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Replace roles modules with davtelepot.authorization

Davte 5 лет назад
3 измененных файлов с 18 добавлено и 469 удалено
  1. 6 8
  2. 12 11
  3. 0 450

+ 6 - 8

@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ import os
 import sys
 # Third party modules
-from davtelepot.bot import Bot
+import davtelepot
+from davtelepot import authorization
 # Project modules
 from . import bot_tools
 from . import ciclopi
 from . import helper
-from . import roles
 from .data.passwords import bot_token
 if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -58,15 +58,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Instantiate bot
-    bot = Bot(token=bot_token, database_url='ciclopibot/data/ciclopi.db')
+    bot = davtelepot.bot.Bot(token=bot_token,
+                             database_url='ciclopibot/data/ciclopi.db')
     # Assign commands to bot
         "Comando sconosciuto!\n"
         "Scrivi /help per visualizzare la guida."
-    bot.set_authorization_function(
-        roles.get_authorization_function(bot)
-    )
         "Non disponi di autorizzazioni sufficienti per questo comando."
@@ -89,10 +87,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                      "Autore e amministratore del bot: @davte",
-    roles.init(bot)
+    authorization.init(bot, language='it')
     # Run bot(s)
     logging.info("Presso ctrl+C to exit.")
-    exit_state = Bot.run(
+    exit_state = davtelepot.bot.Bot.run(

+ 12 - 11

@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ from davtelepot.utilities import (
     make_lines_of_buttons, make_button, MyOD
-# Project modules
-from . import roles
     "Chiedi di essere autorizzato: se la tua richiesta verrà accolta, "
     "ripeti il comando /help per leggere il messaggio di aiuto."
@@ -20,7 +17,9 @@ def get_command_description(bot, update, user_record):
     Show only commands available for `update` sender.
-    user_role = roles.get_role(bot=bot, update=update, user_record=user_record)
+    user_role = bot.Role.get_user_role(
+        user_record=user_record
+    )
     return "\n".join(
             "/{}: {}".format(
@@ -32,9 +31,9 @@ def get_command_description(bot, update, user_record):
                 key=lambda x:x[0]
             if details['description']
-            and user_role <= roles.get_privilege_code(
-                details['authorization_level']
-            )
+            and user_role.code <= bot.Role.get_user_role(
+                user_role_id=details['authorization_level']
+            ).code
@@ -61,7 +60,9 @@ def get_help_buttons(bot, update, user_record):
     Show only buttons available for `update` sender.
-    user_role = roles.get_role(bot=bot, update=update, user_record=user_record)
+    user_role = bot.Role.get_user_role(
+        user_record=user_record
+    )
     buttons_list = [
@@ -69,9 +70,9 @@ def get_help_buttons(bot, update, user_record):
         for section in bot.help_sections.values()
         if 'auth' in section
-        and user_role <= roles.get_privilege_code(
-            section['auth']
-        )
+        and user_role.code <= bot.Role.get_user_role(
+            user_role_id=section['auth']
+        ).code
     return dict(

