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Davte 5 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه5 افزوده شده و 5 حذف شده
  1. 5 5

+ 5 - 5

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # CicloPiBot
-[@CicloPiBot](t.me/ciclopibot) is a Telegram bot based on [davtelepot](https://gogs.davte.it/davte/davtelepot) which provides information about CicloPi, the public bike-sharing service in Pisa.
+[@CicloPiBot](https://t.me/ciclopibot) is a Telegram bot based on [davtelepot](https://gogs.davte.it/davte/davtelepot) which provides information about CicloPi, the public bike-sharing service in Pisa.
 ## Usage
 ### Client side
-Send [`/start`](t.me/ciclopibot?start=00help) [@CicloPiBot](t.me/ciclopibot), all you need is a [Telegram account](https://telegram.org/).
+Send [`/start`](https://t.me/ciclopibot?start=00help) [@CicloPiBot](https://t.me/ciclopibot), all you need is a [Telegram account](https://telegram.org/).
 * `/start` the bot
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ git clone ssh://git@gogs.davte.it:8445/Davte/ciclopibot.git
 * Run `install.sh`: it will help you perform the following operations.
   * Put a Telegram bot token in gitignored `data/passwords.py` module.
-    * To get a token, ask [@BotFather](t.me/botfather).
-    * The bot whose token you use will act as [@CicloPiBot](t.me/ciclopibot) as long as you run the script.
+    * To get a token, ask [@BotFather](https://t.me/botfather).
+    * The bot whose token you use will act as [@CicloPiBot](https://t.me/ciclopibot) as long as you run the script.
   * Create a python3.5+ virtual environment and install requirements.
   * Specify `python_virtual_environment` and `python_script` variables in `my_config.sh`
 * Run `run_me.sh`
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ bash run_me.sh;
 ## Credits
 * [Davte](https://www.davte.it) is the creator and the main author of this repository.
 * All data are obtained from [CicloPi website](http://www.ciclopi.eu) and are meant to help users save time when using their service. Misuse is discouraged.
-* [Minala](t.me/minalabot) inspired the idea and gave a first version of this service many years ago with a different implementation.
+* [Minala](https://t.me/minalabot) inspired the idea and gave a first version of this service many years ago with a different implementation.