@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+"""Final project for CS50P - Davte. See README.md for more information."""
+import math
+import random
+from typing import Tuple
+import fpdf
+import fpdf.table
+from fpdf.fonts import FontFace
+from fpdf.enums import TextEmphasis
+BOLD = TextEmphasis.coerce('B')
+def draw_table(pdf: fpdf.FPDF, state: str, key_position: int = -1, coin_to_flip: int = -1,
+ highlight_parity_bits: bool = False) -> fpdf.table.Table:
+ square_side = int(len(state)**0.5)
+ with pdf.table(text_align='CENTER',
+ first_row_as_headings=False) as table:
+ for i, v in enumerate(state):
+ if i % square_side == 0:
+ row = table.row()
+ cell_value = {'0': 'H', '1': 'T'}[v]
+ cell_style = FontFace()
+ if i == coin_to_flip:
+ cell_style.fill_color = (153, 0, 153)
+ cell_style.emphasis = BOLD
+ if i == key_position:
+ cell_style.color = (255, 128, 0)
+ cell_style.emphasis = BOLD
+ elif highlight_parity_bits and i in (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32):
+ cell_style.color = (119, 136, 153)
+ cell_style.emphasis = BOLD
+ row.cell(cell_value, style=cell_style)
+ return table
+def get_parity(n: str) -> int:
+ num_bits = int(math.log2(len(n)))
+ parity = 0
+ for i in range(num_bits):
+ block_parity = 0
+ for j, val in enumerate(n):
+ if j & (2**i) == 2**i:
+ block_parity = block_parity ^ int(val)
+ parity += block_parity * (2**i)
+ return parity
+def get_coin_to_flip(initial_state: str, key_position: int) -> int:
+ current_value = get_parity(initial_state)
+ return current_value ^ key_position
+def store_pdf(file_name, state, key_position: int = -1, coin_to_flip: int = -1):
+ pdf = fpdf.FPDF(orientation="P", unit="mm", format="A4")
+ pdf.set_auto_page_break(False)
+ pdf.add_page()
+ pdf.set_font("Times", size=100 // math.log2(math.sqrt(len(state))))
+ draw_table(pdf=pdf, state=state, key_position=key_position, coin_to_flip=coin_to_flip)
+ pdf.output(file_name)
+def solve(initial_state: str, coin_to_flip: int) -> str:
+ """Return the chessboard in `initial_state` after flipping `coin_to_flip`."""
+ result = list(initial_state)
+ result[coin_to_flip] = '0' if result[coin_to_flip] == '1' else '1'
+ return ''.join(result)
+def is_power_of_two(n: int) -> bool:
+ k = 1
+ while k <= n:
+ if k == n:
+ return True
+ k *= 2
+ return False
+def get_parameters(board_side: int = 8) -> Tuple[str, int, int]:
+ """Generate a random chessboard and a random key position and solve the puzzle.
+ Return a board of side `board_side`, a key position and the coin to flip.
+ """
+ if not is_power_of_two(board_side):
+ raise ValueError("Board side must be a power of two!")
+ random.seed()
+ initial_state = ''.join(map(str, (random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(board_side ** 2))))
+ key_position = random.randint(0, board_side ** 2 - 1)
+ coin_to_flip = get_coin_to_flip(initial_state, key_position)
+ return initial_state, key_position, coin_to_flip
+def main() -> None:
+ board_side = 0
+ while board_side < 2:
+ try:
+ board_side = input("Choose a side length for the chessboard (press enter for default value 8)\t\t")
+ if not board_side:
+ board_side = 8
+ board_side = int(board_side)
+ if not is_power_of_two(board_side):
+ raise ValueError
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ board_side = 0
+ print(f"Invalid input `{board_side}`. Please enter a power of two.")
+ continue
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("\nExiting...")
+ return
+ print(f"Generating a random {board_side} x {board_side} chessboard...")
+ initial_state, key_position, coin_to_flip = get_parameters(board_side=board_side)
+ print("Show Player 1 the file `Key.pdf`.")
+ store_pdf(file_name='Key.pdf', state=initial_state,
+ key_position=key_position)
+ final_state = solve(initial_state, coin_to_flip)
+ print("Once Player 1 has flipped a coin, the chessboard should look like "
+ "the one in `Problem.pdf`. Show it to Player 2.")
+ store_pdf(file_name='Problem.pdf', state=final_state)
+ print("You can use `Solution.pdf` to validate the answer of Player 2.")
+ store_pdf(file_name='Solution.pdf', state=final_state,
+ key_position=key_position, coin_to_flip=coin_to_flip)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()