# bic_bot Breaking Italy Club bot ## User manual Basic users just need to follow these simple instructions. * Start the bot and write `/email your_email@example.com` * Click the verification link in the mail (also check the SPAM folder!) * Wait for the invitation link. It will be available as soon as your patron status is verified by the staff ## Installation This needs to be done only one time server-side. * Get a Telegram bot API token ([@botfather](https://t.me/botfather)), allow groups and set the bot [group privacy](https://core.telegram.org/bots#privacy-mode) to off. * Install bic_bot ```bash git clone https://gogs.davte.it/Davte/bic_bot.git cd bic_bot bash ./run_me.sh ``` * Add the bot to the BIC chat as administrator * Write `/set_chat` in that chat * Send the bot a csv file named "patrons.csv" with patrons' emails ``` person@example.com, someone@gmail.com, [...] ``` The csv file must be sent periodically. * [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED] Using Patreon's API, the patrons list will be automatically downloaded from the server ## Functioning * Whenever a person joins the chat, the bot will check whether their Telegram account is linked to an email listed in the patrons list. If not, the user will be kicked out. * Whenever an email is removed from the white list, the linked Telegram account will be kicked out. * Any user can automatically link their email to their Telegram account. If their email is white-listed, they can join the chat. ## Credits This [davtelepot-based](https://gogs.davte.it/davte/davtelepot) bot has been developed by [@Davte](https://www.davte.it). No official endorsement has been given by [Breaking Italy](http://breakingitaly.club) staff.