+ 0 - 450

@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-"""Handle authorization-related functions."""
-# Standard library modules
-import datetime
-import json
-# Third party modules
-from davtelepot.utilities import (
-    Confirmator, extract, get_cleaned_text, make_button, make_inline_keyboard,
-    MyOD
-ROLES[0] = {'abbr': 'banned',
-            'symbol': '🚫',
-            'plural': 'bannati',
-            'singular': 'bannato',
-            'can_appoint': [],
-            'can_be_appointed': [1, 2, 3]
-            }
-ROLES[1] = {'abbr': 'founder',
-            'symbol': '👑',
-            'plural': 'fondatori',
-            'singular': 'fondatore',
-            'can_appoint': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 100],
-            'can_be_appointed': []
-            }
-ROLES[2] = {'abbr': 'admin',
-            'symbol': '⚜️',
-            'plural': 'amministratori',
-            'singular': 'amministratore',
-            'can_appoint': [0, 3, 4, 5, 7, 100],
-            'can_be_appointed': [1]
-            }
-ROLES[3] = {'abbr': 'moderator',
-            'symbol': '🔰',
-            'plural': 'moderatori',
-            'singular': 'moderatore',
-            'can_appoint': [0, 5, 7],
-            'can_be_appointed': [1, 2]
-            }
-ROLES[5] = {'abbr': 'user',
-            'symbol': '🎫',
-            'plural': 'utenti registrati',
-            'singular': 'utente registrato',
-            'can_appoint': [],
-            'can_be_appointed': [1, 2, 3]
-            }
-ROLES[100] = {'abbr': 'everybody',
-              'symbol': '👤',
-              'plural': 'chiunque',
-              'singular': 'chiunque',
-              'can_appoint': [],
-              'can_be_appointed': [1, 2, 3]
-              }
-def _get_user_role_panel(user_record):
-    text = """👤 <a href="tg://user?id={u[telegram_id]}">{u[username]}</a>
-🔑 <i>{r}</i> {s}
-    """.format(
-        u=user_record,
-        r=ROLES[user_record['privileges']]['singular'].capitalize(),
-        s=ROLES[user_record['privileges']]['symbol'],
-    )
-    buttons = [
-        make_button(
-            '{s} {r}'.format(
-                s=role['symbol'],
-                r=role['singular'].capitalize()
-            ),
-            'auth:///set|{a[id]}_{c}'.format(
-                c=code,
-                a=user_record
-            )
-        )
-        for code, role in ROLES.items()
-    ]
-    return text, buttons
-async def _authorization_command(bot, update, user_record):
-    text = get_cleaned_text(bot=bot, update=update, replace=['auth'])
-    reply_markup = None
-    result = '<code>Caso non previsto :/</code>'
-    if not text:
-        if 'reply_to_message' not in update:
-            result = "Usa questo comando in risposta a un utente registrato "\
-                     "(oppure scrivi <code>/auth username</code>) per "\
-                     "cambiarne il grado di autorizzazione."
-        else:
-            with bot.db as db:
-                user_record = db['users'].find_one(
-                    telegram_id=update['reply_to_message']['from']['id']
-                )
-            if not user_record:
-                result = "Chi ha inviato questo messaggio non è un utente "\
-                         "registrato.\nDeve essere lui ad avviare il bot e "\
-                         "inviare il comando /askauth\nPotrai allora "\
-                         "modificare i suoi permessi rispondendo a un suo "\
-                         "messaggio (come hai fatto ora)."
-            else:
-                result, buttons = _get_user_role_panel(user_record)
-                reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(buttons, 1)
-    else:
-        with bot.db as db:
-            user_record = list(
-                db.query(
-                    """SELECT *
-                    FROM users
-                    WHERE username LIKE '{}%'
-                    """.format(
-                        text
-                    )
-                )
-            )
-        if not user_record:
-            result = "Utente sconosciuto"
-        else:
-            user_record = user_record[0]
-            result, buttons = _get_user_role_panel(user_record)
-            reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(buttons, 1)
-    return dict(
-        text=result,
-        reply_markup=reply_markup,
-        parse_mode='HTML'
-    )
-async def _ask_for_authorization_command(bot, update, user_record):
-    chat_id = update['chat']['id']
-    username = (
-        update['from']['username']
-        if 'username' in update['from']
-        else None
-    )
-    if chat_id < 0:
-        return dict(
-            chat_id=chat_id,
-            text="Passa a una chat privata con @{} per questa funzione. "
-                 "Dovrai prima fare /start, se non hai ancora mai "
-                 "usato il bot.".format(
-                    bot.name
-                 )
-        )
-    user_id = update['from']['id']
-    with bot.db as db:
-        check = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=user_id)
-        admins = db['users'].find(privileges=[1, 2])
-    if check:
-        if not check['privileges']:
-            return "Sei stato bannato!"
-        return "Sei già registrato"
-    for admin in admins:
-        await bot.send_message(
-            chat_id=admin['telegram_id'],
