long_name:
+            long_name = f" ({long_name})"
         return (
-            f"""👤 {get_user(record=user_record)}\n"""
+            f"👤 {get_user(record=user_record)}{long_name}\n"
             f"🔑 <i>{user_role.singular.capitalize()}</i> {user_role.symbol}"
@@ -228,6 +238,7 @@ class Role:
                 f"{role.symbol} {role.singular.capitalize()}",
+                delimiter='|',
                 data=['set', user_record['id'], code]
             for code, role in cls.roles.items()
@@ -252,7 +263,7 @@ class Role:
         return text, buttons
     def __eq__(self, other: 'Role'):
-        """Return True if self is equal to other."""
+        """Return True if `self` is equal to `other`."""
         return self.code == other.code
     def __gt__(self, other: 'Role'):
@@ -274,11 +285,11 @@ class Role:
         return not self.__ge__(other)
     def __le__(self, other: 'Role'):
-        """Return True if self is superior or equal to other."""
+        """Return True if `self` is superior or equal to `other`."""
         return not self.__gt__(other)
     def __ne__(self, other: 'Role'):
-        """Return True if self is not equal to other."""
+        """Return True if `self` is not equal to `other`."""
         return not self.__eq__(other)
     def __str__(self):
@@ -312,6 +323,27 @@ def get_authorization_function(bot: Bot):
     return is_authorized
+def get_browse_buttons(bot: Bot, language: str):
+    return [
+        make_button(
+            text=bot.get_message('authorization', 'auth_button',
+                                 'browse', 'browse_button_az',
+                                 language=language),
+            prefix='auth:///',
+            delimiter='|',
+            data=['browse', 'az'],
+        ),
+        make_button(
+            text=bot.get_message('authorization', 'auth_button',
+                                 'browse', 'browse_button_by_role',
+                                 language=language),
+            prefix='auth:///',
+            delimiter='|',
+            data=['browse', 'role'],
+        ),
+    ]
 async def _authorization_command(bot: Bot,
                                  update: dict,
                                  user_record: OrderedDict,
@@ -321,6 +353,7 @@ async def _authorization_command(bot: Bot,
     text = get_cleaned_text(bot=bot, update=update, replace=[mode])
     reply_markup = None
     admin_record = user_record.copy()
+    query_id = None
     user_record = None
     admin_role = bot.Role.get_user_role(user_record=admin_record)
     result = bot.get_message(
@@ -334,6 +367,9 @@ async def _authorization_command(bot: Bot,
                 update=update, user_record=admin_record,
+            buttons = get_browse_buttons(bot=bot, language=language)
+            reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(buttons, 2)
+            user_record = -1
         else:  # No text, command used in reply to another message
             update = update['reply_to_message']
             # Forwarded message: get both the user who forwarded and the original author
@@ -350,6 +386,36 @@ async def _authorization_command(bot: Bot,
     else:  # Get users matching the input text
+        query_text = (
+            "SELECT * "
+            "FROM users "
+            "WHERE COALESCE("
+            "   first_name || last_name || username,"
+            "   last_name || username,"
+            "   first_name || username,"
+            "   username,"
+            "   first_name || last_name,"
+            "   last_name,"
+            "   first_name"
+            f") LIKE '%{text}%' "
+            "ORDER BY COALESCE("
+            "   username || first_name || last_name,"
+            "   username || last_name,"
+            "   username || first_name,"
+            "   username,"
+            "   first_name || last_name,"
+            "   first_name,"
+            "   last_name"
+            ")"
+        )
+        query_id = bot.db['queries'].upsert(
+            dict(query=query_text),
+            ['query']
+        )
+        if query_id is True:
+            query_id = bot.db['queries'].find_one(
+                query=query_text
+            )['id']
         user_record = list(
                 "SELECT * "
@@ -373,28 +439,21 @@ async def _authorization_command(bot: Bot,
             update=update, user_record=admin_record
     elif type(user_record) is list and len(user_record) > 1:  # If many users match
-        result = bot.get_message(
-            'authorization', 'auth_command', 'choose_user',
-            update=update, user_record=admin_record,
-            n=len(user_record)
-        )
-        reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(
-            [
-                make_button(
-                    f"👤 {get_user(user, link_profile=False)}",
-                    prefix='auth:///',
-                    data=['show', user['id']]
-                )
-                for user in user_record[:30]
-            ],
-            3
-        )
+        browse_panel = await _authorization_button(bot=bot,
+                                                   update=update,
+                                                   user_record=admin_record,
+                                                   language=language,
+                                                   data=['browse', query_id])
+        if 'edit' in browse_panel:
+            return browse_panel['edit']
     elif type(user_record) is list and len(user_record) == 0:  # If query was provided but no user matches
         result = bot.get_message(
             'authorization', 'auth_command', 'no_match',
             update=update, user_record=admin_record,
-    elif isinstance(user_record, dict):  # If 1 user matches
+    elif (type(user_record) is list and len(user_record) == 1) or isinstance(user_record, dict):  # If 1 user matches
+        if type(user_record) is list:
+            user_record = user_record[0]
         # Ban user if admin can do it
         user_role = bot.Role.get_user_role(user_record=user_record)
         if mode == 'ban' and admin_role > user_role:
@@ -420,6 +479,7 @@ async def _authorization_command(bot: Bot,
         reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(buttons, 1)
+        reply_markup['inline_keyboard'].append(get_browse_buttons(bot=bot, language=language))
     return dict(
@@ -436,14 +496,115 @@ async def _authorization_button(bot: Bot,
         data = ['']
     command, *arguments = data
     user_id = user_record['telegram_id']
-    if len(arguments) > 0:
+    if len(arguments) > 0 and command in ['show', 'set']:
         other_user_id = arguments[0]
         other_user_id = None
     result, text, reply_markup = '', '', None
-    db = bot.db
-    if command in ['show']:
-        other_user_record = db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
+    query_text = None
+    if command in ['browse'] and len(arguments) >= 1:
