from fuel import convert, gauge def main(): test_convert() test_gauge() test_value_error() test_zero_division_error() def test_convert(): assert convert("0/4") == 0 assert convert("1/4") == 25 assert convert("4/4") == 100 def test_value_error(): try: convert("5/4") except ValueError: pass else: raise Exception("ValueError not raised with y>x") def test_zero_division_error(): try: convert("5/0") except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: raise Exception("ZeroDivisionError not raised with y = 0") def test_gauge(): assert gauge(100) == 'F' assert gauge(99) == 'F' assert gauge(0) == 'E' assert gauge(1) == 'E' assert gauge(27) == '27%' if __name__ == '__main__': main()