-            text="""Vuoi autorizzare il seguente """
-                 """<a href="tg://user?id={user}">utente</a>?\n"""
-                 """<code>{data}</code>""".format(
-                data=json.dumps(
-                    update['from'],
-                    indent=2
-                ),
-                user=user_id
-            ),
-            parse_mode="HTML",
-            reply_markup=dict(
-                inline_keyboard=[
-                    [
-                        make_button(
-                            "Autorizza",
-                            "auth:///auth|{i}_{n}".format(
-                                i=user_id,
-                                n=username
-                            )
-                        ),
-                        make_button(
-                            "Banna",
-                            "auth:///ban|{i}_{n}".format(
-                                i=user_id,
-                                n=username
-                            )
-                        )
-                    ]
-                ]
-            )
-        )
-    return "Richiesta di autorizzazione inoltrata."
-async def _ban_command(bot, update, user_record):
-    chat_id = update['chat']['id']
-    if 'reply_to_message' not in update:
-        return dict(
-            text="Questo comando va usato in risposta",
-            chat_id=chat_id
-        )
-    user_id = update['reply_to_message']['from']['id']
-    with bot.db as db:
-        record = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=user_id)
-        if record and record['privileges'] == 0:
-            return dict(text="Questo utente è già bannato", chat_id=chat_id)
-        db['users'].upsert(
-            dict(
-                telegram_id=user_id,
-                privileges=0
-            ),
-            ['telegram_id']
-        )
-    return dict(text="Utente bannato.", chat_id=chat_id)
-async def _authorization_button(bot, update, user_record):
-    data = update['data']
-    command = extract(data, ':///', '|')
-    arguments = extract(data, "|").split('_')
-    user_id = update['from']['id']
-    other_user_id = int(arguments[0])
-    result, text, reply_markup = '', '', None
-    if command in ['auth', 'ban']:
-        username = arguments[1]
-    if command in ['auth']:
-        with bot.db as db:
-            record = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=user_id)
-            if record:
-                return "Queste utente è già autorizzato."
-            db['users'].upsert(
-                dict(
-                    telegram_id=user_id,
-                    privileges=5,
-                    username=username
-                ),
-                ['telegram_id']
-            )
-        await bot.send_message(
-            chat_id=user_id,
-            text="Sei stato autorizzato a usare il bot :D Per info: /help"
-        )
-        result = "Utente autorizzato."
-    elif command in ['ban']:
-        with bot.db as db:
-            record = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=user_id)
-            if record and record['privileges'] == 0:
-                return "Questo utente è già bannato"
-            db['users'].upsert(
-                dict(
-                    telegram_id=user_id,
-                    privileges=0,
-                    username=username
-                ),
-                ['telegram_id']
-            )
-        result = "Utente bannato."
-    elif command in ['set']:
-        other_user_id, other_user_privileges = (int(x) for x in arguments)
-        if not Confirmator.get(
-            key='{}_set_{}'.format(
-                user_id,
-                other_user_id
-            ),
-            confirm_timedelta=5
-        ).confirm:
-            return "Sicuro sicuro?"
-        with bot.db as db:
-            user_record = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=user_id)
-            other_user_record = db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
-        if other_user_record is None:
-            other_user_record = dict(privileges=100)
-        if (
-            other_user_privileges not in (
-                ROLES[user_record['privileges']]['can_appoint']
-            )
-            or user_record['privileges'] not in (
-                ROLES[other_user_record['privileges']]['can_be_appointed']
-            )
-        ):
-            result = "Permesso negato"
-            text = "Non hai l'autorità di conferire questo grado di "\
-                   "autorizzazione a questo utente!"
-            buttons = [
-                make_button(
-                    'Torna all\'utente',
-                    'auth:///show|{}'.format(
-                        other_user_id
-                    )
-                )
-            ]
-            reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(buttons, 1)
-        else:
-            with bot.db as db:
-                db['users'].update(
-                    dict(
-                        id=other_user_id,
-                        privileges=other_user_privileges
-                    ),
-                    ['id']
-                )
-                other_user_record = db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
-            result = "Permesso conferito"
-            text, buttons = _get_user_role_panel(other_user_record)
-            reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(buttons, 1)
