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admin_tools: Talk to users

Davte преди 5 години
променени са 2 файла, в които са добавени 232 реда и са изтрити 1 реда
  1. 1 1
  2. 231 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ __author__ = "Davide Testa"
 __email__ = "davte@libero.it"
 __credits__ = "Marco Origlia"
 __license__ = "GNU General Public License v3.0"
-__version__ = "1.4.5"
+__version__ = "1.4.6"
 __maintainer__ = "Davide Testa"
 __contact__ = "t.me/davte"

+ 231 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+"""Administration tools for telegram bots.
+import davtelepot
+my_bot = davtelepot.Bot.get('my_token', 'my_database.db')
+# Third party modules
+from davteutil import (
+    get_cleaned_text, get_user, escape_html_chars, extract,
+    line_drawing_unordered_list, make_button, make_inline_keyboard,
+    remove_html_tags
+    confirm_user_button=dict(
+        en='Talk to {u}?',
+        it='Parla con {u}?'
+    ),
+    confirm_user_text=dict(
+        en='Do you want to talk to {u}?',
+        it='Vuoi parlare con {u}?'
+    ),
+    search_button=dict(
+        en="🔍 Search for user",
+        it="🔍 Cerca utente",
+    ),
+    select_user=dict(
+        en='Which user would you like to talk to?',
+        it='Con quale utente vorresti parlare?'
+    ),
+    user_not_found=dict(
+        en=(
+            "Sory, but no user matches your query for\n"
+            "<code>{q}</code>"
+        ),
+        it=(
+            "Spiacente, ma nessun utente corrisponde alla ricerca per\n"
+            "<code>{q}</code>"
+        ),
+    ),
+    # key=dict(
+    #     en='',
+    #     it='',
+    # ),
+def get_talk_panel(text, bot):
+    """Return text and reply markup of talk panel.
+    Get 'user_id' as string, username as string or void string for main menu.
+    """
+    users = []
+    if len(text):
+        with bot.db as db:
+            if text.isnumeric():
+                users = list(
+                    db['users'].find(id=int(text))
+                )
+            else:
+                users = list(
+                    db.query(
+                        """SELECT *
+                        FROM users
+                        WHERE COALESCE(
+                            first_name || last_name || username,
+                            last_name || username,
+                            first_name || username,
+                            username,
+                            first_name || last_name,
+                            last_name,
+                            first_name
+                        ) LIKE '%{username}%'
+                        """.format(
+                            username=text
+                        )
+                    )
+                )
+    if len(users) == 0:
+        text = (
+            bot.get_message('talk', 'user_not_found', update=update)
+        ).format(
+            q=escape_html_chars(
+                remove_html_tags(text)
+            )
+        )
+        reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(
+            [
+                make_button(
+                    bot.get_message(
+                        'talk', 'search_button',
+                        update=update
+                    ),
+                    prefix='talk:///',
+                    data=['search']
+                )
+            ],
+            1
+        )
+    elif len(users) == 1:
+        user = users[0]
+        text = (
+            bot.get_message(
+                'talk', 'confirm_user_text',
+                update=update
+            )
+        ).format(
+            u=get_user(user)
+        )
+        reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(
+            [
+                make_button(
+                    (
+                        bot.get_message(
+                            'talk', 'confirm_user_button',
+                            update=update
+                        )
+                    ).format(
+                        u=get_user(user)
+                    )
+                )
+            ],
+            1
+        )
+    else:
+        text = "{header}\n\n{u}".format(
+            header=bot.get_message(
+                'talk', 'select_user',
+                update=update
+            ),
+            u=line_drawing_unordered_list(
+                [
+                    get_user(user)
+                    for user in users
+                ]
+            )
+        )
+        reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(
+            [
+                make_button(
+                    '👤 {u}'.format(
+                        u=get_user(
+                            {
+                                key: val
+                                for key, val in user.items()
+                                if key in (
+                                    'first_name',
+                                    'last_name',
+                                    'username'
+                                )
+                            }
+                        )
+                    ),
+                    prefix='talk:///',
+                    data=[
+                        'select',
+                        user['id']
+                    ]
+                )
+                for user in users
+            ],
+            2
+        )
+    return text, reply_markup
+async def _talk_command(update, bot):
+    text = get_cleaned_text(
+        update,
+        bot,
+        ['talk']
+    )
+    text, reply_markup = get_talk_panel(text, bot)
+    return
+async def _talk_button(update, bot):
+    telegram_id = update['from']['id']
+    command, *arguments = extract(update['data'], '///').split('|')
+    if text:
+        return dict(
+            text=result,
+            edit=dict(
+                text=text,
+                parse_mode='HTML',
+                reply_markup=reply_markup,
+                disable_web_page_preview=True
+            )
+        )
+    return result
+def init(bot):
+    """Assign parsers, commands, buttons and queries to given `bot`."""
+    bot.messages['talk'] = TALK_MESSAGES
+    with bot.db as db:
+        if 'talking_sessions' not in db.tables:
+            db['talking_sessions'].insert(
+                dict(
+                    user=0,
+                    admin=0,
+                    cancelled=1
+                )
+            )
+    @bot.additional_task(when='BEFORE')
+    async def load_talking_sessions():
+        with botd.db as db:
+            for session in db.query(
+                """SELECT *
+                FROM talking_sessions
+                WHERE NOT cancelled
+                """
+            ):
+                pass  # Set cutom_parser
+    @bot.command(command='/talk', aliases=[], show_in_keyboard=False,
+                 descr="Choose a user and forward messages to each other.",
+                 auth='admin')
+    async def talk_command(update):
+        return await _talk_command(update, bot)
+    @bot.button(data='talk:///', auth='admin')
+    async def talk_button(update):
+        return await _talk_button(update, bot)
+    return