+        mode = arguments[0]
+        offset = arguments[1] if len(arguments) > 1 else 0
+        user_records = []
+        if mode == 'choose':
+            update['text'] = ''
+            answer_update = await _authorization_command(bot=bot,
+                                                         update=update,
+                                                         user_record=user_record,
+                                                         language=language,
+                                                         mode='auth')
+            text = answer_update['text']
+            reply_markup = answer_update['reply_markup']
+        elif isinstance(mode, int) or (isinstance(mode, str) and mode.isnumeric()):
+            query_record = bot.db['queries'].find_one(id=int(mode))
+            if query_record:
+                query_text = query_record['query']
+        elif mode == 'az':
+            query_text = (
+                "SELECT * "
+                "FROM users "
+                "ORDER BY COALESCE("
+                "   username || first_name || last_name,"
+                "   username || last_name,"
+                "   username || first_name,"
+                "   username,"
+                "   first_name || last_name,"
+                "   first_name,"
+                "   last_name"
+                ")"
+            )
+        elif mode == 'role':
+            query_text = (
+                "SELECT * "
+                "FROM users "
+                "ORDER BY ("
+                "   CASE WHEN privileges = 0 THEN 5000 "
+                "   ELSE privileges END) "
+                "ASC, COALESCE( "
+                "   username || first_name || last_name,"
+                "   username || last_name,"
+                "   username || first_name,"
+                "   username,"
+                "   first_name || last_name,"
+                "   first_name,"
+                "   last_name"
+                ") "
+            )
+        n = 0
+        if query_text:
+            user_records = list(
+                bot.db.query(
+                    f"{query_text} "
+                    f"LIMIT {max_records_per_query + 1} "
+                    f"OFFSET {offset * max_records_per_query} "
+                )
+            )
+            for record in bot.db.query("SELECT COUNT(*) n "
+                                       f"FROM ({query_text})"):
+                n = record['n']
+        if user_records:
+            text = bot.get_message(
+                'authorization', 'auth_command', 'choose_user',
+                update=update, user_record=user_record,
+                n=n
+            )
+            reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(
+                [
+                    make_button(
+                        f"{bot.Role.get_user_role(user_record=user).symbol} {get_user(user, link_profile=False)}",
+                        prefix='auth:///',
+                        delimiter='|',
+                        data=['show', user['id'], command, mode, offset]
+                    )
+                    for user in user_records[:max_records_per_query]
+                ],
+                3
+            )
+            if n > max_records_per_query:
+                reply_markup['inline_keyboard'].append(
+                    [
+                        make_button(
+                            text='◀️',
+                            prefix='auth:///',
+                            delimiter='|',
+                            data=['browse', mode, offset - 1 if offset else n // max_records_per_query]
+                        ),
+                        make_button(
+                            text='↩️',
+                            prefix='auth:///',
+                            delimiter='|',
+                            data=['browse', 'choose']
+                        ),
+                        make_button(
+                            text='▶️',
+                            prefix='auth:///',
+                            delimiter='|',
+                            data=['browse', mode, offset + 1 if n > (offset + 1) * max_records_per_query else 0]
+                        )
+                    ]
+                )
+    elif command in ['show']:
+        other_user_record = bot.db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
         text, buttons = bot.Role.get_user_role_text_and_buttons(
@@ -459,6 +620,15 @@ async def _authorization_button(bot: Bot,
                     data=['picture', user_record['id']]
+        if len(arguments) > 2:
+            buttons.append(
+                make_button(
+                    text='↩️',
+                    prefix='auth:///',
+                    delimiter='|',
+                    data=data[2:]
+                )
+            )
         reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(buttons, 1)
     elif command in ['set'] and len(arguments) > 1:
         other_user_id, new_privileges, *_ = arguments
@@ -470,7 +640,7 @@ async def _authorization_button(bot: Bot,
                 'authorization', 'auth_button', 'confirm',
                 update=update, user_record=user_record,
-        other_user_record = db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
+        other_user_record = bot.db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
         user_role = bot.Role.get_user_role(user_record=user_record)
         other_user_role = bot.Role.get_user_role(user_record=other_user_record)
         if other_user_role.code == new_privileges:
@@ -491,6 +661,7 @@ async def _authorization_button(bot: Bot,
                             update=update, user_record=user_record
+                        delimiter='|',
                         data=['show', other_user_id]
@@ -509,20 +680,21 @@ async def _authorization_button(bot: Bot,
                             update=update, user_record=user_record
+                        delimiter='|',
                         data=['show', other_user_id]
-            db['users'].update(
+            bot.db['users'].update(
-            other_user_record = db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
+            other_user_record = bot.db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
             result = bot.get_message(
                 'authorization', 'auth_button', 'appointed',
                 update=update, user_record=user_record

+ 10 - 0

@@ -713,6 +713,16 @@ default_authorization_messages = {
             'en': "Permission granted",
             'it': "Permesso conferito"
+        'browse': {
+            'browse_button_az': {
+                'en': "🆎 Users A-Z",
+                'it': "🆎 Utenti A-Z",
+            },
+            'browse_button_by_role': {
+                'en': "👑 Users by role",
+                'it': "👑 Utenti per ruolo",
+            },
+        },
         'back_to_user': {
             'en': "Back to user",
             'it': "Torna all'utente"