-    elif command in ['show']:
-        with bot.db as db:
-            other_user_record = db['users'].find_one(id=other_user_id)
-        text, buttons = _get_user_role_panel(other_user_record)
-        reply_markup = make_inline_keyboard(buttons, 1)
-    if text:
-        return dict(
-            text=result,
-            edit=dict(
-                text=text,
-                reply_markup=reply_markup,
-                parse_mode='HTML'
-            )
-        )
-    return result
-def init(bot):
-    """Assign parsers, commands, buttons and queries to given `bot`."""
-    @bot.command(command='/auth', aliases=[], show_in_keyboard=False,
-                 description="Cambia il grado di autorizzazione di un utente "
-                             "(in risposta o scrivendone l'utenza)",
-                 authorization_level='moderator')
-    async def authorization_command(bot, update, user_record):
-        return await _authorization_command(bot, update, user_record)
-    @bot.button('auth:///', authorization_level='admin')
-    async def authorization_button(bot, update, user_record):
-        return await _authorization_button(bot, update, user_record)
-    @bot.command('/ban', description="Banna l'utente (da usare in risposta)",
-                 authorization_level='admin')
-    async def ban_command(bot, update, user_record):
-        return await _ban_command(bot, update, user_record)
-def get_privilege_code(privileges):
-    """Get privilege code."""
-    if not privileges:
-        privileges = 'everybody'
-    if privileges in [x['abbr'] for x in ROLES.values()]:
-        privileges = ROLES.get_by_key_val('abbr', privileges)
-    assert type(privileges) is int, ("privileges must be either a ROLES "
-                                     "role abbreviation or a ROLES code")
-    return privileges
-def get_role(bot, update, user_record=None):
-    """Get role of `update` sender.
-    Update user record as well.
-    """
-    if type(update) is int:
-        user_id = update
-        # Mark this update as fake by adding a `notes` field
-        update = {'from': {'id': user_id, 'notes': 'Unavailable data'}}
-    else:
-        user_id = update['from']['id']
-    assert type(user_id) is int, "user_id must be a telegram user id, "\
-                                 "or an update object sent from it"
-    role = 100
-    with bot.db as db:
-        if user_record is None:
-            user_record = db['users'].find_one(
-                telegram_id=user_id
-            )
-        if user_record is None:
-            new_user = dict(telegram_id=user_id, privileges=100)
-            for key in [
-                'first_name',
-                'last_name',
-                'username',
-                'language_code'
-            ]:
-                new_user[key] = (
-                    update['from'][key]
-                    if key in update['from']
-                    else None
-                )
-            db['users'].insert(new_user)
-            user_record = db['users'].find_one(telegram_id=user_id)
-        else:
-            new_user = dict()
-            for key in [
-                'first_name',
-                'last_name',
-                'username',
-                'language_code'
-            ]:
-                new_user[key] = (
-                    update['from'][key]
-                    if key in update['from']
-                    else None
-                )
-                if (
-                    (
-                        key not in user_record
-                        or new_user[key] != user_record[key]
-                    )
-                    and 'notes' not in update['from']  # Exclude fake updates
-                ):
-                    db['users_history'].insert(
-                        dict(
-                            until=datetime.datetime.now(),
-                            user_id=user_record['id'],
-                            field=key,
-                            value=(
-                                user_record[key]
-                                if key in user_record
-                                else None
-                            )
-                        )
-                    )
-                    db['users'].update(
-                        {
-                            'id': user_record['id'],
-                            key: new_user[key]
-                        },
-                        ['id'],
-                        ensure=True
-                    )
-    if (
-        user_record is not None
-        and 'privileges' in user_record
-        and user_record['privileges'] is not None
-    ):
-        role = user_record['privileges']
-    return role
-def get_authorization_function(bot):
-    """Take a bot and return its authorization function."""
-    def is_authorized(update, user_record=None, authorization_level=2):
-        authorization_level = get_privilege_code(authorization_level)
-        # Channel posts will be considered as made by "anyone"
-        if (
-            isinstance(update, dict)
-            and 'from' not in update
-        ):
-            role = 100
-        else:
-            role = get_role(bot, update)
-        if any([
-            not role,
-            role > authorization_level
-        ]):
-            return False
-        return True
-    return is_authorized