@@ -807,7 +807,8 @@ class Bot(TelegramBot, ObjectWithDatabase, MultiLanguageObject):
async def text_message_handler(self, update, user_record, language=None):
"""Handle `text` message update."""
replier, reply = None, None
- text = update['text'].lower()
+ text = update['text']
+ lowered_text = text.lower()
user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None
if user_id in self.individual_text_message_handlers:
replier = self.individual_text_message_handlers[user_id]
@@ -818,7 +819,7 @@ class Bot(TelegramBot, ObjectWithDatabase, MultiLanguageObject):
# Commands can use latin letters, numbers and underscores.
command = re.search(
r"([A-z_1-9]){1,32}", # Command pattern (without leading `/`)
- text
+ lowered_text
).group(0) # Get the first group of characters matching pattern
if command in self.commands:
replier = self.commands[command]['handler']
@@ -840,18 +841,16 @@ class Bot(TelegramBot, ObjectWithDatabase, MultiLanguageObject):
else: # Handle command aliases and text parsers
# Aliases are case insensitive: text and alias are both .lower()
for alias, function in self.command_aliases.items():
- if text.startswith(alias.lower()):
+ if lowered_text.startswith(alias.lower()):
replier = function
# Text message update parsers
for check_function, parser in self.text_message_parsers.items():
- if (
- parser['argument'] == 'text'
- and check_function(text)
- ) or (
- parser['argument'] == 'update'
- and check_function(update)
- ):
+ if check_function(
+ **{name: argument
+ for name, argument in locals().items()
+ if name in inspect.signature(
+ check_function).parameters}):
replier = parser['handler']
if replier: