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Handle location updates

Davte %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos
Modificáronse 2 ficheiros con 79 adicións e 2 borrados
  1. 1 1
  2. 78 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ __author__ = "Davide Testa"
 __email__ = "davte@libero.it"
 __credits__ = "Marco Origlia"
 __license__ = "GNU General Public License v3.0"
-__version__ = "1.4.22"
+__version__ = "1.4.23"
 __maintainer__ = "Davide Testa"
 __contact__ = "t.me/davte"

+ 78 - 1

@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ class Bot(telepot.aio.Bot, Gettable):
         self.chat_message_handlers = {
             'text': self.handle_text_message,
             'pinned_message': self.handle_pinned_message,
-            'photo': self.handle_photo_message
+            'photo': self.handle_photo_message,
+            'location': self.handle_location
         if db_name:
             self._db_url = 'sqlite:///{name}{ext}'.format(
@@ -181,6 +182,7 @@ class Bot(telepot.aio.Bot, Gettable):
         self.parsers = MyOD()
         self.custom_parsers = dict()
         self.custom_photo_parsers = dict()
+        self.custom_location_parsers = dict()
         self.bot_name = None
         self.default_reply_keyboard_elements = []
         self._default_keyboard = dict()
@@ -914,6 +916,33 @@ class Bot(telepot.aio.Bot, Gettable):
+    async def handle_location(self, update):
+        """Handle location sent by user."""
+        user_id = update['from']['id'] if 'from' in update else None
+        answerer, answer = None, None
+        if self.maintenance:
+            if update['chat']['id'] > 0:
+                answer = self.maintenance_message
+        elif user_id in self.custom_location_parsers:
+            answerer = self.custom_location_parsers[user_id]
+            del self.custom_location_parsers[user_id]
+        if answerer:
+            if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(answerer):
+                answer = await answerer(update)
+            else:
+                answer = answerer(update)
+        if answer:
+            try:
+                return await self.send_message(answer=answer, chat_id=update)
+            except Exception as e:
+                logging.error(
+                    "Failed to process answer:\n{}".format(
+                        e
+                    ),
+                    exc_info=True
+                )
+        return
     def set_custom_parser(self, parser, update=None, user=None):
         """Set a custom parser for the user.
@@ -1011,6 +1040,54 @@ class Bot(telepot.aio.Bot, Gettable):
         self.custom_photo_parsers[user] = parser
+    def set_custom_location_parser(self, parser, update=None, user=None):
+        """Set a custom location parser for the user.
+        Any location chat update coming from the user will be handled by
+        this custom parser instead of default parsers.
+        Custom location parsers last one single use, but their handler can
+        call this function to provide multiple tries.
+        """
+        if user and type(user) is int:
+            pass
+        elif type(update) is int:
+            user = update
+        elif type(user) is dict:
+            user = (
+                user['from']['id']
+                if 'from' in user
+                and 'id' in user['from']
+                else None
+            )
+        elif not user and type(update) is dict:
+            user = (
+                update['from']['id']
+                if 'from' in update
+                and 'id' in update['from']
+                else None
+            )
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(
+                'Invalid user.\nuser: {}\nupdate: {}'.format(
+                    user,
+                    update
+                )
+            )
+        if not type(user) is int:
+            raise TypeError(
+                'User {} is not an int id'.format(
+                    user
+                )
+            )
+        if not callable(parser):
+            raise TypeError(
+                'Parser {} is not a callable'.format(
+                    parser.__name__
+                )
+            )
+        self.custom_location_parsers[user] = parser
+        return
     def command(self, command, aliases=None, show_in_keyboard=False,
                 descr="", auth='admin'):
         """Define a bot command.